1、一个新的开始,必定有一个痛苦的阶段,尤其是失去感觉之后。 A new beginning must have a painful stage, especially after losing feeling.

2、不但要看别人愿意为你做什么,也要看别人不愿为你做什么。不愿意,代表底线。 It depends not only on what others are willing to do for you, but also on what others are not willing to do for you. No, it's the bottom line.

3、不管是晴天还是阴天,一定要记住给自己一个美好的笑容。 Whether it's sunny or cloudy, remember to give yourself a good smile.

4、与人为善,坚守原则,努力做一个和人相处时让对方觉得舒服的人,对,舒服。 Be kind to others, stick to the principle, and try to be a person who makes others feel comfortable when they get along with each other, right, comfortable.

5、人生没有结束,只有不断的新开始,结束的结束是就是开始。 There is no end to life, only a constant new beginning. The end of the end is the beginning.

6、保持眼界开阔和脚步向前,你就会找到你需要的一切。 Keep your eyes open and your feet forward and you'll find everything you need.

7、其实,很多人不是讨厌现在的生活,而是过不起想要的生活罢了。 In fact, many people don't hate the present life, but can't afford the life they want.

8、只要你愿意,到处都会有,属于自己的绝对安静的世界。 As long as you want, there will be an absolutely quiet world of your own everywhere.

9、在新的一年了,新的开始,新的收获。 In the new year, a new beginning, a new harvest.

10、在这个日子,我倒满一杯烈酒,不是想醉,是想敬我心中的那些值得我珍惜的人。 On this day, I pour a glass of spirits, not to get drunk, but to respect those in my heart who deserve my treasure.

11、在这最美丽的一天,庆祝今天你来到这个世界上,在生命航程新的一年中,愿幸运时时与你相伴。 On this most beautiful day, celebrate your coming to the world today. In the new year of life, may luck always be with you.

12、坚持了应该坚持的,放弃了应该放弃的,踏实一些,不要着急,你想要的,岁月都会给你。 Insist on what should be insisted on, give up what should be given up, be steadfast, don't worry, what you want, time will give you.

13、学会承受痛苦。有些事情,只适合烂在心里,适合无声无息的忘记。 Learn to suffer. Some things, only suitable for rotten in the heart, suitable for silent forget.

14、希望新的一年,不会再有泪水,我要快乐。 I hope there will be no more tears in the new year. I want to be happy.

15、当别人认定了你是错的,就算你冷静地解释了也会越描越黑,还会被认为是在狡辩。 When others think you are wrong, even if you calmly explain it, it will get darker and darker, and it will be considered to be sophistry.

16、当鞭炮的响声将我从梦里拉醒的时候我才醒悟:新的一年又过去了。 Only when the sound of firecrackers woke me up from my dream did I realize that the new year was over again.

17、感觉自己幸福的人,是真幸福;感觉自己聪明的人,是真蠢笨。 Those who feel happy are really happy; those who feel smart are really stupid.

18、我们扮演了太多的角色去讨人喜欢,却终不得愿,不如做最真实的自己,静心等候那个对的人。 We played too many roles to be liked, but we didn't want to. It's better to be the most real ourselves and wait for the right person.

19、我希望新的一年自己更成熟,对自己更严格,做想做的自己,跟着心的脚步,生活五彩。 I hope that in the new year, I will be more mature, more strict with myself, do what I want to do, follow the steps of my heart and live colorful life.

20、攒久了的失望就像定时炸弹,总会有爆炸的一天。 A long time of disappointment is like a time bomb. There will always be an explosion.

21、新一年,新开始,经得起风浪,愿我们开心健康大钱。 The new year, the new beginning, can stand the storm, wish us happy health to earn big money.

22、新年的钟声已然敲响,在此许下一个小小的心愿,愿新的一年无怨无悔。 The new year's bell has already sounded, here make a little wish, wish the new year without regrets.

23、新的一年。新的开始。整理一下重新出发。 A new year. A New Beginning. Tidy up and start again.

24、新的一年开始了,我也要有个新的开始! The new year has begun, I also want to have a new beginning!

25、新的一年新的开始,让我们并肩前行! New year, new beginning, let's move forward together!

26、新的一年新的开始,送给自己的礼物,善待自己善待他人,早安。 At the beginning of the new year, I will give myself gifts, treat myself well and treat others well. Good morning.

27、新的一年,愿我们忘掉所有的不开心。 In the new year, may we forget all our unhappiness.

28、新的一年,换一种心情,换一种生活方式。让简单的日子,富有诗意。 New year, change a mood, change a way of life. Let simple days be poetic.

29、新的一年,新的开始。是一个美好的愿望还是一个不厌其烦的谎言! A new year, a new beginning. Is it a good wish or an endless lie!

30、新的一年,新的开始,新年快乐! New year, new beginning, happy New Year!

31、新起点!新开始!一切都会好起来的! New starting point! New start! Everything will be fine!

32、日子总会起起落落,有欢笑也会有泪水,有期待当然也会有恐惧,并且试着激励自己也鼓励大家。 There will always be ups and downs, laughter and tears, expectation and fear, and try to motivate yourself and encourage everyone.

33、有些人看起来原谅你了,可你已经是陌生人了。 Some people seem to forgive you, but you are already a stranger.

34、有时候,现在的痛苦,是你当初认为是最美的;你当初认为越美好,一旦失去,现在就越痛苦。 Sometimes, the present pain is the most beautiful you thought it was; the better you thought it was, the more painful it will be if you lose it.

35、机会大,并不等于你就会成功。 A big chance doesn't mean you will succeed.

36、生活,有悲伤,有惊喜,有成功,有失败。让你痛哭流涕,有时也会喜极而泣。 Life has sorrow, surprise, success and failure. It makes you cry and sometimes cry with joy.

37、真心祝您在新的一年里平安快乐身体健康,愿您所有的梦想都能在新年得以实现。 I sincerely wish you peace, happiness and good health in the new year. May all your dreams come true in the new year.

38、自己不改变的话,新的一年也只是之前的重演。 If I don't change, the new year is just a repeat of the previous one.

39、许多让你感动的浪漫桥段,只是他泡妞的一种手段,爱情不是感动,是在平淡中他能陪你多久。 A lot of romantic passages that make you moved are just a way for him to pick up girls. Love is not moving, but how long he can accompany you in the plain.

40、这一年里,有各种味道,酸甜苦辣,包括有咸的,看似是苦难,实则是磨练。 In this year, there are all kinds of tastes, sour, sweet, bitter and spicy, including salty ones. It seems to be suffering, but in fact, it's tempering.

41、都知欢聚最难得、难耐别离多。一路陪伴、相互支持。只谈未来、不言过去。新年新开始、感谢有你。 We all know that it's the most difficult to get together. Accompany and support each other all the way. Talk about the future, not the past. Thank you for the new year.