1、一万年太久,只争朝夕。 Ten thousand years is too long. Seize the day.

2、一个人,走一段自己的路。 A person, take a part of their own road.

3、一生陪伴,相约到老! Accompany me all my life, and make an appointment to be old!

4、不疯魔,不成活。 No madness, no survival.

5、不相疑,才能常相知。 If you don't doubt each other, you can always know each other.

6、与你共黄昏,问你粥可温。 At dusk with you, I ask you if porridge is warm.

7、世界再大,我眼里只有你。 No matter how big the world is, I only have you in my eyes.

8、今生既然相聚,爱的缘分相识。 Since we are together in this life, we know each other by the fate of love.

9、他心有她,岂能容我一席之地。 He has her in his heart, how can I have a place.

10、伴着我宠着我,一生一世。 Accompany me, spoil me, all my life.

11、余生还长,不必匆忙。 You don't have to rush for the rest of your life.

12、你是我见过最好的女子! You are the best woman I've ever seen!

13、你的困难,我来解决。 I'll solve your problem.

14、你那么孤独,却说一个人真好。 You're so lonely, but it's nice to be alone.

15、六朝金粉,不如你。 Six Dynasties gold powder, not as good as you.

16、初见倾心,再见痴心。 Love at first sight, see you again.

17、南风知我意,吹梦到他心。 The south wind knows what I mean and dreams of his heart.

18、只为,看你一眼。 Just for a look at you.

19、喜欢热闹,享受孤独。 Like lively, enjoy loneliness.

20、因为你,我懂得了爱。 Because of you, I know love.

21、因为有你,我的生活才会多彩。 Because of you, my life will be colorful.

22、大声的喊出我爱你。 Shout out I love you.

23、天不绝人愿,故使侬见郎。 The sky is endless, so I see Lang.

24、女不该,让男人太累。 Women should not, let men too tired.

25、如果不坚强,懦弱给谁看。 If not strong, cowardly to whom to see.

26、孤单是成长的必修课。 Loneliness is a required course for growth.

27、帅气,不可能炫耀一辈子。 Handsome, it is impossible to show off for a lifetime.

28、平平淡淡,才是真。 Plain and light, is true.

29、幸福,藏在不知名A角落。 Happiness, hidden in the unknown corner.

30、情海梦,三分浅。 Love sea dream, three points shallow.

31、想在你身上,虚度光阴。 I want to waste my time on you.

32、我一直在等你,你知道吗? I've been waiting for you, you know?

33、我不是故意的,我是你的。 I didn't mean to. I'm yours.

34、我们拉勾勾,幸福一直有。 We pull hook, happiness has always been.

35、我们绝口不提爱,却彼此依赖。 We don't depend on each other but love each other.

36、我想和你一起,这场爱的旅行。 I want to be with you, this love trip.

37、我想要找的,在你的身上都有。 What I'm looking for is in you.

38、我愿一生朴素,换你今生华丽。 I would like to live a simple life, for your gorgeous life.

39、我愿意为你,倾尽一切。 I will do everything for you.

40、我曾经喜欢你,但现在我爱你。 I used to like you, but now I love you.

41、我用青春,换你长情。 I use youth, for your long love.

42、我要粘着你。 Give me 520, I want to stick to you.

43、我还在等你,可你是迷路了吗? I'm still waiting for you, but are you lost?

44、承蒙你出现,够我喜欢好多年。 Thank you for showing up. I like it for many years.

45、明里暗里,都喜欢你。 I like you, both inside and outside.

46、是谁让我,彻夜难眠。 Who kept me awake all night.

47、来生,还像这样爱你。 In the next life, I still love you like this.

48、标了价的爱情是虚假的。 The price of love is false.

49、檀香弥漫,那是我拥抱你的手。 Sandalwood filled, that is my hand to hold you.

50、此刻的我,正在想你。 At the moment, I am thinking of you.

51、泼墨三千烟火,许你一世迷离。 Splash ink 3000 fireworks, you may be confused for a lifetime.

52、煞费苦心,欲得芳心。 Take pains to get a heart.

53、爱你的日子,特别的幸福。 Love your day, special happiness.

54、爱我所爱,千夫所指我也不改。 Love what I love, and I will not change what I am accused of.

55、爱的时候想着一个人是快乐的。 It's happy to think of a person when you love.

56、爱,为何总是那么伤人? Love, why always hurt people?

57、真正的爱情,要道谢也要道歉。 For true love, we should say thanks and apologize.

58、真的爱情是永不凋谢的。 True love never fades.


60、走走看看,一个人的逗留。 Walk around and have a look, a person's stay.

61、青山不老,与君白头。 Green mountains are not old, and you are white headed.