1、不是我喜欢的样子你都有,而是你的样子我都喜欢。 It's not the way I like you, but the way you look.

2、不知道什么是忧伤,就不会真正感激幸福。 If you don't know what sadness is, you won't really appreciate happiness.

3、不经意的邂逅,不经意的别离,人生总是这样,很无奈。 Casual encounter, casual parting, life is always like this, very helpless.

4、不闻不问不一定是忘记了,但一定是疏远了。 Not to ask is not necessarily forgotten, but must be estranged.

5、世间有百媚千红,唯你是我情之所钟。 There are a hundred beauties and thousands of red in the world, but you are the place of my love.

6、为遇见你,竟花光了我所有的运气。 I spent all my luck to meet you.

7、亲爱的我爱你就象老鼠爱大米不能一天没有你。 Honey, I love you just like a mouse loves rice. I can't have a day without you.

8、亲爱的老公,你是的大宝贝,你是我的爱,谢谢你。 Dear husband, you are the big baby, you are my love, thank you.

9、以后我叫长安,你叫故里,因为长安归故里,故里有长安。 After that, my name is Chang'an, and you are called hometown, because Chang'an returns to my hometown, and there is Chang'an in my hometown.

10、你不用分清东南西北,只需要走向有我的方向。 You don't have to distinguish between the southeast and the northwest, you just need to go in the direction with me.

11、你是东半球,我是西半球,我们在一起,就是整个地球。 You are the eastern hemisphere, I am the Western Hemisphere. Together, we are the whole earth.

12、你是年少的欢喜,我想把这句话反过来告诉你。 You are the joy of youth. I want to tell you this in turn.

13、你的嘴唇真好看,不仅适合说爱我,更适合吻我啦。 Your lips are so beautiful, not only suitable for saying you love me, but also suitable for kissing me.

14、你真可爱,想摸摸你的头,捏捏你的脸,亲亲你的嘴。 You are so cute. I want to touch your head, pinch your face and kiss your mouth.

15、你给我一滴眼泪,我就看到了你心中全部的海洋。 You give me a tear, and I see all the ocean in your heart.

16、你若不离不弃,我必生死相依。 if you never leave me, i will be with you till death do us apart.

17、先生眼里的星辰大海,是我从未见过的浩瀚明空。 The Starry Sea in Mr. A's eyes is the vast sky I've never seen before.

18、全世界只有一个你,叫我如何不珍惜。 There is only one you in the world. How can I not cherish it.

19、关于喜欢你这件事,没什么好说的,认栽! About like you this matter, has nothing to say, recognizes the plant!

20、别人都说我们的关系就像鱼和水。我想做你这个水里的鱼! People say our relationship is like fish and water. I want to be a fish in the water!

21、去到你的城市,吹过你吹过的风,算不算相拥。 To your city, blowing through the wind you have blown, count as embracing.

22、只要身边有你,无论富贵与否,我都是世上最幸福的人。 As long as you are around me, whether rich or not, I am the happiest person in the world.

23、可不可以别放情歌,那声音听着好寂寞。 Can you stop playing love songs? That sound sounds lonely.

24、如果所有土地连在一起,走上一生只为拥抱你。 If all the land is connected together, I will go to life to embrace you.

25、如果能用一辈子换你停留在我视线中我将毫不保留。 If you can stay in my sight for a lifetime, I will not reserve it.

26、就算你是一坨屎,我也毫不犹豫搓成药丸,温开水送下。 Even if you are a lump of excrement, I do not hesitate to rub into pills, warm boiled water to send down.

27、岁月静好,只想数着你的心跳,慢慢地陪着你变老。 Years of quiet good, just want to count your heartbeat, slowly accompany you grow old.

28、幸福,就是找一个温暖的人,过一辈子。 Happiness is to find a warm person for a lifetime.

29、当爱情一旦成为了习惯,就会一辈子也摆脱不了的。 Once love becomes a habit, it will never get rid of it.

30、恰到好处的喜欢,最舒服,懂得分寸的关系最迷人。 Just like, the most comfortable, understanding the relationship between the most charming.

31、想和你喝酒是假,想醉你怀里是真。 Want to drink with you is false, want to drunk your arms is true.

32、想成为和你有关的一切,护你周全保你欢喜。 I want to be everything that is related to you, protect you well and make you happy.

33、我喜欢你,不明所以,不讲道理。 I like you. I don't know why. I don't make sense.

34、我得了一场奇怪的病,一天不想你就会晕倒的。 I have a strange illness. You will faint in a day if you don't want to.

35、我想对你爱恋的极短诗篇升华为漫长的生活散文。 I want to sublimate the short poems I love for you into long life prose.

36、我爱的人为我付出一切,我却为我爱的人流泪心碎! I love for me to pay everything, but I love the people tears, heartbroken!

37、我的幸福要你亲手给,别人都给不起。 I want you to give my happiness, others can't afford it.

38、我的愉悦,就是和你温暖的过一辈子。 My pleasure is to have a warm life with you.

39、曾经人生酸辣苦,有了你之后,便凑齐了甜。 Once life was sour and bitter, with you, then together sweet.

40、此情无计可消除,才下眉头,又上心头。 This situation can not be eliminated, only under the brow, and on the heart.

41、爱情不可能长期地隐藏,也不可能长期地假装。 Love can't be hidden or pretended for a long time.

42、爱情是一首美好的歌,但它不容易谱写成功。 Love is a beautiful song, but it is not easy to compose success.

43、爱情是理想的一致,意志的融合。 Love is the unity of ideals and the fusion of will.

44、爱是空白日记,我是笔,任你涂鸦着回忆。 Love is a blank diary, I am a pen, you can graffiti memories.

45、爱,没有那么复杂,就是一生一世的陪伴。 Love, not so complicated, is a lifetime of company.

46、给你一整首情诗,关于你温暖名字。 I'll give you a whole love poem about your warm name.

47、车马很慢,阳光很暖,你很好看。 The cars and horses are very slow, the sun is very warm, you are very good-looking.

48、这些天,很想念你,所以想说。 These days, I miss you very much, so I want to say.

49、遗忘了而微笑,强于记住了而悲伤。 Forgetting and smiling is better than remembering and grieving.

50、除了拥有你,我不知道这个世界上还有什么是最快乐的。 Besides having you, I don't know what is the happiest in the world.