1、一个受过伤的女生,唯一学习并领悟的就是坚强。 A wounded girl, the only thing to learn and understand is to be strong.
2、一些情,即使明白走到最后会散,却也无法放弃。 Some feelings, even if they understand that they will disperse in the end, can't give up.
3、一切随缘,时间过去了,别等了,忘了吧。 All along, time has passed, don't wait, forget it.
4、一切顺其自然,上天自有安排! Let it be, God will arrange it!
5、一笑而过,云淡风轻! Smile away, the clouds are light!
6、不出现,不打扰,这是我最后爱你的方式。 Don't show up, don't disturb, this is the last way I love you.
7、不奢望遇到对的人,只希望遇到的都是人。 Do not expect to meet the right people, only hope to meet people.
8、与其用泪水悔恨今天,不如用汗水拼搏今天。 It's better to fight today with sweat than regret today with tears.
9、世上的道理没几条,就看能不能做到。 There are few principles in the world. It depends on whether it can be achieved.
10、世间万事,长不过执念,短不过善变。 Everything in the world, long but obsession, short but fickle.
11、人和人之间,最难的是理解! Between people, the most difficult is to understand!
12、人学会闭嘴,人生就会无悔! People learn to shut up, life will not regret!
13、人生一辈子,真的好难。 Life is a lifetime. It's really hard.
14、人生如戏,全靠演技;人生苦短,必须性感。 Life is like a play, all depends on acting; life is short, must be sexy.
15、人生本就是一场浮云,学会看轻,学会看淡! Life is a floating cloud, learn to look down on, learn to look down on!
16、人生的三把钥匙:接受,改变,离开! Three keys of life: accept, change, leave!
17、人生的经历,就是岁月的沉淀! The experience of life is the precipitation of years!
18、余生太短,何必将就! The rest of life is too short. Why do you make do with it!
19、信任一个人的越多,最后得到的是,失望的越多。 The more you trust a person, the more disappointment you end up with.
20、做人真难,做个自强自立的人更难! It's hard to be a man. It's even harder to be a man of self-reliance!
21、做人,随遇而安,人生,苦一阵子。 Be a man, and live as you please, and suffer for a while.
22、做好最真的自己,活出生命的意义。 Do your best and live the meaning of life.
23、别动不动就付出真心,他给你的糖可能也给过别人。 Don't give your heart without moving. The sugar he gave you may have been given to others.
24、到了现在这个年纪,谁都不想再取悦了! At this age, no one wants to please!
25、努力工作是为了生活得更好,而不是生活得更累。 Hard work is to live better, not to live more tired.
26、压力是棵墙头草,你若强来它就倒。 Pressure is a grass on the wall. If you force it, it will fall.
27、唯有靠自己,成就你自己。 Only by yourself can you achieve yourself.
28、如果事与愿违,请相信一定另有安排! If things go against your wishes, please believe that there must be other arrangements!
29、岁月是一枚钉子,和生活注定了一锤子买卖。 Time is a nail, and life is doomed to a hammer business.
30、当眼泪流下来,才知道,分开也是另一种明白。 When tears come down, we know that separation is another way to understand.
31、想做一个很酷的人,两手插兜绝不回头。 If you want to be a cool person, put your hands in your pockets and never look back.
32、我们纵有百般无奈,也得接受事实。 We have to accept the fact even if we have no choice.
33、我们都是远视眼,往往模糊了离我们最近的幸福。 We are all farsighted, often blurring the happiness closest to us.
34、我若不勇敢,谁替我坚强? If I am not brave, who is strong for me?
35、我还是我,只是穷了点! I'm still me, just a little poor!
36、拉弓没有回头剑,一切都是自找的。 The Bowman didn't turn back his sword, everything was for himself.
37、最后的最后,我们还是向现实低了头。 At the end of the day, we bow to reality.
38、最唯美的笑容,却成为最悲伤的面具。 The most beautiful smile, but become the most sad mask.
39、有感而发,一定要改变自己! You must change yourself!
40、有时阳光很好,有时阳光很暗,这就是生活。 Sometimes the sun is good, sometimes the sun is dark, this is life.
41、沉淀自己,是最好的升华! Precipitate oneself, is the best sublimation!
42、没有什么会永远,也没有什么会很久! Nothing will last forever, nothing will last forever!
43、活下去,需要理由。 A reason is needed to survive.
44、现实告诉你,不努力就会被生活踩死! Reality tells you that if you don't work hard, you will be trampled to death by life!
45、生活将我们磨圆,是为了让我们滚得更远。 Life round us, is to let us roll further.
46、生活总会给你答案,但不会马上把一切都告诉你! Life will always give you answers, but it won't tell you everything right away!
47、生活无奈,身心疲惫,好累好累。 Life is helpless, physical and mental fatigue, so tired and tired.
48、生活的一半是倒霉,另一半是如何处理倒霉。 Half of life is bad luck, the other half is how to deal with it.
49、生活,就是一杯白开水,无色无味,却暖人心肺! Life is a cup of boiled water, colorless and tasteless, but warm heart and lungs!
50、百般阻挠是成功,自己一定要有良心。 Every obstruction is a success. You must have a conscience.
51、破碎的勇敢,终将深埋地心! Broken brave, will be buried in the heart of the earth!
52、等忙完这一阵子,就能忙下一阵子了。 After a while, you can be busy for the next time.
53、要低头做事,更要睁眼看人! To work with a low head, but also to open your eyes to see people!
54、身边的朋友无数,知心的没有几个。 There are countless friends around me, but few are intimate.
55、这世上哪有真正心软的人,只有还未被伤够的人。 There are no real soft hearted people in the world, only those who have not been hurt enough.
56、这个社会很简单、只是人太复杂。 This society is very simple, just too complex.
57、这些年,我怕了! These years, I'm afraid!
58、适当的放弃,是人生优雅的转身! Giving up properly is the graceful turn of life!
59、除了你,我百毒不侵。 I am invincible except for you.