1、世界上最温暖的两个字是,从你口中说出的:晚安。 The two warmest words in the world are from your mouth: good night.
2、今夜我心头的月亮,又被你打翻了。 Tonight, the moon in my heart is overturned by you.
3、今天先睡了,明天再想你。 I'll sleep today and miss you tomorrow.
4、今天晚上就先到这吧,先睡了,明天在继续喜欢你。晚安! Let's go here tonight, sleep first, and continue to like you tomorrow. good night!
5、今天月亮不营业,所以由我来说晚安。 The moon is not open today, so it's up to me to say good night.
6、你只需努力,剩下的交给时光就好,晚安。 You just have to work hard and leave the rest to time. Good night.
7、其实“晚安”还有另一种意思,把温柔与浪漫藏进晚安里。 In fact, "good night" has another meaning. It hides tenderness and romance in good night.
8、别太晚睡,梦会变短! Don't go to bed too late, dreams will be short!
9、别玩手机了,辐射到你的脸,我好难受,乖乖的睡。 Don't play with mobile phone, radiation to your face, I'm so uncomfortable, good sleep.
10、听一首喜欢的歌,睡一个长长的觉,明天醒来,万物皆可爱。 Listen to a favorite song, sleep a long sleep, wake up tomorrow, everything is lovely.
11、夜己深沉,好梦降临,亲!晚安! Night is deep, good dream comes, dear! good night!
12、夜色如此美好,何必太过烦恼。安心入眠,美梦相连。 The night is so beautiful, why worry too much. Sleep at ease, dream linked.
13、天冷了,你要多穿衣服,睡不要踢被子哦,不然我生的,哼! It's cold, you need to wear more clothes, sleep don't kick the quilt, or I was born, hum!
14、安静的深夜,在那幸福的梦乡,亲爱的,晚安,好梦! Quiet night, in that happy dreamland, dear, good night, good dream!
15、宝贝,咱们梦里见! Baby, I'll see you in a dream!
16、对你来电了,手机没油了。 Yes, your phone is out of gas.
17、幸福夜,快乐情,望你拥有一个美丽夜晚。 Happy night, happy feeling, hope you have a beautiful night.
18、心在,情在,问候在,你好晚安,亲爱的! Heart in, love in, greetings in, Hello, good night, dear!
19、心深处,念你如昔,亲爱的晚安! Deep in my heart, I miss you as before, good night dear!
20、思君如满月,夜夜减清辉。 Think of the monarch as the full moon, night and night reduce the brightness.
21、悠悠的祝福,滴滴的问候,愿你拥有甜甜的美梦,晚安! Wish you a sweet dream. Good night!
22、想亲口对你说晚安,先亲口再说。 If you want to say good night to you, say it yourself.
23、愿你酣然入梦,晚安! I wish you a good night!
24、我去过银河,没有最喜欢的星星,原来你也在这里。 I've been to the galaxy. I don't have any favorite stars. You're here, too.
25、我想睡觉了,今晚你来我梦里,好久不见了,有点想你。 I want to sleep, tonight you come to my dream, long time no see, a little miss you.
26、我每想你一次,天上的星星就眨一次眼睛。 Every time I miss you, the stars in the sky blink.
27、我爱你,一生我只爱你一天,我呼吸着的每一天。 I love you, all my life, I only love you one day, every day I breathe.
28、我爱你,一生我只爱你三天,昨天今天明天。 I love you, all my life I only love you three days, yesterday, today, tomorrow.
29、我现在要回家了,明早见,做个好梦! I'm going home now. See you in the morning. Have a good dream!
30、我的被子又香又软又舒服,要不要跟我一起盖。 My quilt is fragrant, soft and comfortable. Would you like to cover it with me.
31、我真不会说情话,只是今晚的月色太迷人,你太美丽。 I really can't say love words, but tonight's moon is too charming, you are too beautiful.
32、所独处的时光里,最爱夜晚。晚安,祝你夜夜好眠。 I love the night most when I am alone. Good night. Have a good night.
33、手机调到最大声了,睡不着就给我发消息。 If you can't sleep, send me a message if you can't sleep.
34、把细碎的烦恼暂停关掉,把月亮挂好睡个好觉。 Turn off the little troubles, hang up the moon and have a good sleep.
35、挂漫天闪亮的星辉,留一句晚安陪你入睡,亲爱的,晚安! Hang all over the sky shining stars, leave a good night to accompany you to sleep, dear, good night!
36、明天再喜欢你吧,我今天真的太困了。 Like you tomorrow. I'm really sleepy today.
37、春有百花秋有月,夏有凉风冬有雪,而我只想早晚都有你。 Spring has flowers, autumn has month, summer has cool wind, winter has snow, and I just want to have you sooner or later.
38、晚上特别多蚊子,记住要喷“蚊怕水”保护。 There are many mosquitoes in the evening. Remember to spray "mosquito is afraid of water" for protection.
39、晚安啦,我的心肝。 Good night, my heart.
40、晚安明媚的月光,晚安闪亮的星光,晚安老夫的老婆大人。 Good night, bright moonlight, good night, shining stars, good night, old man's wife.
41、晚安,别熬夜,孤独的夜我不能陪你了,我想去梦里找你。 Good night, don't stay up late, lonely night I can't accompany you, I want to find you in my dream.
42、晚安,愿你眼里有远方,身边有爱人,心中有暖阳。 Good night, may you have a distance in your eyes, a lover around you and a warm sun in your heart.
43、晚安,换一个世界想你。 Good night. I miss you in another world.
44、晚安,未来漫长,共话黄昏。 Good night, the future is long, talk about dusk together.
45、晚安,祝你做个好梦,梦里有你有我。 Good night. I wish you a good dream. You and I are in the dream.
46、晚安,祝你睡个好觉,天天有福! Good night. I wish you a good sleep and a happy day!
47、月亮偷偷钻进了云的怀里,你多久才能钻进我的被窝里。 The moon sneaks into the cloud's arms, how long can you get into my bed.
48、浪漫的夜是你的情人,她柔情似水,陪伴你左右,晚安! Romantic night is your lover, she is tender like water, accompany you around, good night!
49、睡不着因为想你,睡着了因为梦里有你等我,晚安!亲爱的! I can't sleep because I miss you, I fall asleep because I have you waiting for me in my dream. Good night! dear!
50、睡前吻你,半夜抱你,梦中有你。 Kiss you before bed, hold you in the middle of the night, have you in my dream.
51、睡吧,待会儿想你了,你也睡不了。 Sleep. I'll miss you later. You can't sleep.
52、祝你开心入睡,尽享美妙滋味! I wish you a happy sleep, enjoy the wonderful taste!
53、祝宝贝睡眠好,幸福跟着跑。 I wish you a good sleep and happiness.
54、祝幸福的你无忧无虑,好眠好梦! I wish you happy, carefree, good sleep and dream!
55、祝愿你,无失眠,美梦酣,夜夜妙! I wish you, no insomnia, good dream, wonderful night!
56、祝福一路飞翔,祝你晚安,嘴角笑容时刻闪亮! I wish you good night and bright smile all the time!
57、给你一路的温暖,在那幸福的梦乡,亲爱的,晚安,好梦! Give you the warmth all the way, in the happy dreamland, dear, good night, good dream!
58、编织你温暖的梦,留一句晚安陪你入睡,亲爱的,晚安! Weave your warm dream, leave a good night to accompany you to sleep, dear, good night!
59、让我们红尘作伴,睡得白白胖胖。 Let's sleep with the company of the world.
60、遥寄相思与日月,问候点点几多情,祝你幸福伴美梦,晚安! Send Acacia and the sun and the moon from afar, greeting a few sentimental, I wish you happiness with a beautiful dream, good night!