1、“你妹”是个好姑娘,替“你妈”分担了很多。 "Your sister" is a good girl. She shares a lot for your mother.

2、一不小心、我看清了你的为人、真不好意思。 A careless, I see your conduct, really sorry.

3、不熟的时侯是小鸟依人,熟悉之后是大鹏展翅! When not familiar is the bird, familiar with the ROC wings!

4、不要再问我钱花到哪去了,我要知道还会花吗? Don't ask me where my money is going, I want to know if it will be spent again?

5、不要因为m一个人而侮辱了m祖上A那几代人。 Don't insult the generations of your ancestors because you are a person.

6、不要让我看到你我会吐的,好吧,我还是闭上眼。 Don't let me see you. I'll throw up. OK, I'll close my eyes.

7、交手机费时,才知道,原来我的话那么值钱。 When I paid for my mobile phone, I realized that my words were so valuable.

8、以外的我联系不到你,是不是进去就没出来过。 I can't contact you outside. I haven't been out since I went in.

9、作为帅哥的最高境界不是泡妞,而是让妞来泡你。 As a handsome man, the highest level is not to pick up girls, but to let girls bubble you.

10、你不必只展示三天的朋友圈,我一天也不想看。 You don't have to show a circle of friends for three days. I don't want to see it for a day.

11、你就像根苦瓜,穿得这么清凉,长得这么败火。 You're like a bitter gourd, dressed so cool and so angry.

12、你我只是彼此生命中的过客,吃干抹净走人。 You and I are just passers-by in each other's life, eat dry wipe clean walk away.

13、你有跟我装比的权利,我就有整死你的实力。 If you have the right to compare with me, I will have the strength to kill you.

14、你的世界,我进不去。我的未来,你也不必参与。 I can't get into your world. You don't have to be involved in my future.

15、你的笑可以给任何人,但你的心,只能给我。 Your smile can be given to anyone, but your heart can only be given to me.

16、保护自己,爱护他人,请不要半夜出来吓人。 Protect yourself and love others. Please don't come out in the middle of the night to scare people.

17、做题前先想想出题者的用意,我觉得他想我死。 Think about the author's intention before doing the test. I think he wants me to die.

18、别以为你被世界抛弃了,世界根本就没空搭理你。 Don't think you are abandoned by the world, the world has no time to pay attention to you.

19、因为我比较矮,所以我愿意踩在巨人的肩膀上。 Because I am short, I am willing to step on the shoulders of giants.

20、在茫茫沙漠,唯有前时进的脚步才是希望的象征。 In the vast desert, only the pace of advance is the symbol of hope.

21、外面的世界太多细菌,我怕一出去就会被传染。 There are too many bacteria in the outside world. I'm afraid I will be infected once I go out.

22、太多的人闯进我的生活,却没有一个是我要的人。 Too many people have come into my life, but none of them is the one I want.

23、女人擅长的只是化y,而男人擅长的s是伪装。 Women are good at make-up, while men are good at camouflage.

24、好久没看柯南了不知道鸣人什么时候当上海贼王。 I haven't seen Conan for a long time. I don't know when Naruto will be the king of thieves in Shanghai.

25、如果你不出去走一走,你就会以为这就是世界。 If you don't go out for a walk, you think this is the world.

26、如果你有鸭梨,把它放冰箱里,它就会变成冻梨。 If you have a pear, put it in the refrigerator and it will turn into a frozen pear.

27、委曲求全像条狗,我才不会扔掉骄傲向谁低头。 Just like a dog, I will not throw away my pride and bow to whom.

28、就你这个样貌,这个年龄,已经跌破发行价了。 As for your appearance and age, you have already fallen below the issue price.

29、希望手机能懂点事,不要再拉着我陪它熬夜了。 Hope the mobile phone can understand something, don't pull me to stay up late with it.

30、带我到强大的那一天,我必定先毁了你的天下。 Take me to a strong day, I will destroy your world first.

31、心痛第一次是撕心裂肺,第二次是顺其自然。 The first time heartache is to tear the heart and crack the lung, the second time is to let it go.

32、总有人说你变了,但却没人问你经历过什么。 There are always people who say you've changed, but no one asks what you've been through.

33、我们已经走得太远,以至于忘记了为什么而出发。 We have gone so far that we forget why we set out.

34、我可以爱你的轰轰烈烈,也可以走的干干脆脆。 I can love your magnificent, also can walk dry crisp.

35、我想做你的小太阳,要不温暖你,要不晒死你。 I want to be your little sun, either warm you, or dry you.

36、我知道你很难过,可你忘了这些我都感同身受。 I know you're sad, but I feel the same when you forget it.

37、我给了你权利爱我,但我没给你权利放弃爱我。 I gave you the right to love me, but I didn't give you the right to give up loving me.

38、打包我的心,假装去旅行,哪里才能让我清新。 Pack my heart, pretend to travel, where can I be fresh.

39、既然你们都是大白,那我们就要大白于天下了。 Since you are all great white, then we will be in the world.

40、明日路纵使艰辛也要顽强,唯霸者方能造就辉煌。 The road of tomorrow must be tenacious even though it is hard. Only the hegemonic can create brilliance.

41、有些人不属于我的世界,那便滚得越远越好。 Some people do not belong to my world, then roll away as far as possible.

42、有种就放马过来,我保证六岁以下都打不过我! If you have the seed, you can't beat me under the age of six!

43、林妹妹不是病死的,其实是从天上掉下来摔死的。 Sister Lin didn't die of illness, but she fell from the sky and died.

44、梦想还是要有的,不然哪天喝多了你跟人聊啥。 Dreams still have to have, otherwise one day you drink too much what to talk to people.

45、江湖的路,是场赌注。一旦下注,不能作主。 The road to the lake is a bet. Once you bet, you can't make decisions.

46、没有公主命要有女王心,没有谁会一直视你为宝。 No princess has to have a queen's heart, no one will always regard you as a treasure.

47、活得长并不见得活得好,活得好就是活得足够长。 To live long is not to live well; to live well is to live long enough.

48、生存不止长远的轻易,另有后任发来的请柬。 Survival is not only easy in the long run, but also an invitation from a successor.

49、真心对你好的人不会很多,一个也别弄丢了。 There won't be many people who really treat you well. Don't lose any of them.

50、突如其来的脾气,大概就是积攒了很久的委屈吧! Sudden temper, probably is accumulated for a long time of grievances!

51、结婚的日子我已经定好了,现在就差定新郎了! I have fixed the wedding day, and now I will send the bridegroom!

52、能知难而退是我的本事,用得着你在这指手画脚。 It's my ability to pull back from difficulties. I need you to tell me what to do here.

53、自己选择了做小人,就别怪官人践踏你的尊严。 If you choose to be a villain, don't blame the officials for trampling on your dignity.

54、虽说早睡早起身体好,可是晚睡晚起心情好啊! Although it is good to go to bed early and get up early, it is good to go to bed late and get up late!

55、让你知道了我是什么样的人,还真的不好意思。 I'm really sorry to let you know what kind of person I am.

56、谁我都不想等了,以后就等红灯等雨停等死。 I don't want to wait any more. I'll wait for the red light to stop raining and die.

57、赚钱,能治愈一切矫情;有钱,能治愈一切自卑。 Making money can cure all affectation; money can cure all inferiority complex.

58、跟自己说声,对不起,这些年一直没学会爱自己。 Say to yourself, I'm sorry, I haven't learned to love myself all these years.

59、路上见一车,车后贴着六个字:着急你飞过去。 On the way to see a car, the car behind the six words: anxious you fly over.

60、过去的没办法改变,但未来还在你的掌握之中。 The past can't be changed, but the future is still in your hands.