1、一个有信仰的人生,不管成不成功,至少不会迷茫。 A life of faith, whether it is successful or not, will not be confused at least.

2、不甘心的时候,就是在进步。痛苦的时候,就是在成长。 If you don't like it, you are making progress. When it's painful, it's growing.

3、不要在乎别人说你什么,其实你作好自己就行。 Don't care what other people say about you, in fact, you can do yourself.

4、不要太在意某些人说的话,因为他们有嘴,但不一定有脑。 Don't care too much about what some people say, because they have mouths, but not necessarily brains.

5、不要嫌你的鞋脏,那是因为你走的路不干净。 Don't think your shoes are dirty, it's because the road you walk is not clean.

6、不要拿着别人的地图,找自己的路。 Don't take other people's maps and find your own way.

7、与其为已经结束而哭泣,不如为曾经拥有而微笑。 It's better to smile than to cry because it's over.

8、人在悲伤的时候,不管听多少欢乐的曲子,都会止不住流泪。 When people are sad, no matter how many happy songs they listen to, they can't stop crying.

9、人生最棒的感觉,就是你做到别人说你做不到的事。 The best feeling in life is that you do what others say you can't do.

10、人生最终的价值在于觉醒和思考的能力,而不只在于生存。 The ultimate value of life lies in the ability to wake up and think, not just in survival.

11、今生都等不来,何必寄往来生。 I can't wait for this life. Why send it to the next life.

12、伟人之所以伟大,是因为他们立意要成为伟人。 Great people are great because they intend to be great people.

13、你心里的委屈,不管是谁给的,都由我来负责。 I will be responsible for the grievance in your heart, no matter who gave it.

14、你要按你所想的去生活,否则,你迟早会按你所生活的去想。 You have to live as you want, otherwise, sooner or later, you will live as you want.

15、凡是令人愉悦的失误,我们没理由轻视它。 There is no reason to despise any pleasant mistake.

16、别在不重要的人那里,丢掉了你的快乐。 Don't be with unimportant people and lose your happiness.

17、努力的最大意义,是让自己随时有能力跳出自己厌恶的圈子。 The greatest significance of hard work is to let yourself be able to jump out of the circle of disgust at any time.

18、去做你想做的事,去爱你想爱的人,去成为你想成为的自己。 To do what you want to do, to love the people you want to love, to be who you want to be.

19、双花哪里够,要百花才好。 Where two flowers are enough, a hundred flowers are good.

20、只有抵住最黑的暗,才能收获最光的亮。 Only against the darkest darkness can we gain the brightest light.

21、向上的路,并不拥挤。拥挤是因为,大部分人选择了安逸。 The road up is not crowded. Crowding is because most people choose to be comfortable.

22、听过很多大道理,可依然过不好这一生。 I've heard a lot of great truth, but I still can't live a good life.

23、在一起共过很多患难的人,其友谊才称得上牢不可破。 The friendship of those who have been in trouble together is unbreakable.

24、如果不喜欢,那就去改变;如果改变不了,那就去适应。 If you don't like it, change it; if you can't, adapt.

25、如果你培养出了学习的热情,你就永远不会停止成长。 If you develop a passion for learning, you will never stop growing.

26、如果你早认清你在e人心中]那么重要,你会快乐很多。 If you know you are not so important in other people's mind, you will be much happier.

27、如果你足够勇敢说再会,日子便会奖励你一个新的开端。 If you are brave enough to say goodbye, the day will reward you with a new beginning.

28、如果自己不够强大,再好的机会在你面前你也无能为力。 If you're not strong enough, you can't do anything about a good opportunity in front of you.

29、对一切来说,只有热爱才是最好的老师,它远远胜过责任感。 For all, love is the best teacher. It is far better than responsibility.

30、当生活不再会有什么惊喜和感动,会发现孤单其实就是*。 When there is no longer any surprise and moving in life, we will find that loneliness is actually freedom.

31、很多时候,我们赢得了口舌,却失去了感情。 A lot of times, we win words, but lose feelings.

32、愿你也能遇见一个,能照亮你生活的人。 May you also meet someone who can light up your life.

33、我不相信正不相信邪,但我相信你。 I don't believe in right or wrong, but I believe in you.

34、我也想边走边爱,可你一人便挡住了人山人海。 I also want to love while walking, but you stand in the way of people.

35、我懂这世间人心凉薄,却偏偏固执地想要寻求温暖。 I know that people in this world are cold and thin, but they are stubborn to seek warmth.

36、我最信任的人,教会我不要相信任何人。 The one I trust the most teaches me not to trust anyone.

37、抬头看清属于自己的那一片天空,炫耀别人没有的快乐。 Look up and see the sky that belongs to you. Show off the happiness that others don't have.

38、放弃是一种智慧,缺陷是一种恩惠。 Giving up is a kind of wisdom, defect is a kind of favor.

39、有些话,说浅了不感人,说深了没人信。 Some words, said shallow not touching, said deep no one believed.

40、有些路,不走下去,你就不会知道那边的风景有多美。 Some roads, do not go down, you will not know how beautiful the scenery there.

41、有生之年能遇见你,竟花光我所有运气。 It took all my luck to meet you in my lifetime.

42、沉默是最好的诉说,遗忘是最好的解脱。 Silence is the best telling, forgetting is the best liberation.

43、没有人能够永远年轻,但永远有人正年轻着。 No one can be young forever, but there are always people who are young.

44、没有受过伤的人,才会讥笑别人身上的伤痕。 Only those who have not been hurt laugh at the scars on others.

45、没有回忆的人生,未免苍白了一点。 The life without recollection is a little pale.

46、生活就是过去式,前面会有更好的。 Life is the past. There will be better things ahead.

47、用加法爱人,用减法怨恨,用乘法感恩,用除法解忧。 Use addition to love, subtraction to hate, multiplication to be grateful, and division to solve problems.

48、看不到自己优点的人,必也看不到他人的优点。 Those who do not see their own advantages will not see the advantages of others.

49、知世故而不世故,善自嘲而不嘲人。 Knowing the world, but not being sophisticated, is good at self mocking but not mocking people.

50、自律和付出,才是一个人有成就的关键。 Self discipline and dedication are the key to success.

51、若有一天你发现我变了很多,只是最真的我已被你错过。 If one day you find that I have changed a lot, just the most real I have been missed by you.

52、要努力,但是不要着急,凡事都应该有过程。 Try hard, but don't worry. Everything should be in progress.

53、要想把工作干的更好,就要对你的工作负责到底。 If you want to do a better job, you must be responsible for your work to the end.

54、要成长,要一个人走过人山人海。 To grow, we need to walk through a sea of people.

55、请再努力一下!为了你想见的人,想做的事,想成为的自己。 Please try again! For the people you want to see, for the things you want to do, for yourself.

56、诺不轻信,则人不负我;诺不轻许,则我不负人。 If you don't trust me, I will not be defeated; if you don't trust me, I will not be defeated.

57、贪婪是最真实的贫穷,满足是最真实的财富。 Greed is the most real poverty, and contentment is the most real wealth.

58、长路本就坎坷,何必惺惺作态,拿刀的是你,喊疼的也是你。 The long road is rough. Why do you pretend? It's you who take the knife, and it's you who cry for pain.

59、难过就是,虽然很难但总会过去。 Sad is, although it is difficult, it will pass.

60、难过的时候,吃一粒糖,告诉自己生活是甜的。 When you are sad, take a piece of sugar and tell yourself that life is sweet.