1、一看你就是喝三鹿长大的。 A look at you is to drink Sanlu grew up.

2、不知道从哪里跑出来的二瘤子。 Don't know where to run out of the two tumor.

3、今天天气不错,又刮风又下雨的。 The weather is good today. It's windy and rainy.

4、你不是丑 You are not ugly, just the beauty is not obvious!

5、你为什么要在我面前红红火火的。 Why are you in front of me booming.

6、你以为你是谁? Who do you think you are?

7、你想怎么样? What do you want?

8、你敢再回来! Don't you dare come back again!

9、你早上吃化肥了,说话咋内有劲! You eat fertilizer morning, speak ye in!

10、你的样子像拓海。 You look like takumi.

11、你真不可救药。 You're impossible.

12、你真不应该那样做! You shouldn't have done that!

13、你真丢人! You're a disgrace.

14、你说话就像空气一样,虚无缥缈。 You talk like the air, with no reality whatever.

15、你这个长相,连猪都看不上你。 You look, even the pig can not see you.

16、你这蠢猪! You stupid jerk!

17、你都不理我,那我成狗不理了! You ignore me, then ignore me into!

18、你长得真是天生励志! You are born inspirational!

19、你长得真蟀,比蛐蛐好看多了。 You really look much better than cricket, cricket.

20、你长的外形不准比例没打好。 You're not in a good shape.

21、你长的违章! Your long violation!

22、你长着一张西门庆的脸。 Youhave a face of Ximen Qing.

23、再过一百年,就长成了参天大葱。 One hundred years later, he has grown into a towering green.

24、别再浪费我的时间了! Don't waste my time any more.

25、别用你的智商来揣测我的行为。 Don't use your intelligence quotient to guess my behavior.

26、各种潮各种美,各种放荡各种吠。 All kinds of tide beauty, all kinds of wild bark.

27、哎呦喂,这狗还会说话,奇迹啊! Alas, this dog can talk, a miracle!

28、得知你不好过我也就安心了! I'm relieved to learn that you're not!

29、您走路很卓别林长得很毕加索。 You walk very much Picasso Chaplin.

30、我从来没见过这么丑的同桌。 I have never seen such an ugly table.

31、我们完了! We're done!

32、我才不信你呢! I can't believe a word you said.

33、我最后再告诉你一次! I'm telling you for the last time.

34、我没办法。 I can't help it.

35、我祝你孤独,并且长命百岁。 I wish you longevity and loneliness.

36、我讨厌你! I hate you!

37、手榴弹看到你会自爆。 Grenade self you will see.

38、放屁时,说一声! Fart, say!

39、有一种畜生,长得很像你。 There is a beast, looks like you.

40、*如画皮,人生如梦遗。 Jiangshan as painted, Life is but a dream..

41、炮轰的脑袋还梳个雷劈的缝。 The shelling of the head comb a lightning crack.

42、特殊的脸。全宇宙通用! A special face. Universal universal!

43、看见你我就想起来牛魔王。 I would like to see your demon.上一页12下一页

44、真不好意思,让您贱笑了。 I'm sosorry to make you laugh.

45、真糟糕! Really bad!

46、离我远一点儿! Get out from me!

47、美则美诶,可惜做了老头的**。 Beauty is beauty ah, but as the old man's mistress.

48、老子从不以爱的名义绑架任何人。 I never kidnap anyone in the name of love.

49、花痴没罪,只是让我对你反胃。 I didn't sin, just let me for you.

50、英雄不问出处,流氓不看岁数。 Heroes do not ask the source, the rogue does not look at age.

51、荡气回肠,消化不良。 Very touching, indigestion.

52、要移民火星是为了要离开你。 To migrate to Mars in order to leave you.

53、记住人妖是非人类的! Remember that the monster is not human!

54、走开。 Go away。

55、长的一表人渣还好意思说我。 A long table scumbag EM barrassed me.

56、长的很科幻,长的很抽象! Long science fiction, long very abstract!

57、面具带久了,那就是脸了。 Mask with a long time, and that is the face of the.

58、黄瓜必须拍,人生必须嗨。 Cucumber must shoot, life must be hi.
