1、一笑倾城,再笑倾国,三笑倾我心。 One smile, another, three smiles.

2、丹唇外朗,皓齿内鲜,明眸善睐,靥辅承权。 Red lips are bright outside, white teeth are fresh inside, bright eyes are fond of admiring, dimple is auxiliary to inherit power.

3、为含金柳,为芳兰芷,为雨前茶。 For the golden willow, for the fragrant orchid, for the tea before the rain.

4、今天肯定没月亮了,因为月亮的光辉都给你遮盖了。 There must be no moon today, because the brightness of the moon is covered for you.

5、你举止大方,很有淑女风范。 You're very ladylike.

6、你可真细心,把问题想得真周到。 You are so careful and thoughtful.

7、你善解人意,让世间所有的男子为你倾倒。 You are considerate and let all men fall for you.

8、你好像瘦了。 You seem to be thin.

9、你是那样地美,美得象一首抒情诗。 You are so beautiful, as beautiful as a lyric.

10、你有一种气质,就是让人感觉跟其他的美女都不太一样。 You have a temperament that makes people feel different from other beauties.

11、你柔情似水,你的微笑让我如醉如痴。 You are tender like water, your smile makes me drunk.

12、你比照片好看。 You look better than the picture.

13、你的头发真美,尤其那种香味让我心神恍惚。 Your hair is so beautiful, especially the fragrance makes me trance.

14、你的美由骨到皮,感天动地,此情可待成追忆。 Your beauty is moving from bone to skin, which can be recalled.

15、你的身材真棒,可以去当模特了。 You have a great figure. You can be a model.

16、你真是冰雪聪明,气质不凡。 You're really smart and have an extraordinary temperament.

17、你真能干,出得厅堂,下得厨房。 You're really capable. You've got the hall and the kitchen.

18、你走过马路的交叉路口时最好快一点,不然一定会堵车! You'd better hurry up when you cross the road, or there will be traffic jam!

19、你身材苗条,这样一打扮真迷人。 You're slim. It's a charming dress.

20、俏丽若三春之桃,清素若九秋之菊。 Beautiful as a peach in three spring, pure as a chrysanthemum in nine autumn.

21、冰肌自是生来瘦,那更分飞后。 Ice muscle is born thin, then it's more separated.

22、千秋无绝色!悦目是佳人!倾国倾城貌!惊为天下人! There is no end in life! Pleasing to the eyes is beautiful! Beautiful country, beautiful city! It's amazing!

23、单衫杏子红,双鬓鸦雏色。 Single apricot red, two sideburns crow baby color.

24、只有你那嵌着梨涡的笑容,才是我眼中最美的样子。 Only your smile with pear vortex is the most beautiful in my eyes.

25、回身举步,恰似柳摇花笑润初妍。 Turning back and stepping up, it seems that Liu shook the flowers and smiled.

26、回顾千万,一笑千金。 Look back, smile.

27、头上倭堕髻,耳中明月珠。 The head is in a bun, and the moon is in the ear.

28、女人要美得自然,而绝不是自然就是美。 Women should be beautiful naturally, but not nature or beauty.

29、女孩的眼睛,是月光辉映下的大海,美丽幽深包容一切。 The girl's eyes are the sea reflected by the moonlight, beautiful, deep and inclusive.

30、娴静犹如花照水,行动好比风扶柳。 Quiet is like a flower shining on the water, and action is like the wind holding the willow.

31、宝髻松松挽就,铅华淡淡妆成。 Baoji is made up of pine and lead.

32、届笑春桃兮,云堆翠髻;唇绽樱颗兮,榴齿含香。 When you smile, you will see peaches in spring, clouds in green bun, cherry blossoms in your lips, and fragrant pomegranate teeth.

33、岁月是女人的天敌,爱美是女人的天性。 Time is the natural enemy of women, and beauty is their nature.

34、微晕红潮一线,拂向桃腮红,两颊笑涡霞光荡漾。 The glowing red tide glows at the cheeks of the peach, and the cheeks are twilight.

35、态浓意远淑且真,肌理细腻骨肉匀。 The state is thick, the meaning is far, gentle and true, the texture is delicate and the flesh is even.

36、我想您不但头脑好,人缘也一定很好。 I don't think you have a good mind, but you must be very popular.

37、折纤腰以微步,呈皓腕于轻纱。 Fold the waist and take a small step, showing a bright wrist in the light yarn.

38、指如削葱根,口如含朱丹,纤纤作细步,精妙世无双。 It's like cutting the onion root, and its mouth is like containing Zhu Dan. It's delicate and exquisite.

39、擢纤纤之素手,雪皓腕而露形。 It's a simple hand that can be lifted and slender. It's white and has a bare shape.

40、有你真好,像家人的感觉。 It's nice to have you, like a family.

41、柔心弱骨神清骨秀,香肌玉体玉骨冰肌。 Soft heart, weak bones, delicate bones, fragrant muscles, jade bones and ice muscles.

42、玉容寂莫泪阑干,梨花一枝春带雨。 No tears will dry in the silence of Yurong, and a branch of pear will bring rain in spring.

43、皎皎兮似轻云之蔽月,飘飘兮若回风之流雪。 Bringing the moon like a light cloud, drifting the snow like a return wind.

44、眉梢眼角藏秀气,声音笑貌露温柔。 The eyebrow tip and the corner of the eyes are beautiful, and the voice, sound, smile and appearance are gentle.

45、绝代有佳人,幽居在空谷。 There are beauties in the valley.

46、绣幕芙蓉一笑开,斜偎宝鸭衬香腮,眼波才动被人猜。 Embroidered lotus smile open, lean close to treasure duck lining fragrant cheek, eye wave just move by people guess.

47、美人出南国,灼灼芙蓉姿。皓齿终不发,芳心空自持。 The beauty comes out of the south country in a burning lotus posture. Haotoothed end does not hair, fangxinkong self-sustaining.

48、美人在时花满堂,至今三载闻余香。 The beauty is full of flowers when she is here. She has been smelling the fragrance for three years.

49、美人才调信纵横,非将此骨眉公卿。 The United States has a wide range of letters, not the bones and eyebrows of Gongqing.

50、美人既醉,朱颜酡些。 When a beauty is drunk, her face blushes.

51、美人葺居,沉香亭北,百花槛栏,自是天葩故里。 The beauty repairs the house, the chenxiangting north, the hundred flowers guard fence, from is the day flower hometown.

52、舞转回红袖,歌愁敛翠钿。满堂开照曜,分座俨婵娟。 The dance turns back to red sleeves, and the song worries about gathering the jade and mother of pearl. The hall is full of sunshine, and the seats are like the moon.

53、芙蓉不及美人妆,水殿风来珠翠香。 Lotus is inferior to beauty's make-up, and the wind in the water hall is fragrant.

54、芙蓉如面柳如眉,对此如何不泪垂。 Hibiscus, like willows, like eyebrows, how can we not shed tears.

55、花心定有何人捻,晕晕如娇靥。 Who will twist the heart of the flower? It's dizzy like a dimple.

56、花钿委地无人收,方是真饰缘。 There is no one to collect the mother of flowers.

57、蒹葭苍苍,白露为霜。所谓伊人,在水一方。 Jianjia green, White Dew for frost. The so-called Iraqi are on the water side.

58、袅娜少女羞,岁月无忧愁。 The young girl is shy, but the years are not sad.

59、貌美如花,婀娜多姿。 Beautiful as flowers, graceful.

60、足下蹑丝履,头上玳瑁光。 His feet are covered with silk, and his head is covered with tortoiseshell.

61、镜中貌,月下影,隔帘形,睡初醒。 The appearance in the mirror, the shadow under the moon, the shape of the curtain, the first wake-up.

62、隔户杨柳弱袅袅,恰似十五女儿腰。 Willows curl up from house to house, just like the waist of fifteen girls.