1、导演: 安德鲁·斯坦顿 李·安魁克 )   Marlin, voiced by Albert *s in this classic Pixar animation, is a widower clownfish who becomes aneurotically over-protective dad. His smothering attitude so infuriates his little son, Nemo, that the little fish swims defiantly away and is captured by divers. The father must then go on an epic journey to rescue the son.   小编说:活泼好动的小丑鱼尼莫,不幸被人捕捉,变成鱼缸中众多观赏鱼的一分子。心急如焚的老爹决心要远度重洋试图找到尼莫……   Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back (1980, dir Irwin Kershner) 《星球大战之帝国大反击》 (19

2、导演:加布里尔·穆西诺)   This is a real tear-jerker, and not a very cool film to like, but it's still very heartfelt. Will Smith plays Chris Gardner, a struggling salesman and single dad, on the very brink of homelessness and poverty, who battles to get a job and be a real dad to his little boy.   小编说:一个穷途潦倒的单亲爸爸,因事业失败无家可归,却还得担起抚养儿子的重担。为了儿子的未来,他重新振作,终于皇天不负苦心人。   The Tree of Life (2011, dir Terrence Malick) 《生命之树》(20

3、导演:劳伦斯·奥利弗)   Olivier's movie version of Shakespeare's great tragedy turns, like any production, on the hero's agonised memory of his father's greatness. Freudians find in his antipathy to Claudius a rage-filled acknowledgement that his step-father has done something that all males subconsciously wish to do: kill their fathers and marry their mothers. And speaking of Freudian angst …   小编说:公认的最经典版本,荣获威尼斯金狮奖和第21届奥斯卡最佳影片、最佳男主角等5项大奖。   Back to the Future (1985, dir Robert Zemeckis) 《回到未来》 (19

4、导演:南尼·莫莱蒂)   Commenters on this blog are sick of me going on about this film, so I will only say that it's a deeply moving study of a psychotherapist and easygoing paterfamilias, played by Moretti, and how he and his family respond to a terrible calamity.   小编说:本片获戛纳金棕榈奖,导演用剧情片的传统格式娓娓道出一个感伤家庭的重建故事,尤其在刻画人物的复杂心态变化上细致入微。   To Kill a Mockingbird (1962, dir Robert Mulligan) 《杀死一只知更鸟》(19

5、导演:小津安二郎)   Father's Day discussions tend to centre on a father's relationship with his son – here is something about a father and daughter. Chishu Ryu plays an elderly widower who is cared for by his beautiful, shy daughter, played by Setsuku Hara. He is concerned that she should get married, but she is not particularly keen to leave him. He resorts to subterfuge to marry her off: is this a kind of betrayal?   小编说:纪子与丧偶的父亲相伴,情愿错过婚期;父亲不愿耽误女儿的终身幸福,谎称自己要再娶。纪子信以为真,终于决定嫁人。婚期日近,父女俩最后一次结伴旅行去到京都。回来后,有情人终成眷属,冷清的家中只剩下父亲一个人。   The Son's Room (2001, dir Nanni Moretti) 《儿子的房间》 (200

6、导演:彼得·博格达诺维奇)   This is another daddy-daughter movie and the one film that stars a real-life father and child team. Ryan and Tatum O'Neal play Moses and Addie, a con team who travel around the US during the Great Depression preying on the vulnerable and credulous.   小编说:这部根据乔·戴维·布朗的小说《埃雷·普利》改编的描写社会现实的影片表现了人类彼此间的友谊和同情,让主人公跋涉千里,并遭遇了重重困难,细腻而真实地刻画了人物性格和现实生活,被评论家誉为“具叙事诗般”的旅游影片。   Late Spring (1949, dir Yasujiro Ozu) 《晚春》 (19

7、导演:欧文·克什纳)   In this episode, Darth Vader becomes obsessed with finding his young enemy Luke Skywalker, who, as he battles the forces of darkness, has at least gained some help and instruction from the quasi-paternal mentors in his life: Yoda and Obi-Wan Kenobi. But sadly, just as you can choose your friends but not your relatives, you can choose your father figures but not your actual father.   小编说:在遭受挫折后,强大的帝国发起反扑。影片中有着极为精彩的战斗场面,但故事的着重点却是在于影片主人公卢克的修行与成长。   Kramer vs Kramer (1979, dir Robert Benton) 《克莱默夫妇》(19

8、导演:泰伦斯·马利克)   Malick's latest movie is not yet out in the UK in cinemas or DVD, but why not take your dad on a Eurostar trip to Paris, where it is now on release? Brad Pitt plays O'Brien, the 1950s Texas dad whose disciplinarianviolence, and complex self-doubt, encourage his sons to think of fear and love as the same emotion. Maybe not a very feelgood Father's Day film.   小编说:通过泰伦斯·马力克典型的视觉风格,我们可以看到自然的残忍以及灵魂的优雅,不仅左右个体与家庭,同样包括广义的所有生命。   Hamlet (1948, dir Laurence Olivier) 《哈姆雷特》 (19

9、导演:维托里奥·德·西卡)   You must have a heart of stone not to be moved by this classic neorealist story of a poor man and his young son, as they search the streets of Rome to find his stolen bicycle, which he needs for his job – putting up movie posters. As their odyssey continues, the audience becomes aware of something that perhaps eludes the desperate man: his real treasure is not the bike, but his boy.   小编说:意大利新现实主义电影的经典代表作,也是导演德西卡享誉最高的一部电影,充满对下层社会的人文关怀,感人而不煽情。   The Pursuit of Happyness (2006, dir Gabriele Muccino) 《当幸福来敲门》(200

10、导演:罗伯特·本顿)   Many consider this Dustin Hoffman's finest hour; others consider it an exercise in male self-pity. Hoffman plays the divorced dad who must care for his son on his own, and must then battle for custody in the divorce courts. One must have a heart of stone to remain dry-eyed for the scene in which he has to explain to his son the judge's verdict.   小编说:妻子突然离家出走,泰德父子俩相依为命地生活着。渐渐地父子俩已是亲密无间,难以分离了。   Paper Moon (1973, dir Peter Bogdanovich) 《纸月亮》(19

11、导演:罗伯特·泽米吉斯)   … Zemeckis's classic comedy is about as freaky as it gets. Marty McFly, played by Michael J Fox, travels back in time to the 1950s, where he comes face to face with his nerdy dad, played by Crispin Glover, and has to engineer this poor sap's successful wooing of his mum, who turns out to be super-hot and more than a little enamoured of him.   小编说:在布朗博士被*杀害后,高中生马丁则驾着时间机器从1985年回到了1955年,并遇到了自己的父亲。马丁能否改变未来?

12、导演:罗伯特·马丽根)   Gregory Peck gives a performance of granite decency and integrity as Atticus Finch, the widower and Alabama lawyer who defends a black man against a wrongful charge of rape. This is one of the most highly charged depictions of fatherhood in Hollywood history.   小编说:本片是好莱坞表现种族关系问题最有影响、给人印象最深的影片之一。派克扮演的律师乃正义的'化身,成为经典的英雄形象。   Bicycle Thieves (1948, dir Vittorio De Sica) 《偷自行车的人》 (19

13、父亲节电影有哪些 12部好看的英文电影   In honour of Father's Day – on 15 June – Amazon is beginning a special promotion on certain films, including Invictus and Kelly's Heroes. These seem to me only vaguely connected with the theme of fatherhood. Here, on the other hand, is a list of 12 Father's Day films, a dad's dozen that you can experience on DVD or at the cinema with your dad, or perhaps your son, on Sunday week.   为了庆祝六月十五号的父亲节,亚马逊开始了一些电影的特别推荐,包括《成事在人》和《战略大作战》。这些电影似乎和“父爱”这个主题关联不大。以下是我列出的十二部关于父亲的电影。在这个周末,带上你的父亲或者儿子,一起到电影院或者在DVD前共享视觉盛宴吧。   Finding Nemo (2003, dirs Andrew Stanton, Lee Unkrich) 《海底总动员》 (200

父亲节电影有哪些 12部好看的英文电影