1、一片绿叶的不安,来自于风,而风却是无意路过的。 The restlessness of a green leaf comes from the wind, which is unintentionally passing by.
2、不为失败找理由,只为成功找方法。 Don't look for reasons for failure, only for success.
3、世上总有些人是谈不来的,何必计较太多。 There are always some people in the world who can't talk about it. Why bother too much.
4、人生就是在的迷茫中挣脱,又将迎来新的迷茫,要求我们继续挣脱。 Life is in the confusion to break free, and will usher in a new confusion, requiring us to continue to break free.
5、你什么都可以跟我讲,而且对我永远是站在你身边的那个人。 You can tell me anything, and you will always be the one standing by your side for me.
6、你的未来拿不出手,谁会听你凄惨的过去。 Your future can't handle, who will listen to your miserable past.
7、倘若回忆总要一个约定,那我不约天长地久,只约时光静好。 If recollection always wants an agreement, then I don't make an appointment for eternity, only about quiet time.
8、全世界只有一个你,叫我如何不珍惜。 There is only one you in the world. How can I not cherish it.
9、分手,所有的理由终究都会成为借口。 Break up, all the reasons will eventually become excuses.
10、努力吧,直到你的账户余额,看起来像身份证号码一样长。 Work hard until your account balance looks as long as the ID number.
11、努力是人生最好的信仰:奋斗过才不会有遗憾。 Hard work is the best belief in life: there will be no regrets after struggling.
12、勇气碎掉了,目标碎掉了,愿望碎掉了,全都碎掉了。 Courage is broken, goals are broken, wishes are broken, all are broken.
13、可是我真的不够勇敢,总为你忐忑,为你心软。 But I'm really not brave enough. I'm always worried about you and soft hearted for you.
14、叶正黄,秋意浓一岁叶三色春绿,夏红,秋黄余一季,暖冬共白首。 Ye zhenghuang, autumn thick, one year old leaves three colors spring green, summer red, autumn yellow, the rest of the season, warm winter white head.
15、唐僧再厉害,也不过是个耍猴的。 No matter how powerful the Tang monk is, he is just a monkey.
16、四季又春秋,少女心不死。 Four seasons and spring and autumn, the girl's heart does not die.
17、失望只有两种可能:选错了人,或是怀有不该有的期待。 There are only two kinds of disappointments: choosing the wrong person or expecting something you shouldn't expect.
18、孤单的时候请牵起我的手,就算尽头没有什么值得我去停留。 Please hold my hand when you are lonely, even if there is nothing at the end worth my stay.
19、当你选定一条路,另一条路的风景便与你无关。 When you choose a road, the scenery of the other road has nothing to do with you.
20、怕我爱的人不是我的爱人,怕爱过以后他转身爱别人。 I am afraid that the person I love is not my lover. I am afraid that he will turn to love others after he has loved.
21、总是在凌晨的时候想通很多事情,又在天亮之后忘得一干二净。 Always in the early hours of the morning to think of a lot of things, and after dawn forget everything.
22、我不怕等待,我只怕我连等待的机会都没有! I'm not afraid to wait, I'm afraid I don't even have the chance to wait!
23、我不怕等,不怕老,不怕死,我什么都不怕,我只怕我喜欢的人爱上了别人。 I'm not afraid of waiting, old or dead. I'm not afraid of anything. I'm only afraid that someone I like falls in love with someone else.
24、我不敢越来越多地去找你,因为你的冷漠让我觉得主动性太低了。 I don't dare to go to you more and more, because your indifference makes me feel the initiative is too low.
25、我们都很好,只是时间不凑巧,余生各自安好。 We are all very well, but the time is not coincident, the rest of our lives are well.
26、我放下尊严,放下了个性,放下了固执,都是缘于放不下你。 I put down the dignity, put down the personality, put down the obstinacy, all because can't put you.
27、我的满腔热情,终于成功的被你的冷漠完全消磨了。 My full of enthusiasm, finally succeeded by your indifference completely dissipated.
28、我的生命中加了点你是甜的,缺了点你是咸的。 In my life, you are sweet, but without you, you are salty.
29、我的男人已经很累了,可是我这个残疾的女人却一点办法都没有! My man has been very tired, but I this disabled woman has no way!
30、承认不勇敢,你能不能别离开。我已决定要爱你,就不会轻易放弃。 Admit that you are not brave, can you not leave. I have decided to love you, I will not give up easily.
31、昨日以旧,今日全非。青春仓促结束,过往的荒唐由自己买单。 Yesterday is old, today is not. Youth ends in a hurry, and the absurdity of the past is paid for by oneself.
32、曾经发生过的事情不会忘记,只是想不起来而已。 Once happened things will not forget, just can not remember.
33、最后我也学会了欣赏天黑,学会负重前行,以及和那些苦难平静相处。 In the end, I learned to appreciate the dark, to carry on with a load, and to live in peace with those suffering.
34、最让人骄傲的不是被很多人追,而是有一个不管怎样都不会放弃你的人。 The most proud thing is not to be chased by many people, but to have someone who will never give up on you.
35、有些人,留与不留,都是离开。 Some people, stay or not, are to leave.
36、有时候习惯了孤单,反而会忍受不了感情的牵绊。 Sometimes used to lonely, but can not bear the emotional ties.
37、有谁像我一样,不停的更换着签名,其实只是想让某一个人有所感触。 Who like me, constantly changing signatures, in fact, just want to let someone feel.
38、朋友竟然说我长得黑,我一巴掌甩过去,这还不是为了暗中保护你。 My friend even said that I am black, I slapped the past, this is not to protect you secretly.
39、未来是现在的想象,但往往不如自己想象般美。 The future is the imagination of the present, but often not as beautiful as you imagine.
40、此生能够遇上你,是上苍对我最大的赐福。我会好好珍惜这份缘。 To meet you in this life is the greatest blessing to me. I will cherish this fate.
41、爱你所爱,行你所行,听从你心,无问西东。 Love what you love, do what you do, listen to your heart and ask nothing.
42、爱情有着奇妙的魔力,它使一个人为另一个人所倾倒。 Love has a wonderful magic. It makes one person fall for another.
43、生活很累,但还是要继续。 Life is very tired, but still to continue.
44、真正的平静,不是远离喧嚣,而是在心里修篱种菊。 True peace is not to stay away from the noise, but to plant chrysanthemums in the heart.
45、突然害怕过任何一个节日,因为知道没有惊喜。 Suddenly afraid of any festival, because there is no surprise.
46、能理解和照顾到你所以细小情绪的人,太迷人了吧。 It's fascinating to be able to understand and take care of all your little emotions.
47、要记得微笑,一定会美好,一定会找到。 Remember to smile, will be beautiful, will find.
48、跟喜欢的人在一起,一辈子也不够,跟不喜欢的人在一起,一天也嫌多。 It's not enough to be with someone you like. It's too much to spend a day with someone you don't like.
49、那一场华丽的邂逅,注定要湮灭在山长水远的距离里。 That gorgeous encounter, destined to annihilate in the distance of mountains and rivers.
50、青春,壹场声势浩大无可避免的灾难,脆弱到无法挽回的东西。 Youth, a powerful unavoidable disaster, fragile to irreparable things.