1、不爱我的,我绝对不爱。 If you don't love me, I absolutely don't.

2、不要回头看,因为在爱的恐惧。 Don't look back, because in the fear of love.

3、不许嫌弃我,我只跟你一辈子。 Don't despise me. I'll stay with you all my life.

4、与其给我誓言,不如陪我消遣。 It's better to accompany me for entertainment than to give me an oath.

5、云上阳光依旧,我们的爱永远。 The sun is still on the cloud, and our love is forever.

6、伤感的末尾、幸福了你和我。 Sad end, happy you and me.

7、你如此疼我,我要怎么办? You hurt me so much, what should I do?

8、你是我的生命,我爱你。 You are my life and I love you.

9、你的名字,是我最擅长的情书。 Your name is my best love letter.

10、你脸上有东西,我的目光。 You have something on your face, my eyes.

11、你这么针对我,是不是想睡我。 Do you want to sleep with me.

12、关于爱情我们都还似懂非懂。 We all know nothing about love.

13、再见的心,藏着一世的梦。 Goodbye heart, hiding a lifetime dream.

14、初次的心跳,化为乌有。 The first heartbeat, turned into nothing.

15、别在我离不开你的时候离开我。 Don't leave me when I can't leave you.

16、困苦一杯错,风情繁华泪。 A cup of hardship is wrong, and the customs are prosperous and full of tears.

17、地生连理枝,水出并头莲。 Ground born LIANLI branch, water and head lotus.

18、婚前睁大眼,婚后闭只眼。 Open your eyes before marriage and close your eyes after marriage.

19、守护才是最长情的告白。 Guard is the longest confession.

20、对不起,只是自己走对了。 I'm sorry, but I'm on the right track.

21、对你微笑,是我最美的炫耀。 Smiling at you is my most beautiful show off.

22、就算心碎也要用微笑面对世界。 Even if the heart is broken, we should face the world with a smile.

23、很遗憾你看不透我也杀不死我。 I'm sorry you can't see through me and you can't kill me.

24、忍着泪,偷看你们的幸福。 Endure tears, peep at your happiness.

25、快乐给了你,寂寞给自己。 Happiness to you, loneliness to yourself.

26、思君如满月,夜夜减清辉。 Think of the monarch as the full moon, night and night reduce the brightness.

27、恩怨情仇,三分红颜老。 Love and hatred, three points of beauty old.

28、想念你,就像向日葵想念太阳。 Miss you, just like sunflower miss the sun.

29、感情不分早晚,相爱就不孤单。 Love is not lonely if you love sooner or later.

30、愿你亭亭,无忧亦无惧。 May you be graceful, carefree and fearless.

31、我一直坚信、我们是陌生人。 I always believe that we are strangers.

32、我太喜欢一把拉到怀里的拥抱。 I love a hug in my arms.

33、我想牵着你永远只会为你带路。 I want to hold you, will only lead the way for you forever.

34、我愿一生朴素,换你今生华丽。 I would like to live a simple life, for your gorgeous life.

35、我明白你会来,因此我等。 I understand you'll come, so I'll wait.

36、我爱你,无非就是想让你爱我。 I love you, just want you to love me.

37、我的快乐都是微小的事情。 My happiness is small things.

38、我的愿望是,一觉睡到小时候。 My wish is to sleep until I was a child.

39、抓不到,放不下,真的很纠结。 I can't catch it. I can't put it down. It's really tangled.

40、无处安放,我们遥远的青春。 Nowhere to place, our distant youth.

41、最初的温柔,失去的责任。 Initial tenderness, lost responsibility.

42、最初的温柔,最后的卑微。 The first gentle, the last humble.

43、最厉害的病毒,是爱和谎言。 The most powerful virus is love and lies.

44、没有孤单的人,我是孤单的泪。 There is no lonely person, I am lonely tears.

45、活着的时候,我会爱你。 I'll love you when I'm alive.

46、火把倒下,火焰依然向上。 The torch is down and the flame is still up.

47、烟花定格、是谁卑微了承诺。 Fireworks, who humbled the commitment.

48、爱上一颗大树,心中再无森林。 In love with a big tree, there is no forest in my heart.

49、爱就是肯握住你冰凉的手。 Love is willing to hold your cold hand.

50、爱情它是责任不是玩笑。 Love is a responsibility, not a joke.

51、爱情,只是生活的信仰物。 Love is just the belief of life.

52、爱的路途,终点是幸福。 The road of love ends with happiness.

53、爱的轰轰烈烈,过得平平淡淡。 Love's magnificent and vigorous, lead a mediocre light.

54、花儿会凋落,月儿会圆缺。 The flowers will wither and the moon will wane.

55、若爱情需要乞讨,我宁愿一人。 If love needs begging, I'd rather be alone.

56、苦尽甘来,所以你来了。 You're here because you're here.

57、谁会是莪人生路上A陪伴者。 Who will be my companion on the road of life.

58、谁用感动,绘描紧紧相拥的美? Who used to describe the beauty of hugging each other tightly?

59、追着一个人,想着一句话。 Chasing a person, thinking of a word.

60、那一道彩虹,显得尤为的刺眼。 That rainbow, appears particularly dazzling.