1、一切患得患失为了你,所有骄傲自尊都失手。 For you, all pride and self-esteem are lost.

2、一辈子不长,对心好点,别让她受伤。 Life is not long. Be nice to your heart. Don't let her get hurt.

3、不要方便说爱,许下的答应就是欠下的债。 Don't talk about love conveniently. Promises are debts.

4、世上没有免费午餐,无论什么,总得付出代价。 There is no free lunch in the world, no matter what, there must be a price.

5、人一辈子买的最后一样东西,是由他人决定的。 The last thing people buy in a lifetime is decided by others.

6、从新出发,运气不好那就用努力替代! Start from a new start, if you're not lucky, use hard work instead!

7、你总怪她疑神疑鬼,却忘了你从未给过她安全感。 You always blame her for being suspicious and forgetting that you never gave her a sense of security.

8、你的世界太拥挤,没有我,也合情合理。 Your world is too crowded. It makes sense without me.

9、其实很多事情是不能勉强的,尤其是感情。 In fact, many things can not be forced, especially feelings.

10、别再跟我说这所谓得爱情了,我早已不相信了。 Don't tell me about this so-called love, I don't believe it.

11、别总是羡慕别人光芒万丈,却忘了自己也会发光。 Don't always envy others, but forget that you will shine.

12、只想优雅转身,不料华丽撞墙。 I just want to turn around gracefully, only to be gorgeous and hit the wall.

13、君埋泉下泥销骨,我寄人间雪满头。 You bury the spring under the mud pin bone, I send the world full of snow.

14、如果你背叛了我,我会头也不回的离开你。 If you betray me, I will never return to leave you.

15、如果可以,请把我放回还不认识你的路上。 If you can, please put me back on the road where I don't know you.

16、如果当初勇敢的说再见,现在就不会那么纠结了。 If I had said goodbye bravely, I would not be so entangled now.

17、宁愿自己痛,去为人止痛,我扮成忠心的听众。 I'd rather hurt myself and relieve pain for others. I pretend to be a loyal audience.

18、对一个人的失望,原来是可以没有尽头的。 To a person's disappointment, originally can have no end.

19、就在你离开的那个午后,我哭着笑着好久好久。 On the afternoon when you left, I cried and laughed for a long time.

20、幻觉,幻觉,那些熟悉的,不熟悉的。 Hallucinations, hallucinations, familiar, unfamiliar.

21、当天空失去了太阳,向日葵又该如何仰望她的爱? When the sky lost the sun, how can sunflower look up to her love?

22、当我的世界一片黑暗,你会不会拼命救我到光明。 When my world is dark, will you try your best to save me to the light.

23、得不到的永远在骚动,被偏爱的有恃无恐。 What can't be obtained is always in turmoil, and those who are preferred are not afraid.

24、我不介意你骗我,我介意的是你骗不了我。 I don't mind if you cheat me. What I care is that you can't cheat me.

25、我不是戒不了手机,我只是戒不了手机里的那群人。 I'm not that I can't quit my cell phone. I just can't quit the group of people in the cell phone.

26、我从未拥有过你,却感觉失去千万次。 I've never had you, but I feel lost a million times.

27、我们没有珍惜在一起的机会,一次次的错过缘分。 We did not cherish the opportunity to be together, missed the fate again and again.

28、我们的爱就像是黑色的天空,一眼看不到边。 Our love is like the black sky, can't see the edge at a glance.

29、我好懒,懒得连自己心里的人都懒得换。 I'm so lazy that I don't want to change the people in my heart.

30、我安静地走在你身后,描绘你所有踏过的方土。 I walk quietly behind you, depicting all the earth you have stepped on.

31、我怀里所有温暖的空气化成风,也不敢和你相遇。 All the warm air in my arms turns into wind, and I dare not meet you.

32、手机明明不在身边,却感觉到手机在震动。 The mobile phone is not around, but I feel that the mobile phone is shaking.

33、捧着战败的骨灰,洒落出我的悲伤。 Holding the ashes of the defeat, I shed my sadness.

34、最终一生一世的约定,却成了碾落尘土中的灰絮。 In the end, the dust of the first life is crushed into dust.

35、有多少爱可以乱来,有多少破鞋还在等待! How much love can come, how many shoes are still waiting!

36、有时候我真希望自己没有感觉,那就好过得多了。 Sometimes I wish I didn't feel it, so much better.

37、来来往往的车辆,犹如自己反反复复的心情。 The vehicles come and go, just like their own repeated mood.

38、爱情不曾向我许诺它愿意天长地久。 Love never promised me that it would last forever.

39、爱是对的,错的是我们还没学会爱,就急着去爱。 Love is right. The wrong thing is that we are anxious to love before we learn to love.

40、生活不会更容易,但你可以更强大。 Life won't be easier, but you can be stronger.

41、疏远就是当我需要你的时候,你恰好都不在! Estrangement is when I need you, you happen to be absent!

42、看着你渐渐离我而去,我只知道你没有回来的理由。 Looking at you gradually away from me, I only know you have no reason to come back.

43、真正爱你的人,其实就是愿意一直忍耐你的人。 The person who really loves you is actually the one who is willing to endure you all the time.

44、终有一日花谢了、梦醒人去红镂空。 One day, the flowers withered, the dream awakened people to red hollow.

45、让友情变成爱情不容易,让爱情变成友情更难。 It is not easy to turn friendship into love, but it is more difficult to turn love into friendship.

46、说好一起走,怎么就松手了呢。 We agreed to go together. How can we let go.

47、请把衬衫的第一颗扣子给我,因为它多余的像我。 Please give me the first button of the shirt because it's redundant like me.

48、那些说不出口的思念,最后都熬成了黑眼圈。 Those can not say the missing, finally boil into black circles.

49、那句话始终不敢开口,只能放在心里了。 That sentence always dare not open mouth, can only put in the heart.

50、那天,看到你的动态,我想我也应该把你忘了吧。 That day, seeing your dynamic, I think I should also forget you.