1、Always be yourself (Except during job interviews, the first few months of arelationship, or any type of social interaction) 记住,永远都要做自己!(面试、交往前期以及各种社交场合除外)

2、Birth certificates are just receipts for human beings How and where can Ireturn myself? 出生证明其实就是人类的收据,那请问一下我该去哪里又如何把自己退货呢?

3、I feel like I’m already tired tomorrow 明天还没到,我就已经很累了。

4、I take super hot showers because I'd like to practice burning in hell 我喜欢洗超烫的热水澡,为了将来下地狱做准备。


5、Me: I want to travel more Bank Account: Like to the park? 我:我想要多出去旅游。我的银行帐户:哪里?公园吗?

6、People are always like “Are you a morning person or a night person?” and I'mjust like “Mate, I'm barely even a person” 人们常会问我:「你是个早起的人,还是晚睡的人呢?」而我总是心里暗想:「伙伴,严格来说我不算是个人!」

7、Three stages of life: Birth, WTF, Death 人生三阶段:出生、不知道在干麻、死亡

