1、人穷有志气、人贱则无敌! Poor people have ambition, people are invincible!

2、什么都在涨价,就是人越来越贱。 What is in the price, that is, people more and more cheap.

3、你从来就不说实话! You never tell the truth!

4、你他妈的就是一砣屎,你他妈的什么也不是! You fucking is a mound of shit, you fucking what is not!

5、你你走过的地方连猪都不愿意去。 You don't want to go anywhere you go.

6、你像个轰炸机似地,哪亮往哪扎。 You look like a bomber, which light to where the bar.上一页12下一页

7、你卑微的表面 Your humble surface, hide the abnormal heart.

8、你搞得一团糟! Look at the mess you've made!

9、你早上吃屎了,说话咋内有劲! You eat shit in the morning, speak ye in!

10、你的话,我连标点符号都不信。 In your words, I don't even have a punctuation mark.

11、你的长相很提神! Your appearance is very refreshing!

12、你真是满园春色管不住。 You are not live by.

13、你真粗心。 You're so careless.

14、你要是鲜花,牛都不敢拉稀了。 If you flowers, cattle are not diarrhea.

15、你这蠢猪! You stupid jerk!

16、你长的外形不准,比例没打好。 You are not long in shape, the proportion did not play well.

17、你长的很野兽派嘛! You have a long, wild animal!

18、全都让你搞砸了。 You've ruined everything.

19、别发牢骚! Don't whine!

20、别吵,我在干活。 Please, I'm working.

21、别在我坟前哭,脏了我轮回的路! Don't cry at my grave, dirty I reincarnation road!

22、别跟我说话,我有洁癖。 Don't talk to me, I'm squeamish.

23、别那样看着我。 Don't look at me that way.

24、去死吧! Go to hell!

25、如果你是人,那全世界都是神了。 If you are a man, the whole world is God.

26、小子你真狂,口气比脚气都大。 Boy you really mad, the tone is bigger than the beriberi.

27、总有那么一对。还没牵手就分手。 There is always a pair. Is not in hand to break up.

28、我不想听! I don't want to hear it.

29、我们完了! We're done!

30、我再也受不了你啦! I can't take you any more!

31、我恨你! I hate you!

32、我感觉神经末梢有点长。 I'm feeling a little bit longer in the nerve endings.

33、我真后悔这辈子遇到你! I wish I had never met you.

34、我知道你不是是胖人,是粗人。 I know you are not fat, is a.

35、比恐龙还恐龙的人,非你莫属。 Also the dinosaurs than the dinosaurs who belong to you.

36、炮轰的脑袋还梳个雷劈的缝。 The shelling of the head comb a lightning crack.

37、爷活的是一个口气,民族气。 Ye live is a tone, national gas.

38、男人都是消耗品。 Men are consumables.

39、看看你都做了些什么! Just look at what you've done!

40、祝你男朋友永远都是电动的。 I wish your boyfriend will always be electric.

41、脸皮真厚。 You have a lot of nerve.

42、解释就是掩饰,掩饰就是编故事。 To explain is to cover up, cover up is to make up a story.

43、谁裤裆破了把你露出来了。 Who broke your crotch exposed.

44、遗照不叫遗照,那叫灰色头像。 Don't call the funerary pictures. Called the gray head.

45、那是我听到的最愚蠢的事! That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard!

46、长的一表人渣还好意思说我。 A long table scumbag EM barrassed me.
