1、一时半会解释不了,反正是他先对我下的手。 I can't explain it for a moment and a half. Anyway, he did it to me first.

2、一朝春尽红颜老,花落人亡两不知。 Once the spring is over, the beauty grows old, the flowers fall and the people die.

3、一辈子陪你过最美的节日,直到牙齿掉光。 I'll spend my whole life with you on the most beautiful festival until my teeth fall out.

4、三更梦醒,你是檐上落下的星。 Wake up in the morning, you are the star falling from the eaves.

5、不想说什么天荒地老,这个憨憨陪着我就好。 I don't want to talk about the end of time. Just stay with me.

6、与君同拔蒲,竟日不成把。 I can't pull a bushel with you.

7、也没等多久,你来了就不算久。 I didn't wait long. You didn't come long.

8、事事有回应,件件有着落。 Everything has a response, everything has a place.

9、亲爱的,你是任何时候遇见都嫌晚的人。 Honey, you are the one who is too late to meet at any time.

10、从此不再是单身狗,开始直立行走。 No longer a single dog, he began to walk upright.

11、以前喜欢热闹,现在喜欢安静,以后喜欢你。 Before like lively, now like quiet, like you in the future.

12、以前是个憨憨,今后是个敢敢,心被人偷走了。 He used to be a fool, but he will be a daredevil in the future. His heart has been stolen.

13、以后不是王小姐,请叫我李夫人。 If it's not miss Wang, please call me Mrs. Li.

14、以后我就有家室啦。 I'll have a family in the future.

15、以后有人帮我拧瓶盖了。 Then someone helped me to screw the cap.

16、众里寻他千百度,蓦然回首,那人却在灯火阑珊处。 Looking for him in the crowd, suddenly looking back, the man was in the dim light.

17、似此星辰非昨夜,共他风露立中宵。 Like this star not last night, a total of other wind dew in the middle of the night.

18、你一定会是我翘首以盼的惊喜。 You'll be the surprise I'm looking forward to.

19、你在我的长期规划里。 You're in my long-term plan.

20、你是我宇宙限量贩售的快乐。 You are the joy of my universe.

21、你若撒野,今生我把酒奉陪。 If you are wild, I will give you wine in this life.

22、你长得好看我也就忍了,还偏偏长成我喜欢的样子。 You look good, I will bear it, but also grow into the way I like.

23、做不来好人,做不来坏人,只做你的心上人。 If you can't be a good person or a bad person, just be your sweetheart.

24、关于未来所有的愿望,都是想要和你在一起。 All the wishes for the future are to be with you.

25、原本只想和你携手同行,可是走着走着就白了头。 Originally just want to walk with you hand in hand, but walking on the white head.

26、听说好白菜都让猪给拱了,大家快看就是这头猪。 It's said that the good cabbage has been arched by the pig. Look at this pig.

27、命中注定我爱你。 I'm destined to love you.

28、命运把我们安排在一起。 Fate put us together.

29、因为是你,我想要成为一个更好的人。 Because it's you, I want to be a better person.

30、因为遇见你,愿明天以后的每一天都是晴天。 Because meet you, wish every day after tomorrow is sunny.

31、在心的扉页上,写满了无数个梦的憧憬。 In the heart of the title page, full of countless dreams.

32、坚定选择的方向,始终相信爱与善良。 Firmly choose the direction, always believe in love and kindness.

33、好啦,我也加入柠檬供应商行列。 Well, I'm also a lemon supplier.

34、始于初见,止于终老。 It begins at first sight and ends in old age.

35、常比翼,白头誓。 I'm always in love with you.

36、幸得石卿桃花面,从此阡陌多暖春。 Thanks to Shi Qing's peach blossom noodles, the fields have been warm since then.

37、总有人说我恋爱了,我澄清一下这是真的。 There are always people who say I'm in love. Let me clarify. It's true.

38、想念你,含苞的柔情。 Miss you, tender in bud.

39、想把世界都给你,惯到生活不能自理。 Want to give you the world, used to life can not take care of themselves.

40、想握住此生辽阔,赠你漫天星火。 I want to hold the vastness of my life and give you stars.

41、愿你是时光,盗不走的爱人。 May you be the love that time can't steal.

42、愿你许我一人以偏爱,尽此生之慷慨。 May you promise me to be generous in this life with preference.

43、愿把我的心嵌入你的心,使我俩的爱永远不变。 Would like to embed my heart in your heart, so that our love will never change.

44、我不是没有你不行,而是说除了你我谁都不要。 I'm not that I can't do without you, but that I don't want anyone but you.

45、我不相信永远的爱,因为我只会一天比一天更爱你。 I don't believe in eternal love, because I will only love you more and more every day.

46、我不能给你全世界,但是我的世界全部给你。 I can't give you the whole world, but I give you all my world.

47、我从他的全世界路过的时候,他牵起了我的手。 He took my hand as I passed his world.

48、我们结婚啦。 We're married.

49、我会永远陪着你,直到我们慢慢变老。 I will always be with you until we grow old.

50、我决定好好生活慢慢爱你。 I decided to live a good life and love you slowly.

51、我决定好好生活,慢慢爱你。 I decided to live a good life and love you slowly.

52、我喜欢你,不是说说而已。 I like you, not just talking about it.

53、我想在你眼里撒野奔跑,我想一个眼神就到老。 I want to run wild in your eyes, I want to look old in one eye.

54、我想抱你还想摸你如果你不服可以亲我一口。 I want to hold you and touch you. If you don't agree, you can kiss me.

55、我相信,今生的每一份遇见,都是我们前世的相约。 I believe that every encounter in this life is an appointment in our previous life.

56、我终于遇到一个喜欢到不想撒手的人。 I finally met a person who liked it so much that I didn't want to let go.

57、我被猪拱走了。 I was arched away by pigs.

58、找到了最舒服的人肉枕头,花了我整整24年。 It took me 24 years to find the most comfortable human flesh pillow.

59、承蒙你的出现,够我欢喜好多年。 Thanks for your presence, I've been happy for many years.

60、投我以木桃,报之以琼瑶,匪报也,永以为好也! Throw me a wooden peach, reward it with Qiongyao, reward it with bandits, and always think it's good!

61、携家属,给大家拜个早年。 With my family, I wish you a happy new year.

62、收过我份子钱的朋友,是时候还利息了。 It's time to pay the interest to my friends who have received my money.

63、既见君子,云胡不喜。 When you see a gentleman, you don't like him.

64、既见君子,云胡不喜? When you see a gentleman, you don't like him?

65、明天的今天,就是我们结婚一周年的日子了。 Tomorrow's today is the first anniversary of our marriage.

66、春来夏往,秋收冬藏,我们来日方长。 Spring comes and summer goes, autumn harvests and winter hides. We have a long way to go.

67、是福不是祸,是猪躲不过。 It's a blessing, not a curse, but a pig.

68、最幸运的事,就是在喜欢你的每一天里,被你喜欢。 The luckiest thing is to be loved by you every day when I like you.

69、本想仗剑天涯,都来因恋爱取消原计划。 I wanted to fight all over the world, because I was in love, I canceled my original plan.

70、此刻开始,我的星空,为你闪烁。 From now on, my starry sky twinkles for you.

71、每天早上看见你和阳光都在,就是我想要的未来。 Seeing you and sunshine every morning is the future I want.

72、水中月是天上月,眼前人是意中人。 The moon in the water is the moon in the sky, and the person in front of you is the one you love.

73、活得越来越不像自己了,像你老婆/老公。 Live more and more like yourself, like your wife / husband.

74、活得越来越不像自己了,像你老婆。 I'm living less and less like myself, like your wife.

75、甜甜的句子我还没想好,甜甜的我你可以先抱一抱。 Sweet sentence I haven't thought well, sweet I you can hold first.

76、生来当复归,死当长相思。 Born to return, everlasting longing for each other.

77、糖醋排骨很好吃,可我最爱的还是大猪蹄子。 Sweet and sour spareribs are delicious, but my favorite is pork hoof.

78、自从遇见你,我的生活都是你。 Ever since I met you, my life is all about you.

79、这次穿情侣装,下次穿亲子装可好? How about a couple's dress this time and a parent-child dress next time?

80、遇见你,就像遇见了春天,风也是你,月也是你。 Meeting you is like meeting spring. The wind is you, and the moon is you.