1、一米阳光,不惧悲伤。 One meter of sunshine, not afraid of sadness.

2、不动摇,使劲跑,明天会更好。 Don't waver, run hard, tomorrow will be better.

3、不要犹豫,直到你真的尽力为止。 Don't hesitate until you do your best.

4、不要看轻别人,更不要高估自己。 Don't look down on others, let alone overestimate yourself.

5、不谈亏欠,只谢遇见。 Don't talk about debt, thank you for meeting me.

6、世不遇你,生无可喜。 Life without you is no joy.

7、予你痴情,赠我伤痛。 To your infatuation, to my pain.

8、人生就是,宁可孤单,也不将就。 Life is, rather alone, do not make do with.

9、做好自己的事情,是金子总会发光。 To do your own thing well is that gold always shines.

10、凡是你抗拒的,都会持续。 Whatever you resist will last.

11、刺眼却是对的方向,逆风更适合飞翔。 Dazzling is the right direction, the wind is more suitable for flying.

12、努力,才能遇上好运气。 Work hard to meet good luck.

13、南风未起,念你成疾。 The south wind hasn't risen. I miss you.

14、及时当勉励,岁月不待人。 Time and tide wait for no man.

15、反省,思考,提升,加油,给自己一个好梦! Reflect, think, improve, cheer up, give yourself a good dream!

16、只有回不了的过去,没有到不了的明天。 There is only the past that cannot be returned, there is no tomorrow that cannot be arrived.

17、只有尽全力,才能迎来美好的明天! Only by doing our best can we usher in a better tomorrow!

18、后悔没用,要么忘记,要么努力。 It's no use regretting, or forgetting, or trying.

19、听闻爱情,十有九悲。 Hearing of love, there are nine sorrows in ten.

20、听闻誓言,十诺九谎。 Hearing the oath, ten promises and nine lies.

21、坦然前行,努力奋斗。 Go ahead calmly and strive hard.

22、奋斗没有终点,任何时候都是一个起点。 There is no end to struggle. It is a starting point at any time.

23、学会为自己开个药方,洒脱些,豁达些,开朗些。 Learn to prescribe a prescription for yourself, free and easy, open-minded and cheerful.

24、山河永寂,怎堪欢颜。 The mountains and rivers are silent forever. How can you be happy.

25、微小的幸福就在身边,容易满足就是天堂。 Small happiness is around us, easy to meet is heaven.

26、心态要高,姿态要低。 High mentality, low posture.

27、心若不动,风又奈何。 If the heart does not move, what will the wind do.

28、总有一个位置,一直没有变。 There's always a place that hasn't changed.

29、想做的事情,现在就做。 Do what you want to do now.

30、愚者千虑,必有一得。 A fool who cares a thousand will have one.

31、懂得放下,才能活的轻松。 Know how to put down, can live easily.

32、手上没本事,认识再多人也没用。 I have no ability. It's useless to know many people.

33、无可奈何,似曾相识。 I have no choice but to meet you.

34、时光停滞,岁月静好。 Time stagnates, time is quiet.

35、时间如水,总是无言。 Time is like water, always speechless.

36、有些事,轻轻放下,未必不是轻松。 Some things, gently put down, may not be easy.

37、有些回忆,只适合偶尔拿出来回味。 Some memories are only suitable for aftertaste.

38、有人痛苦,就必定有人高兴。 If someone is in pain, someone must be happy.

39、有梦想的人不做选择题,只做证明题。 People with dreams don't do multiple choice questions, they just do proof questions.

40、有梦,就大胆地飞翔。 Have a dream, fly boldly.

41、有路,就大胆的去走。 If there is a way, go boldly.

42、每个人都是通过自己的努力,去决定生活的样子。 Everyone is through their own efforts to determine the appearance of life.

43、江湖险恶,不行就撤。 The Jianghu is dangerous. If you can't do it, you can withdraw.

44、生活就像一杯白开水,你每天都在喝。 Life is like a cup of boiled water. You drink it every day.

45、眉眼如初,相思如故。 Eyes and brows are like the beginning, lovesickness is like the past.

46、眼泪不是答案,拼搏才是选择。 Tears are not the answer. Fighting is the choice.

47、经历过,你成长了,自己知道就好。 Experience, you grow up, I know.

48、自己是大海,百川才来汇聚。 I am the sea, and all rivers come together.

49、衬人心欢,衬己心酸。 Lining the hearts of the people, lining their own sad.

50、要有梦想,即使遥远。 Have a dream, even if it's far away.

51、该开始的,要义无反顾地开始。 We should start without hesitation.

52、调整心态看生活,处处都是阳光。 Adjust the mentality to see life, everywhere is sunshine.

53、趁年青,趁梦想还在,想去的地方,现在就去。 When you are young, when your dream is still there, go where you want to go now.

54、跌倒了,一定要爬起来。 If you fall down, you must get up.

55、酒凉可热,心凉何暖。 Wine is cool but hot, but heart is cold.

56、除了生死,都是小事,别为难自己。 Except for life and death, it's all small things. Don't embarrass yourself.

57、韶华易逝,红颜易老。 Youth is fleeting, beauty is old.

58、颜不如故,人不如初。 If the face is not like the past, the person is not as good as the beginning.