1、一句我爱你,连命都给你。 I love you, even life to you.

2、不是我没等你,是你没来找我。 It's not that I didn't wait for you, it was you who didn't come to me.

3、与你历经风雨的人,最真诚。 With you through the wind and rain, the most sincere.

4、亲爱的遇见过你,一切都值得。 Dear, I met you, everything is worth it.

5、人间不值得,但你很值得。 The world is not worth it, but you are.

6、今生的缘,彼此的挂牵。 The fate of this life, each other.

7、从天光乍破,走到暮雪白头。 From the break of the sky, to the end of the snow.

8、他是我一生中最心爱的人。 He is the most beloved person in my life.

9、你关心别人,但我只在乎你。 You care about others, but I only care about you.

10、你好好的,有什么事我扛着。 You're OK. I'll take care of anything.

11、你害羞的样子我一直很喜欢。 I've always liked your shyness.

12、你是我的爱错,我却不肯认错。 You are my love fault, but I will not admit it.

13、你有没有想过要和我在一起。 Have you ever thought about being with me.

14、你需要什么?我需要你。 What can I do for you, please? I Want You.

15、净化悲伤,让它随着空气上升。 Purify sorrow and let it rise with the air.

16、分手做朋友,从此不伺候。 Break up to be friends, never serve.

17、华丽的沉默,或许是解脱。 Gorgeous silence may be liberation.

18、只想要取暖、却狠狠被烫伤。 Just want to warm, but severely scalded.

19、回忆里有你有我,却没有爱情。 Memories of you, me, but no love.

20、因为你是唯一,所以拿命珍惜。 Because you are the only one, so cherish your life.

21、因为懂得、所以格外珍惜。 Because understand, so cherish.

22、因为爱情,不会让我孤单。 Because of love, will not let me alone.

23、在时间的渡口,我们皆是过客。 At the ferry of time, we are all passers-by.

24、天生一对,就算作对也好快乐。 It's a perfect match, even if it's right.

25、彼岸无爱一切只与寂寞有染。 There is no love on the other side, and everything only has something to do with loneliness.

26、心在你那里,你让我爱谁。 The heart is with you, who do you want me to love.

27、思念如马,自别离,未停蹄。 Miss like a horse, from parting, not stop.

28、情若能自控,怎么会心痛。 If you can control yourself, how can you feel heartache.

29、懂得了好多,放下了很多。 Understand a lot, put down a lot.

30、懦弱的背后,是强忍的坚强。 Behind the cowardice, is the strong tolerance.

31、我们只是心血来潮,不是真心。 We're just whim, not really.

32、我怕来不及,我要抱着你。 I'm afraid it's too late. I'll hold you.

33、我想确定每日挽住同样的手臂。 I want to make sure I hold the same arm every day.

34、我是全世界最幸福的人! I am the happiest person in the world!

35、我是坏女孩,禁止任何人靠近。 I'm a bad girl. No one is allowed to get close to me.

36、我爱你,想要和你在一起。 I love you and want to be with you.

37、我还有你,我凭什么不努力。 I still have you. Why don't I work hard.

38、无言的约定,刹那永恒。 Silent agreement, the moment forever.

39、明明还是爱,却假装不在乎。 Clearly still love, but pretend not to care.

40、有的时候、睡觉也是一种享受。 Sometimes, sleeping is also a kind of enjoyment.

41、每一句晚安,其实都是我爱你。 Every good night is actually I love you.

42、每一次回忆,有点甜,有点痛。 Every memory, a little sweet, a little pain.

43、每一种创伤,都是一种成熟。 Every kind of trauma is a kind of maturity.

44、没有你的那年冬天,格外的冷。 Without you that winter, especially cold.

45、爱你的时候、什么都是理由。 When I love you, everything is the reason.

46、爱和伤痛,都会败给岁月。 Love and pain, will lose to years.

47、爱情和仇恨,二者皆盲目。 Love and hatred are blind.

48、爱情这条路,我能陪你走多久? Love this road, how long can I accompany you?

49、爱情,脆弱的经不起时间重压。 Love, fragile can not withstand the pressure of time.

50、爱我别走,简简单单的一句话。 Love me don't go, a simple word.

51、爱是原谅,谁都不准翻旧账。 Love is forgiveness, no one is allowed to turn over the past.

52、爱那么短,忘记那么长。 Love so short, forget so long.

53、用最初的心,陪他走最h的路。 With the initial heart, accompany him to walk the farthest road.

54、相爱只是付出,那就是慈善。 Love is just giving, that is charity.

55、种一朵桔梗、真诚不变德爱。 Plant a Platycodon grandiflorum, sincere and unchanging love.

56、童话已结束,遗忘是幸福。 The fairy tale is over, forgetting is happiness.

57、笑只是个表情,与快乐无关! Smile is just an expression, it has nothing to do with happiness!

58、谢谢你陪我走过的每一个春秋。 Thank you for accompanying me through every spring and autumn.

59、这年头,爱不值一毛钱。 Love is not worth a dime these days.

60、风确定要走,云怎么挽留。 If the wind is sure to leave, how can the cloud keep it.