1、不心疼自己的人,怎么心疼别人。 Don't love their own people, how to love others.

2、不患老而无成,只怕幼而不学。 He who fears youth will not learn.

3、不阿谀以苟合,不谄媚以求亲。 Don't flatter to meet, don't flatter to courtship.

4、两人相爱,却不一定会在一起。 Two people love each other, but not necessarily together.

5、二十来岁,脑子不好使,活够了。 I'm in my twenties. I can't use my brain. I've lived enough.

6、互联网的真谛,就是广结善缘。 The essence of the Internet is to make good connections.

7、从天真到成熟,初心未忘。 From innocence to maturity, the first heart never forgets.

8、从此我的世界,不再有你。 From then on, there will be no more you in my world.

9、任时光匆匆流去,我只在乎你。 I only care about you when time goes by.

10、但愿人长久,千里共嫦娟。 I hope people will live for a long time.

11、你我的Y局,谱写着忧伤歌声。 You and I end up with sad songs.

12、你是唯一的,无可取代。 You are the only one, irreplaceable.

13、你眼睛会笑,弯成一条桥。 Your eyes will smile and bend into a bridge.

14、你还没来,我怎敢老去。 How dare I grow old before you come.

15、你还要吃很多很多亏。 You have a lot to lose.

16、做不成情侣,也别做朋友。 If you can't be a couple, don't be a friend.

17、傻瓜,我什么都不计较。 Fool, I don't care about anything.

18、努力做迩的阳光,照耀到最后! Strive to be your sunshine, shine to the end!

19、十年后的我们会不会相遇。 Will we meet in ten years.

20、原来我们之间,一切都只是童话。 It turns out that everything between us is just a fairy tale.

21、哪些伤不值得回忆,何必回首。 Which injuries are not worth remembering, why look back.

22、因为你,我的天空是彩色的。 Because of you, my sky is colorful.

23、夕阳西下,断肠人在刷牙。 At sunset, heartbroken people are brushing their teeth.

24、如果爱情黯淡,就让回忆灿烂。 If love is dim, let memories be bright.

25、对我来说,你是最珍贵的。 To me, you are the most precious.

26、少来妻老来伴,一日不见问三遍。 Don't ask your wife three times a day.

27、希望我不是被选择,而且被热爱。 I hope I'm not chosen and loved.

28、待我长发及腰,你先整容可好。 When my hair achieves waist length, you should first get plastic surgery.

29、想你了,就看看我们的合照。 Miss you, just look at our photos.

30、愿为众人死,不为一人亡。 Die for all, not for one.

31、我不会恨你,但也不会原谅你。 I will not hate you, but I will not forgive you.

32、我什么都不想要了,包括你。 I don't want anything, including you.

33、我们可以失望,但不能盲目! We can be disappointed, but not blind!

34、我对你的思念,停留在指尖。 I miss you at the fingertips.

35、我是条酸菜鱼,又酸又菜有多余。 I'm a fish with pickles, which are sour and superfluous.

36、我爱你,但,那只是曾经。 I love you, but, it was just once.

37、我理智也很冷漠,连话都不想说。 I'm so cold and rational that I don't even want to talk.

38、我的执着,是因为,你值得。 My persistence is because you are worth it.

39、拿得起的人,处处是担当。 Those who can afford it are responsible everywhere.

40、放下并不是舍弃,更多的是守护。 To give up is not to give up, but to protect.

41、早上心情好,天天没烦恼。 Good mood in the morning, no worries every day.

42、晚点遇见你,但愿余生是你。 I'll meet you later. I hope it's you for the rest of my life.

43、曾经许下的承诺,现已变成o忆。 The promise once made has now become a memory.

44、有人疼才显的那么出众。 Someone's pain is so outstanding.

45、浮浮沉沉,我便是一段诗颂。 Floating and sinking, I am a poem.

46、照片中的我们,是那么幸福。 We are so happy in the picture.

47、爱一个人,就是比不上我一个人。 To love someone is not like me.

48、爱情不是索取,而是给予。 Love is not to take, but to give.

49、爱情它是责任不是玩笑。 Love is not a joke but a responsibility.

50、生气不如争气,抱怨不如改变。 It's better to be angry than to be angry. It's better to complain than to change.

51、相信我,我一定让你幸福的。 Believe me, I will make you happy.

52、看清一个人,没必要戳穿他。 See a person clearly, there is no need to expose him.

53、看路人行色匆匆没人在意谁。 No one cares who passers-by is in a hurry.

54、眼泪流干了,心的碎片随风飞。 Tears dry, heart fragments fly with the wind.

55、绿色很环保,但爱情却很肮脏。 Green is green, but love is dirty.

56、老来多健忘,唯不忘相思。 How forgetful he is, but he never forgets his love.

57、自从分了手,流量节约了80%。 Since the separation of hands, 80% of the flow has been saved.

58、苦,换一个名字换一种生活。 Bitter, change a name for a life.

59、虚心使人进步,骄傲使人落后。 Modesty makes one progress, pride makes one lag behind.

60、被爱的人,才有资格懒惰。 Only those who are loved can be lazy.

61、远离、远离不了那份真挚的情。 Far away, not far away from the sincere feelings.

62、迷人且温柔,知进且优秀。 Charming and gentle, knowledgeable and excellent.

63、遇见你是所有故事的开始。 Meeting you is the beginning of all the stories.

64、除了爱老公,我还能干什么。 Besides loving my husband, what else can I do.