1、一马当先,排除万难。 Take the lead and get rid of all difficulties.

2、万事不怕难,只要肯霸(八)蛮! Nothing is difficult, as long as kenba (eight) man!

3、不求做的最好,但求做的更好。 Don't strive for the best, but for the better.

4、不要轻言放弃,否则对不起自己! Don't give up, or I'm sorry for myself!

5、不问收获,但问耕耘!天道酬勤。 Do not ask for harvest, but ask for cultivation! Heaven rewards diligence.

6、中考就是效益,中考就是幸福。 Middle school entrance examination is benefit, middle school entrance examination is happiness.

7、今天拼搏努力,他日谁与争锋。 Work hard today, who will fight with you in the future.

8、你是英雄还是狗熊中考说了算。 Has the final say in the senior high school entrance examination?

9、做人要厚道,求学要严谨。 Be kind and rigorous in your study.

10、做对的事情比把事情做对重要。 It's more important to do the right thing than to do the right thing.

11、全力以赴,梦想没有边界。 Go all out, dreams have no boundaries.

12、六月亮剑,谁与争锋。 Who can compete with the sword in June.

13、冲刺一百天,绘出人生华丽篇章! Sprint for a hundred days, draw a magnificent chapter of life!

14、冲刺中考,拼在一起,赢得未来。 Sprint test, put together, win the future.

15、创新激发潜能,潜能带动创新。 Innovation stimulates potential and potential drives innovation.

16、别在该努力的时候,只谈梦想! Don't talk about dreams when you should try!

17、勇于亮剑,初三辉煌! Brave sword, brilliant third day!

18、博观细取,厚积薄发。 It's broad-minded and meticulous, and it's accumulated.

19、只要有斗志,不怕没战场。 As long as there is fighting spirit, not afraid of no battlefield.

20、向着理想奋飞,向着中考冲刺! Fly to the ideal, sprint to the high school entrance examination!

21、君子之学,死而后已。 The study of a gentleman is dead.

22、团结紧张,拼搏进取。 We should work hard and forge ahead.

23、坚韧强健,热情绽放,团结昂扬! Tough and strong, full of enthusiasm, United and high spirited!

24、大直若屈,大巧若拙,大辩若讷。 A great deal of straightforwardness is like bending, a great deal of skill is like clumsiness, and a great deal of debate is like a stupidity.

25、奋勇拼搏,决战中考。 Fight hard, fight for the mid-term exam.

26、宁吃百日苦,不留终生憾。 Better to suffer for a hundred days than to regret for a lifetime.

27、宏图报党恩,志远为国强。 Great plans for the party, far-reaching national strength.

28、小事成就大事,细节成就完美。 Small things make great things, and details make perfect things.

29、差以毫厘,谬以千里。 To err is to err.

30、应知学问难,在于点滴勤。 It's hard to learn, it's hard to be diligent.

31、微笑面对中考,创造美好未来。 Smile at the entrance examination and create a bright future.

32、心中夙愿,即将实现。 My long cherished wish will come true soon.

33、心态不好,你将永远是个弱者! You will always be a weak person!

34、忍耐力较诸脑力,尤胜一筹。 Endurance is better than brainpower.

35、懒惰等于将一个人活埋。 Laziness is like burying a man alive.

36、拼搏创造奇迹,奋斗书写辉煌! Strive to create a miracle, strive to write brilliant!

37、播种劳动,收获成功。 Sow labor and reap success.

38、文明友爱,求学拼搏。 Civilization and fraternity, study hard.

39、文明高雅,乐学善思。 Civilized and elegant, happy to learn and good at thinking.

40、暗自伤心,不如立即行动。 It's better to act now than to grieve in secret.

41、有志者,事竟成。 Where there is a will, there is a way.

42、校对如仇,绝不放过一道错题。 Proofreading is like revenge, never let go of a wrong question.

43、欲穷千里目,更上一层楼。 You can enjoy a grander sight by climbing to a greater height.

44、此刻的你比你的梦想更闪耀。 You are more shining than your dream now.

45、没有什么能阻止我! Nothing can stop me!

46、用最少的浪费面对现在。 Face the present with the least waste.

47、百日奋斗,不惧险难。 A hundred days of struggle, no fear of danger.

48、百日竞彼岸,破浪雄风展! A hundred days competing on the other side, breaking the waves!

49、穷则独善其身,达则兼善天下。 If you are poor, you should be good at yourself, and if you reach the goal, you should be good at the world.

50、苦过,方能跳出农门。 Only after suffering can we jump out of the agricultural gate.

51、认认真真考试,堂堂正正做人。 Be honest and upright in the exam.

52、超越自我,百天圆梦。 Surpass oneself, realize a dream in a hundred days.

53、踏准节拍,找准节奏。 Step on the beat, find the rhythm.

54、辛苦三年,幸福一生。 Three years of hard work, a happy life.

55、金榜题名,自强不息。 It's the title of the golden list. We'll keep improving.

56、青春无畏,逐梦扬威! Youth is fearless, pursuing dreams and enhancing prestige!

57、食之以时,用之以礼。 When you eat, you use it as a gift.

58、高山仰止,景行行止。 The mountains rise and the scenery goes.

59、鹰击天风壮,鹏飞海浪春。 The eagle strikes the sky, the wind is strong, and the waves are springy.