1、一弯腰,一伸手,家乡环境靠大家。 As soon as you bend down and reach out, your hometown depends on you.
2、万般恩怨皆成空,却把他乡做故乡。 All kinds of gratitude and resentment are empty, but make the other hometown.
3、不到异乡看看,不知故乡的美丽。 I don't know the beauty of my hometown without visiting it.
4、乐事渐随花共减,归心长与雁相先。 The joy gradually decreases with the flowers, and the heart grows before the wild geese.
5、乡书何处达,归雁洛阳边。 Where to get the village book? Return to Luoyang.
6、亲不亲,故乡人;美不美,乡中水。 Pro not pro, hometown people; the United States is not beautiful, rural water.
7、今夜月明人尽望,不知秋思落谁家。 Tonight, people in the moon do not know whose home autumn falls.
8、从此故乡只有冬夏,再无春秋。 Since then, the hometown has only winter and summer, and no spring and autumn.
9、他乡灯红酒绿,不抵家乡疏星冷月。 In other places, the lights are red and the wine is green, not to the cold moon.
10、再美的美景都无家乡的那段路美! No matter how beautiful the scenery is, there is no beautiful road in my hometown!
11、哦,家乡,永远叫人依恋和动情的家乡啊! Oh, hometown is always called attachment and emotional hometown!
12、因为你,我想念一个城市,想念我的家乡。 Because of you, I miss a city and my hometown.
13、如今白首乡心尽,万里归程在梦中。 Now Baishou's heart is exhausted, and the journey home is in a dream.
14、宁恶本乡一捻土,莫爱他乡万两金。 It is better to twist the earth than to love the gold of another land.
15、家乡的水是仙水,家乡的土是金子。 The water of hometown is fairy water, and the soil of hometown is gold.
16、家乡的花儿多得数不胜数,让人看着应接不暇。 There are so many flowers in my hometown that I can't wait to see them.
17、家乡的雪花,纷纷扬扬的在下吗? The snowflakes in my hometown, are they in full swing?
18、少小离家老大回,乡音无改鬓毛衰。 Little left home, old back, no change in the local sideburns.
19、思归若汾水,无日不悠悠。 Think back to Fenshui, all day long.
20、悄立小桥人不识,一星如豆看多时。 People don't know how to build a small bridge quietly. One star looks like a bean for a long time.
21、想念,家乡的雪了。虽然,这座城市也会下雪。 I miss the snow in my hometown. Although, it will snow in this city.
22、故乡今夜思千里,霜鬓明朝又一年。 Hometown tonight, think of thousands of miles, frost Temple Ming Dynasty another year.
23、故乡若有敌人,日夜不得安宁。 If there are enemies in the hometown, there will be no peace day and night.
24、无端一夜空阶雨,滴破思乡万里心。 No reason night sky step rain, drips the homesickness ten thousand li heart.
25、春来爱有归乡梦,一半犹疑梦里行。 In spring, love has a dream of returning home, and half of them are hesitating in their dreams.
26、月是故乡明,人是故乡亲。 Moon is the hometown of Ming, people are the hometown of relatives.
27、桃李春风一杯酒,江湖夜雨十年灯。 A cup of wine is made of peach, plum and spring breeze. It's a light for ten years of night rain in the Jianghu.
28、此夜曲中闻折柳,何人不起故园情。 In this Nocturne, it's heard that the willows are broken. Who can't feel the feeling of hometown.
29、求人不如求己,他乡不如故乡。 It's better to ask for oneself than for others, and it's better to ask for hometown than for other country.
30、烽火连三月,家书抵万金。 In March, letters from home reached ten thousand gold.
31、甘霖已润下,断肠人心在家乡。 The rain has run down, heartbroken people in their hometown.
32、生仍冀得兮归桑梓,死当埋骨兮长已矣。 Life is still expected to come back to mulberry, and death is a long time.
33、胡马依北风,越鸟巢南枝。 Hu Ma follows the north wind and crosses the South Branch of the bird's nest.
34、若为化作身千亿,散向峰头望故乡。 If it's a hundred billion incarnations, scatter to the peak and look at the hometown.
35、落其实者思其树,饮其流者怀其源。 In fact, those who fall think about their trees and those who drink their streams think about their sources.
36、贫穷时不忘家乡,富有时故土难舍。 When you are poor, you will never forget your hometown. When you are rich, you will never give up your hometown.
37、还家万里梦,为客无更愁。 Return to my dream, no more sorrow for my guests.
38、逢人渐觉乡音异,却恨莺声似故山。 When we meet people, we gradually feel that the local voice is different, but we hate the sound of warblers like the old mountain.
39、金窝银窝,比不上家乡的穷窝窝。 Gold nest and silver nest are not as poor as their hometown.
40、顷刻一声锣鼓歇,不知何处是家乡。 I don't know where is my hometown.