1、一笑万古春,一啼万古愁。 A smile of eternal spring, a cry of eternal sorrow.

2、丈夫非无泪,不洒离别间。 Husband is not without tears, do not sprinkle parting.

3、上林宫馆好,春光独早知。 Shanglin palace is a good place. It's only known early in spring.

4、不怕打不着,只怕打不胜。 I'm not afraid I can't fight, I'm afraid I can't.

5、与君初相识,犹如故人归。 The first acquaintance with you is like the return of an old man.

6、且看今朝,谁主沉浮。 Now, who is in charge of the ups and downs.

7、事以急败,思因缓得。 When things fail in a hurry, the thought slows down.

8、事前加慎,事后不悔。 Be careful in advance and don't regret afterwards.

9、人生天地间,忽如远行客。 Between heaven and earth, life is like a traveler.

10、以剑之名,挡你一生哀愁。 In the name of the sword, stop your sorrow all your life.

11、余生摇摇,天命昭昭。 For the rest of his life, his destiny is clear.

12、入目无别人,四下皆是你。 No one else in sight, you are everywhere.

13、内断于心,自为主持。 Break in the heart and be the host.

14、再无一人,陪我到老。 No one to accompany me to old age.

15、凡事太尽,缘分势必早尽。 Everything too much, fate is bound to early.

16、凡事留余地,雅量能容人。 Leave room for everything and be generous enough to accommodate people.

17、凡行公事,须深谋远虑。 Every business must be done with foresight.

18、叹如今,忆往昔,泪彷徨。 Sigh now, remember the past, tears hesitation.

19、向来缘浅,奈何情深! Has always been shallow, but how deep feelings!

20、夺一个天下,分一半给你。 Take a world and give half to you.

21、女人心不狠,如何站的稳。 A woman's heart is not cruel, how to stand steadily.

22、好雨知时节,当春乃发生。 Good rain knows the season, when spring happens.

23、富贵气太重,亦非佳象耳。 Wealth is too much, and it's not as good as ears.

24、小仁者,大仁之贼。 A little benevolent is a thief of great benevolence.

25、山河拱手,为君一笑。 The mountains and rivers bow their hands and smile for you.

26、岁月静好,只盼共华发。 Time is quiet and good. I only hope to have a splendid future.

27、带!朕!出!宫! Take it! I! Out! The Palace!

28、忧时勿纵酒,怒时勿作札。 Don't drink when you are worried, and don't write when you are angry.

29、念往昔,繁华竞逐。 Read the past, bustling competition.

30、情不敢至深,恐大梦一场。 I'm afraid of a big dream.

31、愿得一心人,白首莫相离。 Wish to have one heart and one mind, never leave each other.

32、我于你是王,却未必是郎。 I am king to you, but not necessarily Lang.

33、我要走,谁敢拦。 I'm going. Who dares to stop me.

34、戒傲戒惰,保家之道也。 Guard against arrogance and laziness, and protect your family.

35、执子之手,陪你痴狂千生。 Hold the hand of son, accompany you crazy thousand lives.

36、扶柔倾国色,风华绝世人。 She is the most beautiful person in the world.

37、既不回头,何必不忘。 If you don't look back, why don't you forget.

38、既爱其才,宜略其小节。 We should not only love their talents, but also neglect their details.

39、春饮一杯酒,便吟春日诗。 Drink a glass of wine in spring and sing poems in spring.

40、暖日傍帘晓,浓春开箧红。 The warm sun is near the curtain, and the spring is full of red.

41、有美一人,清扬婉兮。 There is a beautiful girl, whose eyes is full of tenderness.

42、朕给你的,才是你的。 What I give you is yours.

43、此生固短,无你何欢。 This life is too short for you.

44、气忌盛,心忌满,才忌露。 Qi should not be full, heart should not be full.

45、治世以大德,不以小惠。 Governing the world with great virtue, not with small benefits.

46、海上生明月,天涯共此时。 The bright moon is rising above the sea, everyone faraway enjoy the same moment.

47、深吻子眸,伴你万世轮回。 Kiss the eyes, with your eternal rebirth.

48、爱是谁来还谁的债。 Love is who pays the debt.

49、知足则乐,务贪必忧。 Contentment is joy, but greed is sorrow.

50、穷我一生,陪你一世。 Poor my life, accompany you for a lifetime.

51、立春后五日,春态纷婀娜。 Five days after the beginning of spring, spring is very graceful.

52、红尘万丈,只为渡你而来。 The world of mortals, only to ferry you.

53、绝情一笔,我葬在等待里。 I was buried in the waiting.

54、老来多健忘,唯不忘相思。 How forgetful he is, but he never forgets his love.

55、脚踏实地,不敢一毫欺人。 Down to earth, dare not deceive.

56、花从箧里发,叶向手中春。 Flowers from the trunk hair, leaves to the hands of spring.

57、花开两生面,人生佛魔间。 The flower blooms two lives, the life Buddha evil between.

58、莫言相见阔,天上日应殊。 We can't see each other in a wide way. The sky is different.

59、蝴蝶为花醉,花却随风飞。 Butterflies are drunk with flowers, but flowers fly with the wind.

60、蝶为花儿醉,花却随风飞。 Butterflies are drunk with flowers, but flowers fly with the wind.

61、见异思迁,欲求长进难矣。 It's hard to make progress.

62、谁的流年,乱了谁的浮华。 Whose fleeting years, whose pomp.

63、谁言寸草心,报得三春晖。 Who said inch grass heart, reported three Chunhui.

64、走!带朕去看看朕的*! Go! Take me to see my mountains and rivers!

65、陌上人如玉,公子世无双。 The stranger is like jade, and the childe is unique.

66、陌上花开,可缓缓归矣。 Flowers bloom on the road, but slowly return.

67、青山不老,与君白头。 Green mountains never grow old, and your white head.