1、三月的风很甜,水很软,猫很懒,阳光很暖。 The wind is sweet in March, the water is soft, the cat is lazy and the sun is warm.

2、上学的时候无非就是想回家,回家之后又想着学校。 When I go to school, I just want to go home and then think about school.

3、不要太在乎别人的看法,要清楚自己是怎么想的。 Don't care too much about other people's opinions. Be clear about what you think.

4、不随波逐流,也不随心所欲,初心待事,真心待人。 Don't go with the flow, don't do what you want, treat things with your heart and treat people with your heart.

5、人生如逆旅,我亦是行人。 Life is like a journey, I am also a pedestrian.

6、今夜江河之源,只亮我的酥油灯,只照我的心上人。 Tonight, the source of rivers, only my butter lamp, only my sweetheart.

7、你不珍惜的,自然会有人宝贝。 If you don't treasure it, there will be some treasure.

8、你什么都不知道,包括我喜欢你。 You don't know anything, including I like you.

9、你值得拥有所有的美好,笑着等待,笑着接受。 You deserve to have all the good, waiting with a smile, accepting with a smile.

10、你去银河偷点星星,做我宇宙飞船的燃料。 You go to the galaxy and steal some stars to fuel my spaceship.

11、你很迷人,但我得回家。 You're charming, but I have to go home.

12、关于明天的事情,后天我们就都知道了。 We all know about tomorrow the day after tomorrow.

13、刚切开的西瓜,是初恋的颜色。 The watermelon just cut is the color of first love.

14、别等到我死心的那一刻,千军万马都拉不回来。 Don't wait until the moment when I die, thousands of troops can't come back.

15、区区世俗奈我何,我怡然自得。 I'm happy with the world.

16、单身让人变好看,变可爱,变有趣,变迷人。 Being single makes people look good, lovely, interesting and charming.

17、原来一直以为友情不会变质,却不知道它会变味。 I always thought friendship would not go bad, but I didn't know it would.

18、吹灭读书灯,一身都是月。 Blow out the reading lamp and you will be covered with the moon.

19、善良一点,因为每个人都在和人生苦战。 Be kind, because everyone is struggling with life.

20、回家的路又短又长,短的是距离,长的是心情。 The way home is short and long, short is distance, long is mood.

21、回家路上人好多啊,不过很开心。 There are many people on the way home, but I'm very happy.

22、如果你无法忘掉昨天,就不会有一个更好的明天。 If you can't forget yesterday, there won't be a better tomorrow.

23、如果错过太阳时你流泪了,那么你也要错过群星了。 If you shed tears when you miss the sun, you will miss the stars.

24、少年与爱永不老去,即便披荆斩棘,丢失怒马鲜衣。 Youth and love never grow old, even if they cut through thorns and lose their angry horse clothes.

25、带你回家,待你回家,代你回家。 Take you home, wait for you, and take you home.

26、带着你的微笑和武器,面对人生的不期而遇。 With your smile and weapons, face the unexpected life.

27、心中的微光,是梦想出发的地方。 The dim light in my heart is where my dream starts.

28、快乐的秘诀,就是停止一切胡思乱想。 The secret of happiness is to stop thinking.

29、想变成太阳花,永远对着太阳笑。 Want to become a sunflower, always smile at the sun.

30、感动代替不了感情,念旧也回不到曾经。 Moving can not replace feelings, nostalgia can not return to the past.

31、愿你永怀善意,清澈明朗。 May you always be kind and clear.

32、慢品人间烟火色,闲观万事岁月长。 Slow taste of the world's fireworks, idle view of all things for a long time.

33、我依旧是曾经的模样,过着不咸不淡的人生。 I'm still what I used to be, living a life of salt and water.

34、我哪有什么好脾气,我的好脾气都是因为我爱你。 Where I have any good temper, my good temper is because I love you.

35、我在茫茫尘世间寻寻觅觅,只为了找寻心的归属。 I look for in the boundless world, only to find the heart of belonging.

36、我想回家了,可是我的家又在哪。 I want to go home, but where is my home.

37、我想牵你的手,从心动,到古稀。 I want to hold your hand, from the heart, to the antique.

38、我要过好自己的生活,管他妈天昏地暗日起日落。 I want to live my own life, even though it's dark and the sun is up and down.

39、我需要的只是一份关怀,还有那真实的安全感。 All I need is a care and a real sense of security.

40、提诗长短句,句句都是你。 When it comes to short and long sentences, they are all you.

41、无论是好事还是坏事,到最后都会变成没事。 No matter good or bad, it will become nothing in the end.

42、时间游走,岁搁浅,斑驳的影子映着千言万语。 Time goes, age runs aground, mottled shadow reflects thousands of words.

43、最美好的时光,是为一个人付出一切时的勇敢。 The best time is to be brave when you give everything to someone.

44、有事做,有人爱,有所期待。 Something to do, someone to love, something to look forward to.

45、有时候不小心知道了些事情后,会觉得很寒心。 Sometimes I feel cold when I know something.

46、每个人都是梦想家,当梦走了,你只剩想家了。 Everyone is a dreamer. When the dream is gone, you are only homesick.

47、没事的话就多想想我呗,多想想也不犯法。 If it's OK, just think about me more. It's not against the law to think more.

48、淡蓝色,并不是我的最爱,却是我最难忘的。 Light blue is not my favorite, but my most unforgettable.

49、用迷离的舞步,跟随着最后一丝月光的脚步。 Follow the last step of the moonlight with the confused dance steps.

50、相信自己,你的未来会越来好,加油吧! Believe in yourself, your future will be better and better. Come on!

51、相遇不必太早,对的时间遇到对的人,那才叫刚刚好。 Meet not too early, the right time to meet the right person, that is just right.

52、看见头顶上灿烂的阳光,便是我牵挂你的视线。 To see the bright sunshine above my head is my concern for your sight.

53、祝你所求皆所愿,所行化坦途,多喜乐,长安宁。 I wish you all the things you ask for, all the things you do, all the happiness and peace.

54、素手摘星愿,许下满天星空。 I wish to pick the stars with my hands and promise to fill the sky with stars.

55、被你宠着,惯着也是种幸福。 Being spoiled by you is also a kind of happiness.

56、记得,你才22岁,你可以成为任何你想成为的人。 Remember, you're only 22 and you can be anyone you want to be.

57、谢谢你陪着我,看过春夏和秋冬。 Thank you for accompanying me. I've seen spring, summer, autumn and winter.

58、这座城市,风很大,孤独的人,却总是晚回家。 This city, the wind is very strong, lonely people, but always late home.

59、错过就算了,不问为什么,不犯贱,也别矫情。 Miss even if, don't ask why, not cheap, also don't affectation.

60、阳光温热,岁月静好,你还不来,我怎敢老去。 The sun is warm and the years are quiet. How dare I grow old before you come.