1、1, Laba Festival, a bowl of incense porridge, friend blessing times. Drink a bowl, warm in the heart of the heart; taste the bowl, good luck often share the money; a bowl, health never say parties; a bowl, happiness is related to you. 2, Laba wishes you: If you have a red cattle, you have seven hi, love fresh orange, you can co music, you can drink Skin, every day, Wow, the moon is high, the year is happy, happy life, happy life! Happy life You are a good mood, good life, so happy! 3, Laba porridge, 快 快 喜欢 快 体 体 贴 感 团 团 团 团 团 团 团 团 团 娇 娇 娇 娇 娇 娇 娇 娇 娇 娇 娇 娇 娇 娇 娇 娇 娇 娇 娇 娇 娇 娇 娇 娇 娇 娇 娇 娇 娇 娇 娇 娇 娇 娇 娇 娇 娇 娇 娇 娇 娇 娇 娇 娇 娇 娇 娇 娇 娇 娇 娇 娇 娇 娇 娇 娇 娇 娇 娇 娇 娇 娇 娇 娇 娇Send you a bowl of Laba porridge, I wish you and Le Ankang auspicious festive. 4, the feelings are deep, meaningful, the days are sweet, the cause is good, the friend is the iron, the porridge is the good! Laba Festival is here, don't forget the hot bowl Laba porridge! 5, send you a good spoon, pick up the lucky luck; send you a lucky bowl, happy thousands; send you a Laba porridge, drink happiness to walk; send you a truth, may you The day is like a bitter. 6, Nash's eight flavors, cook a pot of porridge, hot is feeling, boiling is happiness, deposit is happy, floating is a joy. Laba Festival, drink a drink of Laba porridge, do a happy man. 7, water is like smoke, rice grain, Laba porridge is in the tongue; good luck, happiness, laughter is safe; the mouth is soft, the heart is sweet, the happiness is more than the happiness; the cold day, the feelings are warmer, the auspicious . Happy Laba Festival! 8, bowls of banghou porridge, is the way to go home, is a warm tide; a bowl of Laba porridge is a precipitation of grain grains, is a blessing. Whether it is far close, your heart is always embracing. I wish you a happy Laba Festival! 9, red hot fire, eight porridge, hot air is warm and warm, lips and teeth, lobbal, sun, sunny, gratitude. Laba Festival, drink Laba porridge together! 10, I hope that the bow is not easy, boiled bowl porridge to send Yongyi, the fragrance is fascinating, I hope you all the best, sweet sweet mouth is accompanied by you, I hope you will be happy, lubricate the taste to meet you, I hope you are happy, beautiful, good, good, wrapped around you I hope that you are happy to be happy. 11, Laba, Laba, La, I wish you a good fortune, four Fortune God, your family, the fortune, you will hold, the number of money is never old, I wish you a happy Laba Festival! 12, Laba Festival, send you a bowl of Laba porridge, candied sweet, red burning, lotus seeds are happy, the almonds are happy, the longan group is round, the green beans are smooth, and the rice is happy, and the street is happy, blessing Level peace! 13, small beans, red beans, peas; longan meat, white flesh, flesh, rice, sticky yellow rice, rice vain; white porridge, Laba porridge, porridge porridge blessings: Laba Festival! 14, Laba Festival, send a bowl to bless Laba porridge, add some good luck, fire your blessing; add some happy sesame, fragrant, your years; put some successful red dates, bloom your pride; mix some health rice, happy you day!

2、Laba Festival制作一碗八个珍品喝:祥米给了你一个祝福,红色的日期给你,红豆是快乐的,青豆给你健康,小米给你和平,蚕豆给你开心,龙眼为你成功的!

3、Laba Festival在这里,吃嘴,我希望你对家庭感到满意,财政资源推出;喝着Laba Porridge,祝你愿望,你会继续爱,拉巴节快乐。

4、Laba Festival是在这里,我使用爱米饭,消遣,锣,幸运枣,漂亮的男人,甜,健康糖,温水制作一碗Laba粥,我希望你每天都快乐,每个月,每月都快乐年!

5、Laba Festival没有送粥,祝福短信请检查:语言不是华丽,Alcoh这个词并不美丽,只有祝福真的心;情绪是非常真诚的,问候非常温暖,Laba幸福并不讨厌!快乐的孩儿快乐!

6、Laba Festival送香辣粥,送祝福健康粥。谷物杂粮水果,吉祥的温暖机身避免寒冷。果树在门前,为来了。猪肉粥通常被称为抚顺蛋糕,我有一个健康的未来。愿你为长寿有一个粥!

7、Laba Festival,8朵鲜花:喇叭花,喇嘛花,白色雪花,雪莲,春花,牡丹花,玉兰,山茶,给你,祝福你,富人,快乐,笑,哈哈!

8、Laba Festival,Laba Porridge,表幸福,Laba大蒜,桌子和平,送祝福,我希望快乐,送幸福,愿意吉祥,送吉祥,愿意成为安康,送安康,短信,我希望你,Laba节日,快乐的伴侣,光滑。

9、Laba Festival,我会给你一个大锅粥,向父母送一个弟弟和孝顺粥,用幸福和甜粥送一个碗,把一个碗放在心,祝福粥给朋友。 Laba节,祝你永远健康和幸福。

10、Laba Festival,我会送你Laba Porridge,喝一碗Laba粥,不用担心,喝两碗Laba Porridge创业,喝三碗Laba粥,幸福大,喝四个碗,比特,比特等球! Laba Festival!

11、Laba Festival,送给你一个碗吉祥的一厢情愿的八宝粥:祝你好运莲花,吉祥豆腐,一致糯米,甜红色枣,安全苹果,光滑的大豆,舒适的绿色蔬菜,幸福,祝福你祝你好运,和平,生活是甜蜜的,生活是甜蜜的圆形。

12、Laba Porridge充满爱情。准备荷花很舒服。让你对真正的心脏信心,希望你不怕冷,安全的冬天。快乐的Laba节日。

13、Laba Porridge是一首歌,甜蜜唱歌,愿你喝更美丽; Laba Porridge是一堆月亮,希望能够再次挂着,我希望你喝更多的回忆。祝福你的Laba节日幸福和吉祥的浪漫。


15、Laba粥,喝,你的嘴是甜蜜的。 Laba Porridge,不够,心里甜美。 Laba Porridge,充满爱,祝你明白。 Laba Porridge,充满爱情,愿你永远是安全的。今天是Laba节,送你一个愿望,永远幸福。



18、Wen one Wen La porridge, smelling is happy, stirring with a big porridge, picking up is happy, drink a drink, drinking a porridge, taste the sweet, Laba Festival, send you a bowl of Laba porridge, I wish you a happy , Drink, happy, Laba Happy! 16, Laba Festival is said to the Buddha's practice, Sakyamuni is to save the people's livelihood, the family is a shackles, there is no harvest, and after six years, only one meal, in the day of the day, this day this day Behind the Buddha, I think it commemorates the Buddha, and I will drink Laba porridge this day. 17, Laba Festival is here, send you a bowl of fragrance sweet. Laba porridge, may you drink red and annoyed faces, drink healthy and healthy body, drink light and easy mood, drink a walk和真实的幸福生活。




22、冬天在这里,春天将是远的吗? Laba Festival是在这里,春节会很远的地方吗?这是幸福吗?幸福怎么样?祝福,你会很遥远吗?在心理上准备。



25、叫一个或两个快乐的小米,抓住一个好运的花生,挑选一些健康的红色日期,挑选两个愉快的莲花种子,加入一些甜味和清澈的水,用火的成功,炖一个甜甜蜜。尝试口,一切顺利;味觉二,别担心。 Laba快乐!

26、喝粥,幸福的笑容,煮粥,快乐,宝宝温暖的粥,活着享受,拉巴有粥,生活就足够了,携带思想,送一个愿望,拉卡陪伴你,快乐的辛欢,真正的朋友,温暖的祝福, Laba Friend,用粥深。

27、喝豆,一米,一个锅,一锅粥给你;半罐醋,半罐,有酸味和辛辣的人;手机圈,收集信息,单词简洁赅是友谊; Laba,祝福,快乐的Con欢迎!






33、恒星有很多地方,笑容很少有些地方。当寂寞较少时,一切都很好,一切都很好!我希望:Laba Feients的一切愿望!

34、把母亲的枣,一个父亲的爱汤,一个兄弟和姐姐的快乐豆子,一盘祖母的电话。 Laba Porridge非常甜蜜,诱人的家,Laba回家看母亲。快乐的Laba节日。




38、月亮被人们覆盖,看到人类房间,Laba节是蓬勃发展的。每个家庭烹饪辛辣的粥,为吉祥的幸福祈祷。数千英里的冰,很难阻止你的亲戚。热和充满丰满,Laba Festival,当天。愿你有很多人:快乐,快乐!





43、点幸运的火,加一捆想要,一个热情,加一串幸福,盛一碗美丽的粥,撒上五芳的粉末,莹云,快乐,快乐,快乐。 Laba节,祝你好运!



