1、一个人受伤、一个人疗伤、一个人孤独到终老。 A person is injured, a person is healed, a person is lonely to the end of his life.
2、一厢情愿以后才知道,原来,掂着脚爱人真的很累。 After wishful thinking, I realized that my Crutching lover was really tired.
3、上课睡觉就有一点不舒服,那就是不比床上睡得舒服。 Sleeping in class is a little uncomfortable, that is, it is not more comfortable than sleeping in bed.
4、下辈子,我要做缠绕你的空气,这样你就不会离开我了。 Next life, I will do the air around you, so you won't leave me.
5、两个人明知道结果,却会又会去想。想的是他、想的是她。 Two people know the result, but they will think about it again. Think of him, think of her.
7、他依旧是我的软肋,却不再是我的盔甲。 He is still my weakness, but no longer my armor.
8、你以为他只暖了你一个人,他却暖了所有姑娘。 You think he only warmed you, but he warmed all the girls.
9、你在外面玩的如此潇洒,却忘了我一个人在家害怕。 You play so smartly outside, but forget that I am afraid at home alone.
10、你心里没我位置,没事啊,我随便坐地上就好,挺干净的。 You don't have my place in your heart. It's okay. I just sit on the floor. It's clean.
11、你扬唇一笑,转身离去。而我,泣不成声。 You raise your lips and smile and turn away. And I wept.
12、你明白我的感受吗?我的心像玻璃一样透明,可你还不懂。 Do you understand how I feel? My heart is as transparent as glass, but you don't understand.上一页12下一页 Why can't so many couples break up?
13、信任是这个世界上最容易失去的东西也是最难挽回的东西。 Trust is the easiest thing to lose and the hardest thing to recover in the world.
14、其实你早已经变了,只是我还紧紧地抓着回忆不放。 In fact, you have already changed, but I still hold on to the memory tightly.
15、别动不动就付出真心,他给你的糖,可能也给过别人。 Don't always give your heart. He gave you candy, and maybe he gave it to someone else.
16、反反覆覆,如果不是爱过,思念也不会那么疼。 Repeatedly, if not love, miss will not be so painful.
17、可以犯贱一次、两次,但绝不会有第三次。 It can be cheap once or twice, but there will never be a third time.
18、可能是在错的时间遇上对的你,又或者连你都是错的。 Maybe I met you at the wrong time, or even you were wrong.
19、失去的多了就成熟了吗,只是麻木了吧? Are you mature when you lose more, just numb?
20、失落感那么强烈,我是不是还是一无所有? The sense of loss is so strong. Am I or have nothing?
21、好想去好好的爱一场,爱得撕心裂肺,爱得轰轰烈烈。 I really want to have a good love, love tore my heart and lungs, love is vigorous.
22、如果没可能了,那么继续A就只是敷衍而已。 If it's impossible, it's just perfunctory to continue.
23、如果流浪是你的天赋,我愿耗尽一生去追逐。 If vagrancy is your gift, I will spend my life chasing it.
24、孤独了,烟和酒是朋友,心碎了,绝望才是朋友。 Lonely, smoke and wine are friends, heartbroken, despair is friends.
25、很多时候,那些我们无法改变的事情,最终改变了我们。 Many times, the things that we can't change eventually change us.
26、怀念角力斗嘴不枯躁,没顾虑才苦恼。 Miss wrestling is not dull, no worry is distressed.
27、我不会哭,不会笑,累了我就会消失一下。 I can't cry, I can't laugh, I will disappear when I'm tired.
28、我不可以住进你的眼睛,所以只能拥抱你的背影。 I can't live in your eyes, so I can only hug your back.
29、我们一再一再的证明,只有相互伤害的较劲。 We have proved time and again that there is only competition for mutual harm.
30、我好像不需要那么多朋友,我好像也没那么多朋友。 I don't seem to need so many friends. I don't seem to have so many friends.
31、我怕我会在某一个微风吹拂的下午,突然想起你湿了眼眶。 I'm afraid I'll suddenly think of your wet eyes on a breezy afternoon.
32、我想放弃,但你的面容却浮现在脑海里,依旧徘徊。 I want to give up, but your face still lingers in my mind.
33、我想要跟谁温暖地交谈,但却只有我和孤单。 Who do I want to talk to warmly, but I am alone.
34、我痛恨骗我的人,因为我曾无条件的相信过。 I hate people who lie to me because I have unconditionally believed in them.
35、我知道我不能太贪心,不然结束后会一无所有。 I know I can't be too greedy, or I will end up with nothing.
36、我还记得那天电影院里我们相扣的手,我们微笑的面容。 I remember our clasped hands and our smiling faces in the cinema that day.
37、承诺没有统一零售价,有时一文不值,有时又千金难买。 Commitments do not have a unified retail price, sometimes worthless, and sometimes difficult to buy.
38、曾今的轰轰烈烈,地久天长,。早已成为了如今的形同陌路。 Once today's vigorous, everlasting. It has already become a stranger today.
39、曾的我真的很爱很爱你,但那只是曾经。 Once I really love you very much, but that is only once.
40、曾经的海枯石烂,最后变成你一句好聚好散。 Once the sea withered and rocks rotted, and finally become a good gathering and scattering sentence for you.
41、有一种心痛叫做“随便你”,有一种失望叫做“算了”。 There is a kind of heartache called "casual you", and a kind of disappointment called "forget it".
42、有一首歌,听着听着,眼泪就流了下来。 There is a song, listen to it, tears flow down.
43、有些人认真的让你心疼,有些人欠扁的让你牙疼。 Some people seriously hurt you, some people owe flat to make you toothache.
44、有些回忆平平淡淡,记忆起来无比的心酸和遗憾。 Some memories are plain and dull, and they are full of heartache and regret.
45、有的时候,阳光很温暖,让我觉得一生都很漫长。 Sometimes, the sunshine is warm, which makes me feel that my life is very long.
46、没有不透风的墙、没有不能上吊的梁。 There are no impermeable walls, no beams that cannot be lifted.
47、流年和过往,时刻都在提醒我们所剩无几的日子。Years and the past are always reminding us of the few days left.
48、爱一个人有很多种方式,或许可以将它藏于心底。 There are many ways to love a person. Maybe you can hide it in your heart.
49、相遇的时候如果只是个意外,离别的时候就意外的看不开。 If it's just an accident when we meet, we can't see it unexpectedly when we leave.
50、给我一场车祸,要么失忆,要么死,要么穿越。 Give me a car accident, either amnesia, or death, or through.
51、至少和我在一起的时候,心里只想着我,好吗? At least when you're with me, you just think about me, okay?
52、街灯下的莪孤落A身影,只有嘴里的烟陪着莪。 Under the street lamp, my lonely figure is accompanied by smoke in my mouth.
53、要笑的多大声才能让你知道没你我也过的很好。Laugh loudly enough to let you know that I'm doing well without you.
54、过分的自命不凡、是因为曾经璀璨的辉煌。 Excessive self-esteem is due to the brilliance of the past.