1、一步一惊心的人生,一步一痛心的爱情。 Step by step, the life is startling, the love is painful step by step.

2、两人若是有情有意,旁人除了道声喜又能如何。 If two people are affectionate and intentional, what can others do except for the voice of joy.

3、亲爱的,就在你身边,为什么我还是想你呢? Honey, on your side, why do I still miss you?

4、你也不必牵强再说爱我,反正我也只是一往情深。 You don't have to be far fetched to say love me, anyway, I just love deeply.

5、你们谁也不准欺负她,只有我才可以! None of you can bully her, only I can!

6、你们都在强颜欢笑,叫我怎么笑? You're all trying to smile. How can I laugh?

7、你说再浓烈的爱也会消散,我便用这一生做给你看。 You said that no matter how strong the love will dissipate, I will use this life to show you.

8、做有良心的男人,找有气质的女人。 Be a man with conscience and find a woman with temperament.

9、在每个自我崩溃的深夜,发现自己其实还是毫无长进。 In every self collapse of the night, found themselves in fact or no progress.

10、多少次为你付出,多少次泪流满面。 How many times for you to pay, how many times tears.

11、失去的已经失去,曾经也只是曾经。 What has been lost has been lost, and it has been but once.

12、她点燃了一根烟,蜷着身子说,在爱里她也有尊严。 She lit a cigarette and curled up to say that she had dignity in love.

13、好朋友就是会在面前死命损你,又会在背后拼命维护你的人。 A good friend is someone who will kill you in front of you and defend you in the back.

14、如果你爱上了别人请别告诉我,我没有你想象的那么勇敢。 If you fall in love with someone else, please don't tell me, I'm not as brave as you think.

15、如果期待得到结果,愿意因你着魔。 If you're looking forward to results, you're willing to be possessed.

16、如果爱流泪了,是我们委屈了爱,还是爱委屈了我们? If love tears, is it we wronged love, or love wronged us?

17、孤单不是与生俱来,而是由你爱上一个人的那刻开始。 Loneliness is not born, but from the moment you fall in love with someone.

18、年少时的我们未曾料到,匆匆一个错身,就错失了今生。 When we were young, we didn't expect that, in a hurry, we missed this life.

19、幸福就像香水,不是泼在别人身上,而是洒在自己身上。 Happiness is like perfume, not spilled on others, but sprinkled on yourself.

20、幻想终究是没有羽翼的天使,飞不出现实的距离。 After all, fantasy is an angel without wings, unable to fly out of the real distance.

21、总有一天你会发现,我不是谁都可以替代。 One day you will find that I can not be replaced by everyone.

22、感情是个神奇的东西,不是你给的都不想要。 Love is a magic thing, not what you don't want.

23、我不但可爱,我还可爱你了呢。 I'm not only cute, but I love you.

24、我们无法拉伸生命的长度,但是我们可以拓展生命的宽度。 We can't stretch the length of life, but we can expand the width of life.

25、我喜欢你的名字,喜欢你的古灵精怪。 I like your name. I like your spirit.

26、我在你心里就像个笑话,你在我心里却美得不像话。 It's not like a joke in my heart, but you are in my heart.

27、我无意中失去了所有的伪装,每走一步都显得格外小心。 I lost all my camouflage by accident, and I took every step with great care.

28、我是一个*,在等很爱很爱我的疯子。 I am a fool, waiting for a madman who loves me very much.

29、我是你扭头就忘的路人甲,凭什么要我陪着你海角天涯! I'm a passer-by you will forget. Why should I accompany you all over the world!

30、我的影子叠在你身上,你的眼里折射出温暖我的光。 My shadow is folded on you, and your eyes reflect the light that warms me.

31、我能猜到结局,可我等不到结尾。 I can guess the end, but I can't wait for the end.

32、我说过了,你很重要,但你让我不开心,我一样的丢掉。 I said, you are very important, but you make me unhappy, I lose the same.

33、我连自己都猜不透,怎敢奢求别人来懂我。 I can't even guess myself. How dare I ask others to understand me.

34、所谓情侣一场,不过是,爱上一个人,从此终止颠沛流离。 The so-called lovers a scene, but is, fall in love with a person, from then on to end the vagabond.

35、明知道天要下雨就该带把伞,明知道不会有结果就请别开始。 You should take an umbrella when you know it's going to rain. Don't start when you know it won't work.

36、是不是幸福来得太轻易,所以我们才不会顾惜。 Is happiness too easy, so we will not cherish.

37、是你那一天,突然闯进我的世界。 It was you who burst into my world on that day.

38、最糟的是我从没告诉过他我爱他,从来没有。 Worst of all, I never told him I loved him, never.

39、有魅力的女人不怕男人花心,有实力的男人不怕女人现实。 Attractive women are not afraid of men's playfulness, and powerful men are not afraid of women's reality.

40、校园最美的爱情,是为了在一起一辈子而努力。 The most beautiful love on campus is to work hard together for a lifetime.

41、樱花飘落的季节里,凝望樱花的不再是曾经的我们。 In the season of cherry blossoms falling, we who gaze at the cherry blossoms are no longer the ones we used to be.

42、每个不想恋爱的人,往往心里都藏着一个不可能的人。 Everyone who doesn't want to fall in love often has an impossible person in his heart.

43、溺水三千,只取一瓢。你若不离,我定不弃。 If you drown three thousand, take only one scoop. If you don't leave, I will never give up.

44、爱你就像每天睁开眼睛一样、这是必须的! Loving you is like opening your eyes every day!

45、爱情不是强扭的,幸福不是天赐的。 Love is not twisted, happiness is not a gift.

46、爱情就你玻璃,握得越紧,伤的越重。 Love on your glass, the more tightly you hold, the more serious the injury.

47、爱情里最好的距离就是看不清楚对方。 The best distance in love is not to see each other clearly.

48、男孩子们都喜欢女孩子,可是谁也没有我喜欢你这么厉害。 Boys like girls, but no one likes you as much as I do.

49、真羡慕他,这么快就放下,哪像我这么傻。 I really envy him, so quickly put down, which like me so silly.

50、短暂的离别会促进爱情,长久的分离却会将它扼杀。 A short parting will promote love, but a long separation will kill it.

51、祝大家拥有爱情,而我拥有钱。 I wish you all love and I have money.

52、纯白的石壁上,雕刻了我们曾经的矢志不渝。 On the pure white stone wall, engraved our once unswerving determination.

53、草木有阳光和水,风筝有清风和绳,我有余生还有你。 Plants have sunshine and water, kites have wind and rope, I have the rest of my life and you.

54、让我伤心难过,这就是你说爱我的证据。 It makes me sad and sad. This is the proof that you say you love me.

55、谢谢你曾经让我心动,如今只剩下心痛。 Thank you once let me heart, now only heartache.

56、跌跌撞撞这一条爱情路,我们换来的只是陌路。 This bumpy road of love, we only get strangers.

57、遥不可及的梦境,你宠溺的微笑不再属于我。 Far away dream, your doting smile no longer belongs to me.

58、那些年华曾留下来的伤,需要时间静静疗养。 Those years have left behind the injury, need time quiet recuperation.

59、那种心痛的感觉,过了这么长时间,还是没法很淡然的释怀。 That kind of heartache feeling, after such a long time, still can't be very indifferent to release.

60、陪伴,就是不管你需不需要,我一直都在。 Company, is whether you need it or not, I am always there.