1、一个人的旅行,坐着靠窗的旅车,戴上耳机听着爱听的音乐。 A person's travel, sitting by the window of the train, wearing headphones to listen to the music you love.

2、一个安静的人,骨子里透着满满的自信。 A quiet man has full confidence in himself.

3、上天给我们安排了命运,却忘记了给我们说明书。 God arranged our fate, but forgot to give us instructions.

4、不要在我面前哭,眼泪人人都有,太多了,我怕被淹了。 Don't cry in front of me. Everyone has tears. There are too many. I'm afraid I'll be drowned.

5、世界之大,为何我们相遇,因为这就是爱。 The world is big, why do we meet, because this is love.

6、为什么?为什么我依然不能走进你的心? Why? Why can't I still walk into your heart?

7、人的一生有很多东西是无法割舍的,唯有爱情可以一让再让。 There are many things in a person's life that can't be cut off, only love can be given up again.

8、仅剩的温存,凋谢的玫瑰花,试着让自己开心点。 The only remainingwarmth, withered roses, try to make yourself happy.

9、他始终有那种寡淡的神情,很遥远,又很孤寂。 Healways had that kind of indifferent look, very far away, and very lonely.

10、你就像看星星一样,得不到,只能仰望着,很累。 You are like looking at the stars, can not get, can only look up, very tired.

11、你给我一段爱情,我就真的站在这里舍不得走了。 You give me a love, I really stand here reluctant to leave.

12、刷牙是件悲喜交加的事。一手拿杯具、一手拿洗具。 Brushing teeth is a mixed blessing and sorrow. Hold the cup in one hand and the wash in the other.

13、原谅我的食言吧,因为我发现我,对你并不重要! Forgive me for breaking my promise, because I found out that I was not important to you!

14、后悔过很多事,但却从没有后悔认识你。 I regret many things, but I never regret knowing you.

15、后来,我遇见很多人,像你的发,像你的眼,却不是你的脸。 Later, I met many people, like your hair, like your eyes, but not your face.

16、回忆着曾经,哼唱着现在,想象着未来。 Recalling the past, humming the present, imagining the future.

17、在梦境和爱情里,没有事情是不可能的。 In dreams and love, nothing is impossible.

18、在繁华的路上就让我们静静的一起走过,在我的心里只有你。 Let's walk quietly together on the busy road. You are the only one in my heart.

19、如果你试过真正的孤立无援,你会知道眼泪是最没用的东西。 If you try to be truly isolated, you will know that tears are the most useless thing.

20、如若不坚强,懦弱给谁看,没人会心疼你的心疼。 If you are not strong, cowardice to whom to see, no one will love your heartache.

21、尽管呼吸同一天空的空气,还是不能抱紧你。 Although breathing the same sky, still can not hold you tight.

22、当个坏人吧,好人没前途除了哭就是细数痛苦。 Be a bad person. Good people have no future except crying.

23、当你真正在乎一个人的时候,最害怕的事是他会离开你。 When you really care about a person, the most frightening thing is that he will leave you.

24、当我不肯落泪的颤抖,谁会心疼的抱我在胸口。 When I refuse to shed tears of trembling, who will hug me in the chest with heartache.

25、我们常常对陌生人微笑,却和熟悉的人争吵。 We often smile at strangers, but quarrel with familiar people.

26、我努力嘴角上仰,而写的却是不敢说的心情。 I tried to raise my mouth, but I wrote about the mood that I dared not say.

27、我喜欢阴沉沉的天气,有一种舒服的适应感。 I like the gloomy weather and have a comfortable adaptability.

28、我活了十七年,买了无数盒德芙,却一辈子就吃过一块。 I lived seventeen years and bought countless boxes of Doves, but I ate one in my life.

29、我爱的人不一定要全听我的,但一定要说到做到。 I don't have to listen to all the people I love, but I have to do what I say.

30、我颠倒了整个世界,只为摆正你的倒影。 I turned the whole world upside down just to put your reflection right.

31、据说你太喜欢一个人那个人就不会喜欢你。 It is said that if you like someone too much, that person won't like you.

32、斜影梳妆,抚媚潇湘,怎奈,孤雁南飞,人走茶凉。 Tilt shadow dressing, fondling Xiaoxiang, how Nai, lone geese flying south, people walk tea cool.

33、既然忘不了,何必再强迫自己所谓的忘记。 Since you can't forget, why force yourself to forget so-called.

34、旧城里看不见阳光,你和我的一个梦长的好像。 There is no sunshine in the old city. You and I have a long dream.

35、时间过去了就会变得麻木,莪是抱着这样A信念活过来。 Time will become numb after the passage of time, I live with such a belief.

36、是不是真要等我走了,你才会懂得珍惜? Do you really have to wait for me to leave before you know how to cherish it?

37、曾经以为过不去的,终究会过去,痛苦有时候是一种提升。 Once thought that can not go, will eventually pass, pain is sometimes a kind of promotion.上一页12下一页

38、曾经那刻骨铭心的爱,现在却变成最熟悉的陌生人。 The love that once engraved on my heart has now become the most familiar stranger.

39、有木有聊天的时候想到一句话,跟别人说的时候却忘了说啥。 When you talk to someone, you think of a word, but you forget what to say when you talk to them.

40、每次想起m,都会想起1个温暖A词,叫义无反顾。 Every time I think of you, I will think of a warm word, which is called meaning without retrospect.

41、每段,感情背后都会有个莫名心伤的女人。 Every paragraph, there will be an inexplicable sad woman behind the feelings.

42、爱情一旦输给眼泪,一句谎言也算安慰。 Once love loses to tears, a lie is consolation.

43、看得到感受得到能明了,你并没有真的对我很好。 You didn't really treat me well.

44、等到心碎的时候,再美的答案也缝补不了凌乱的心。 When the heart is broken, no beautiful answer can mend the messy heart.

45、虽然我给不了你全世界,你信不信我的全世界可以全部给你。 Although I can't give you the whole world, you believe that my whole world can give you all.

46、默歌尽唱,爱已荒凉,从此一个人地久天长。 Sing in silence, love has been desolate, from now on a person forever.
