1、万物想你不及我心念你,万物喜你不及我心悦你。 All things miss you less than I miss you, all things like you less than I like you.

2、不知道为什么,就是忍不住想跟你在一起。 I don't know why, but I can't help wanting to be with you.

3、人生最痛苦的不是要什么得不到,而是根本不知道自己要什么。 The most painful thing in life is not to get what you want, but not to know what you want.

4、以沉默来表示爱时,其所表示的爱最多。 When silence is used to express love, it expresses the most love.

5、你对我一见倾心,我对你一见如故。初遇是你,余生都是你。 You fell in love with me at first sight, and I fell in love with you at first sight. First met you, the rest of my life is you.

6、你是我生命中所能经历的,最最深切的感觉!! You are the deepest feeling I can experience in my life!!

7、其实最好的日子,无非是你在闹,他在笑,如此温暖过一生。 In fact, the best day is nothing more than you are making fun of, he is laughing, so warm life.

8、刚好是今天,我养了旁边这只小懒猪整整一年,竟然觉得还不错。 It happened to be today that I raised the lazy pig next to me for a whole year, and I thought it was pretty good.

9、听到一些事,明明不相关,但你却总能在心里拐几个弯的想到你。 Hear some things, clearly irrelevant, but you can always turn a few corners in the heart of you.

10、喜欢你这件事太直接了没办法拐弯。 I like you. It's too direct to turn around.

11、因为你,我懂得了成长,可你,依旧是我的伤。 Because of you, I know how to grow, but you are still my injury.

12、多想牵着你的手,一直走到天荒地老,看尽世间沧桑变化。 I want to hold your hand, go to the end of time, see the vicissitudes of the world.

13、对于世界而言,你是一个人;但是对于某个人,你是他的整个世界。 To the world you may be one person, but to one person you maybe the world.

14、希望你如锦绣山河。万人向往,却属于我。 I hope you are as beautiful as mountains and rivers. Thousands of people yearn for, but belong to me.

15、当眼泪流下来,才知道,分开也是另一种明白。 When tears flow down, just know, separate is another kind of understanding.

16、思念和爱是一种毒,我已病入膏肓,且不愿意治,只有你是解药! Missing and love is a kind of poison. I'm dying and I don't want to cure it. Only you are the antidote!

17、恋爱是艰苦的,不能期待它象美梦一样出来。 Love is hard, we can't expect it to come out like a dream.

18、想你时你在天边,想你是你在眼前,想你在我心上。 Miss you when you are in the sky, miss you are in front of you, miss you in my heart.

19、想咬你一口,看看是不是糖做的,你怎么那么甜。 I want to bite you and see if it's made of sugar. Why are you so sweet.

20、愿你做喜欢的事,遇到喜欢的人,过上自己喜欢的生活。 May you do what you like, meet the people you like, and live a life you like.

21、憧憬着和你在一起的微笑。没有你的花,不艳!没有你的饭,不香! Looking forward to the smile with you. Without your flowers, not beautiful! Without your rice, it's not delicious!

22、我不想做你生命的插曲,只想做你生命最完美的结局。 I don't want to be the interlude of your life, just want to be the most perfect ending of your life.

23、我不能给你全世界,但是我的世界全部给你。 I can't give you the whole world, but my world is all for you.

24、我不要短暂的温存,只要你一世的陪伴。 I don't want a brief warmth, as long as you accompany me all my life.

25、我人生所学,所遇见的和所遭遇的,所有一切都是为了遇见你做准备。 What I've learned in my life, what I've met and what I've encountered, is to prepare for meeting you.

26、我们纵不能白头偕老,还好此生与你相遇,相知,相爱。 Even if we can't live together, it's good to meet you, know each other and love each other in this life.

27、我会一直在,纵使寂寞开成海;我会一直爱,即使风景都尘埃。 I will always be, even if lonely open into the sea; I will always love, even if the scenery is dust.

28、我希望我是你的少数爱好,躲藏时充满快乐,炫耀时骄傲。 I hope I'm one of your few hobbies, full of joy in hiding and proud in showing off.

29、我想说,时光兜兜转转,我感谢与你的这次遇见。余生,请多赐教。 I want to say, time goes around, I thank you for meeting you this time. For the rest of your life, please give me more advice.

30、我愿用我一生倾尽全力去呵护你,保你一生周全。 I would like to use my whole life to care for you, to protect your whole life.

31、我真的无意伤害你,真的很想与你和好如初,请原谅我吧。 I really don't mean to hurt you. I really want to make up with you. Please forgive me.

32、我终究,还是写不出动人心弦的文字。 After all, I still can't write exciting words.

33、我设计了一万种方式遇见你,可是一直害怕一次真正的相遇。 I have designed 10000 ways to meet you, but I have been afraid of a real encounter.

34、我还是很喜欢你,像云漂泊九万里,不曾歇息。 I still like you very much, like the cloud drifting 90 thousand miles, never resting.

35、是鬼迷心窍也好,是上天注定也好,总之人生能够有你,真好。 Whether it's obsession or fate, it's good to have you in life.

36、有些日子里,你一觉醒来,诸事完美。 There are days when you wake up and everything is perfect.

37、有时候无法保留的,才是真正属于我们的东西。 Sometimes what we can't keep is what really belongs to us.

38、每次觉得自己很漂亮的时候,就特别想要遇见你。 Every time I feel beautiful, I want to meet you.

39、清晨的第一缕阳光,回眸时你粲然一笑。 The first ray of sunshine in the morning, when you look back, you can smile.

40、爱情对于男人不过是身外之物,对于女人却是整个生命。 Love for men is nothing but external things, but for women it is the whole life.

41、爱是喜欢靠在你身后,不管前面的路会怎样,什么都不理会的相信你。 Love is like to lean on your back, no matter what the road ahead will be, believe in you regardless of what.

42、*的爱情总是绝不会持久的。 Passionate love never lasts.

43、男人心虚的反应常有两种,献殷勤和耍无赖! There are two kinds of men's guilty reaction, courteous and rascal!

44、相信爱情,即使它给你带来悲哀也要相信爱情。 Believe in love, even if it brings you sorrow, believe in love.

45、真是不知道该说什么,只汇成一句话,愿我友爱的老公天天欢乐啊。 I really don't know what to say. I just want my loving husband to be happy every day.

46、自杀并不像你想象中那样快慰,因为死亡的压力沉重得让人恐惧。 Suicide is not as pleasant as you think, because the pressure of death is so terrible.

47、谢谢你喜欢我,我也很喜欢当时那个很喜欢你的我。 Thank you for liking me. I also like the one who liked you very much at that time.

48、轻轻张开你的双手,让爱在此刻停留。 Gently open your hands and let love stay at this moment.

49、还有什么比两性相爱更美丽的? What is more beautiful than love?

50、这个城市这么大,一不小心走散了,可能一辈子都见不到了。 The city is so big that it may not be seen for a lifetime if it is accidentally scattered.