1、一天志愿者,一生志愿情! One day volunteer, life volunteer!

2、一滴血,一片心,一份爱。 A drop of blood, a heart, a love.

3、从小事做起,与文明握手。 Start with small things and shake hands with civilization.

4、以举手之劳,解他人之难。 To raise a hand, to solve the difficulties of others.

5、传递爱的真心,延续爱的希望。 Pass on the true love and continue the hope of love.

6、伸出温暖手,打开爱心门。 Reach out your warm hand and open the door of love.

7、光大慈善心,共建文明城。 Everbright charity, build a civilized city.

8、公益大舞台,小荷更精彩! Public welfare stage, Xiaohe is more wonderful!

9、公益献爱心,真情暖人心。 Love for public welfare, warm the heart with true feelings.

10、只要全力以赴,就能不留遗憾! As long as you do your best, you can leave no regrets!

11、因为有爱,明天才会更美好。 Because of love, tomorrow will be better.

12、多一种经历,多一种成长。 More experience, more growth.

13、大手牵小手,爱心伴着行。 Hand in hand, love with the line.

14、奉献一份爱心,点燃一片希望。 Offer a love, ignite a piece of hope.

15、奉献你我他,服务千万家。 Dedicated to you and me, serving thousands of families.

16、奉献您的爱心,延续爱的希望。 Offer your love and continue the hope of love.

17、如果不去,我会后悔一辈子。 If I don't go, I'll regret it all my life.

18、学道德模范,做身边好人。 Learn moral models and be good people around you.

19、对于青春,我没有留下遗憾。 For youth, I have no regrets.

20、小小的行动,暖暖的爱心。 Small action, warm love.

21、展志愿风采,创小荷精神。 Show volunteer style and create Xiaohe spirit.

22、展志愿风采,创文明城市。 Display volunteer style and create a civilized city.

23、巾帼志愿服务,与关爱同行。 Women volunteer service, walk with care.

24、幸福源于关爱,和谐来自希望。 Happiness comes from love and harmony comes from hope.

25、弘扬中华美德,传递慈孝爱心。 Carry forward Chinese virtues and pass on filial piety and love.

26、当文明使者,做志愿达人。 Be an ambassador of civilization and be a volunteer.

27、志愿一份心,公益更精彩。 Volunteer a heart, public welfare more wonderful.

28、志愿一起来,城乡更精彩。 Volunteer together, urban and rural areas will be more wonderful.

29、志愿在行动,大爱驻山城。 Volunteer in action, great love in mountain city.

30、志愿新时代,你我共精彩。 Volunteer new era, you and I are wonderful together.

31、志愿服务,传递温暖笑容。 Volunteer service, deliver warm smile.

32、志愿服务,我参与,我快乐! Volunteer service, I participate, I am happy!

33、志愿进万家,温暖你我他。 Volunteering to enter thousands of homes to warm you, me and him.

34、慈为父母心,孝是儿女情。 Kindness is the heart of parents, filial piety is the love of children.

35、慈善献红心,真情华夏人。 Charity offers hearts, true love to Chinese people.

36、慈善融真情,爱心无止境。 Charity melts true feelings, and love is endless.

37、慈心泊天地,孝道贯古今。 The heart of heaven and earth, filial piety throughout the ancient and modern.

38、慈是孝的沃土,孝是慈的回报。 Kindness is the fertile land of filial piety, and filial piety is the return of kindness.

39、我愿意成为一名光荣的志愿者。 I would like to be an honorable volunteer.

40、携你我之手,创文明小荷! With you and my hands, to create a civilized Lotus!

41、文明志愿情,奉献我先行。 Civilization, volunteer, dedication I first.

42、文明河源情,志愿我先行。 The source of civilization, volunteer me first.

43、无私的爱心,无限的希望。 Selfless love, unlimited hope.

44、最美志愿者,逆行中的微光。 The most beautiful volunteer, the dim light in retrograde.

45、爱出者爱返,福往者福来。 No pay no gain.

46、爱心万人行,万人献爱心。 Love, ten thousand people walk, ten thousand people offer love.

47、爱心你我她,真情靠大家。 Love you, me and her, the truth depends on everyone.

48、爱心大舞台,有你更精彩。 Love stage, you are more wonderful.

49、爱心温暖河源,志愿传播文明。 Love warm Heyuan, volunteer to spread civilization.

50、爱心献社会,真情暖人心。 Love to the society, true feelings warm the hearts of the people.

51、爱心献社会,真情暖人间。 Love to the society, true feelings warm the world.

52、爱心献社会,真情送人间。 Love to society, true feelings to the world.

53、爱自心中生,心以爱作魂。 Love is born in the heart, and the heart takes love as its soul.

54、用我努力,换取您的微笑。 With my efforts, in exchange for your smile.

55、用我的努力,换取您的微笑。 With my efforts, in exchange for your smile.

56、种一个种子,收获一份果实。 Plant a seed and harvest a fruit.

57、群众有需求,我们有需要。 The masses have needs, we have needs.

58、致力公益事业,爱心成就未来。 Committed to public welfare undertakings, love to achieve the future.

59、要傲就给我傲到骨子里去! If you want to be proud, give me pride to the bone!

60、语言无国界,大爱无边界。 Language has no borders, love has no boundaries.

61、走出自我,为社会奉献价值。 Go out of self and contribute value to the society.

62、辛苦我一个,幸福千万家。 Hard work for me, happy thousands of families.

63、鲜花在前方,我们永远在路上。 Flowers in front, we are always on the road.