1、“人无完人”的意思是没有一个人是完整的吗? Does "no one is perfect" mean that no one is complete?

2、一早醒来我以为我长大了,原来是被子盖横了。 When I woke up early in the morning, I thought I was growing up. It was a quilt.

3、下辈子如果我还记得你,我死都不和你在一起。 Next life, if I still remember you, I will not die with you.

4、不好意思,俺缺点很多;看不习惯,请你滚蛋。 I'm sorry, I have many shortcomings. If I'm not used to it, please go away.

5、两只公海龟打架,最狠的招术是把对方翻个身。 Two male turtles fight, the most ruthless move is to turn each other over.

6、两颗心曾经靠的那么近,如今却要就这样放弃。 The two hearts used to be so close, but now they have to give up.

7、人生一大悲,睡得正香呢?被一泡尿给憋醒了。 A sad life, sleep soundly? I was woken up by a bubble of urine.

8、他若爱你,不必讨好。他若不爱,更加不必。 If he loves you, he doesn't have to please. If he doesn't love, he doesn't have to.

9、他黑、他丑、他穷、他矮、他潘浚他是我兄弟。 He is black, he is ugly, he is poor, he is short, he is a loser, he is my brother.

10、付出了不一定有回报,但不付出永远没有回报。 Pay does not necessarily have a return, but do not pay will never return.

11、优雅是来自对生命的领悟,是人生的沉淀和积累。 Elegance comes from the understanding of life, is the precipitation and accumulation of life.

12、你再好也不会十全十美,我再不好也是独一无二。 You can't be perfect no matter how good you are. I'm unique if I'm not.

13、你有什么不开心的事?说出来让大家开心一下。 What's the matter with you? Let's have a good time.

14、你若能对我一丝不苟,我边会对你一丝不挂。 If you can be meticulous to me, I will be meticulous to you.

15、你觉得钱带不来快乐,那只是因为你不够有钱。 You don't think money can bring happiness, it's just because you don't have enough money.

16、你长那么一张大脸是打算遮天蔽日,还是怎么的? Do you want to block out the sun with such a big face, or what?

17、假如我不放手,多年以后,你是怨我还是感动。 If I don't let go, after many years, are you complaining or moved.

18、刚开始不给的是女人,后来急着要的还是女人! At first, it was a woman who didn't give it, but later she wanted it urgently!

19、友情最可贵,没有了爱情照样可以活的潇洒。 Friendship is the most precious, without love, you can live a natural and unrestrained life.

20、只怪我经不起你的诱惑,才这样死皮赖脸的粘你。 Only blame me can't stand your temptation, just so shameless stick you.

21、只要你自己不弯腰,别人就休想骑到你的背上。 As long as you don't bend down, no one else will ride on your back.

22、吃什么鱿鱼丝、墨鱼丝的,给我上点美人鱼丝。 What kind of shredded squid and cuttlefish? Give me some shredded Mermaid.

23、周公把我带到了天堂,等他走了我又落回了地狱。 Duke Zhou took me to heaven. When he left, I fell back to hell.

24、在哈哈哈眼里,所有的病起源都是因为不吃青菜。 In my mother's eyes, all the diseases originated from not eating vegetables.

25、女人因为愚蠢而善良,男人因为善良而愚蠢。 Women are kind because they are stupid, and men are stupid because they are kind.

26、如果你觉得你长得很美,这应该是你想多了。 If you think you are beautiful, you think too much.

27、如果你觉得我难相处,大概是因为我讨厌你吧。 If you find me difficult to get along with, it's probably because I hate you.

28、宁愿有神一样的敌人,也不愿有狗一样的朋友。 I would rather have enemies like gods than friends like dogs.

29、寻找残留的幸福,我的世界写满了对你的思恋。 Looking for residual happiness, my world is full of nostalgia for you.

30、年轻算什么?谁没年轻过?你老过吗?真是的。 What is youth? Who hasn't been young? Are you old? Damn it.

31、并不是每一次的握手言和,都能够抚平伤害。 Not every handshake and words can heal the injury.

32、当金钱站出来说话的时候、所有的真理都沉默了。 When money comes out to speak, all truth is silent.

33、得不到的永远在骚动,被偏爱的总有恃无恐。 What can't be obtained is always in turmoil, and those who are preferred are always fearless.

34、心上的纠葛,解的开,是结,解不开,是劫。 The entanglement in the heart, the solution of the open, is knot, can not solve, is robbery.

35、忙是为了自己的理想,还是为了不让别人失望。 Busy is for their own ideal, or to not let others down.

36、总有一个人,一直住在心底,却消失在生活里。 There is always a person, has been living in the bottom of my heart, but disappeared in life.

37、懂我的人,不必解释。不懂我的人,何必解释。 People who understand me don't have to explain. People who don't understand me need to explain.

38、我不倾城、不倾国。我只会倾其所有、爱我所爱。 I will not pour the city and the country. I will only give all I have and love what I love.

39、我们无法浪费时间,我们浪费的只是我们自己。 We can't waste time. We're wasting ourselves.

40、我凭什么对你滥情成灾,你凭什么让我无辜伤心。 Why do I have a bad time with you? Why do you make me sad.

41、我勇气有限,有些话说过了一次,很难再重复。 My courage is limited, some words have been said once, it is difficult to repeat.

42、我爱上了床,可是闹钟吃醋,总是把我两分开。 I fell in love with the bed, but the alarm clock was jealous and always separated me.

43、我的单人房还留着双人床,等到你回到我的身旁。 I have a double bed in my single room until you come back to me.

44、我的眼里揉不得沙子,我的爱情出现不得狐狸精。 I can't rub sand in my eyes, my love can't appear fox spirit.

45、我良心是有的,只不过一般放在保险箱里罢了。 I have a conscience, but I usually put it in the safe.

46、我要有你的怀抱的形状,我往往溶于水的线条。 I want to have the shape of your arms, I often dissolve in the lines of water.

47、收到了快递不会再急着拆开,我想我学会了矜持。 Received the express will not be in a hurry to open, I think I learned to be reserved.

48、既然大势已去,买不起房,那就先填饱肚子吧。 Since the trend is gone and you can't afford to buy a house, you should fill your stomach first.

49、时间总是错落处旋转,为何不能再多一点点契合。 Time is always rotating at the wrong place. Why can't we fit in a little bit more.

50、有的路,你必须一个人走,这不是孤独而是选择。 Some roads, you must walk alone, this is not lonely, but choice.

51、有钱的人买苹果四代,没钱的人买四袋苹果。 Rich people buy four generations of apples, and those without money buy four bags of apples.

52、火可以试金,金可以试女人,女人可以试男人。 Fire can test gold, gold can test women, women can test men.

53、生活久是像超级女声,走到最后的都是纯爷们。 Life is like a super girl for a long time, and all the men come to the end.

54、生活本就无情,怎么可以抱有一丝的幻想与希望。 Life is heartless, how can you have a trace of fantasy and hope.

55、给我站住,不要跑路,现在这年头连狗都靠不住。 Stop! Don't run. You can't even rely on a dog these days.

56、背后捅咕不算本事,当面扇嘴巴子才叫能耐。 It's not a skill to poke at the back, but to slap your mouth in front of you is your ability.

57、脑子是个好东西,但如果你胸大,没有也行。 A brain is a good thing, but if you have a big chest, you don't have to.

58、读万卷书,行万里路,挣万贯钱,做万人迷。 Read thousands of books, travel thousands of miles, earn tens of thousands of money, do million people fans.

59、这个靠颜值都能挣钱的世界,还有什么不可以。 In this world where you can make money by your looks, what else can't be done.

60、那个人敢说自己纯净?瞧你那眼神就透着浑浊。 Who dares to say he is pure? Look, your eyes are clouded.