1、一个微笑好姿态,一生幸福牵挂在。 A good smile attitude, a lifetime of happiness.

2、一名好医生,一名尽职尽责,认真对待工作的好医生。 A good doctor, a good doctor who is conscientious and takes his work seriously.

3、一片悉心表心态,一往无前热情在。 A attentive state of mind, enthusiasm in the past.

4、一身纯白神圣摆,一丝不苟职责在。 A pure white divine, meticulous duty in.

5、与时间赛跑,与疾病战斗。医者仁心,也请照顾好自己! Race against time, fight against disease. Please take good care of yourself!

6、他们徘徊在生与死的边缘,尽心守护。 They linger on the edge of life and death and guard them wholeheartedly.

7、他们肩负着救死扶伤的职责,这是生命对生命的诠释。 They shoulder the responsibility of saving lives, which is the interpretation of life to life.

8、你们不是清泉,却滋润着每一位患者久旱的心田。 You are not a clear spring, but moisten the heart of every patient.

9、你们是爱的种子的传播者,是生命的缔造者。 You are the disseminator of the seed of love and the creator of life.

10、你们是默默无闻的天使,你们是默默奉献的天使。 You are the angel of obscurity, you are the angel of silent devotion.

11、健康永留,病魔难侵,这是你的功劳,白衣天使。 Health will last forever, and illness will never invade. This is your credit, angel in white.

12、医生啊!我赞美你,你是让我们健康成长的人。 Doctor! I praise you. You are the one who makes us grow up healthily.

13、医生是秋天的晚霞,美丽动人,体贴温存。 The doctor is the sunset of autumn, beautiful and tender.

14、医生,是一位善良的白衣天使,他,有一种舍己救人的好品质! Doctor, is a kind angel in white, he has a kind of good quality of self sacrifice!

15、向医者致敬,向生命致敬!医者誓言,催泪感动! Salute the doctor, salute the life! Medical oath, tears moved!

16、在我心目中,他们的职业是伟大而高尚的。 In my mind, their career is great and noble.

17、妙手丹心是他们的承诺,救死扶伤是他们的使命。 Their commitment is to have a good hand, and their mission is to save lives.

18、孩提时代,美梦犹在,一袭飘逸的白衣乃我心中最爱! When I was a child, my dream was still there. I loved the elegant white clothes in my heart!

19、小小肩膀,大大责任,扎根基层,健康相托。 Small shoulders, big responsibilities, rooted in the grass-roots, healthy mutual trust.

20、您是医术高超、医德高尚的医生。 You are a doctor with excellent medical skills and high medical ethics.

21、您是悬壶济世,扁鹊再生,在世华佗,救死扶丧,妙手回春。 You are xuanhu Jishi, bianque rebirth, Huatuo in the world, saving the dead and supporting the mourning, and rejuvenate the spring with wonderful hands.

22、成长路上的磕碰,有他们守护。 They guard the bumps on the way of growing up.

23、我要赞美医生,能够在忙碌的工作中正视平凡。 I would like to praise doctors for their ability to face up to the ordinary in their busy work.

24、找不到不为你鼓掌的理由,你是那样敬业。 I can't find the reason why I can't applaud you. You are so dedicated.

25、把苦,累,怨留给自己,将乐,安,康送给病人。 Leave bitterness, tiredness and resentment to yourself, and give happiness, safety and health to patients.

26、挡住死神的狰狞,让生命重启。 Stop the ferocity of death and restart life.

27、正因为有了白衣天使,生活才更加美好。 Because of the angel in white, life is better.

28、清正廉明,扬医者风范;妙手回春,治百姓疾苦。 He is honest and upright, and promotes the style of the doctor; he can cure the people's sufferings with his wonderful hands.

29、珍惜生命,善待他人,真诚服务。 Cherish life, treat others well and serve them sincerely.

30、甘于奉献是他们的信仰,大爱无疆是他们的责任。 It is their faith to be willing to give, and their responsibility to love each other.

31、生命最初的啼哭,由他们开启。 The first cry of life is opened by them.

32、白衣天使总是第一个时间出现,用双手驱赶病魔,挽回生命。 The angel in White always appears at the first time. He drives away the disease with his hands and saves his life.

33、白衣天使,驱除疾病的骚扰。 Angel in white, dispel the harassment of disease.

34、白衣飘飘,变幻动人的美妙。 The white clothes are floating and moving.

35、莲,因洁而尊;医,因廉而正。 Lotus is respected for its purity; medicine is right for its integrity.

36、行医一时,鞠躬一生;不求闻达,但求利人。 He who practices medicine for a while bows his whole life.

37、行医路,就医路,路路艰辛。医者心,患者心,心心相印。 The road to practice medicine, the road to medical treatment, the road is hard. The doctor's heart, the patient's heart, and the heart and the heart are inseparable.

38、转变角色,把病人当亲人;诚信服务,倡导高尚医德。 We should change our roles, treat patients as relatives, serve with integrity and advocate high medical ethics.