1、一心一意爱着你,永不离弃伴随你。 Love you wholeheartedly and never leave you.

2、一生一世,我都要跟着你,跟你走遍天涯。 All my life, I'll follow you and walk all over the world with you.

3、一辈子,只想与老婆携手到老。 All my life, I just want to grow old hand in hand with my wife.

4、人生若只如初见,你我牵手胸中暖,同舟共济心相连,相敬如宾不夜天! If life is just like the first time, you and I hand in hand in the heart warm, together in the same boat linked, respect each other like a guest not night!

5、今生牵了你的手,只愿一直陪你走。情人节快乐! This life took your hand, only wish to accompany you all the time. Happy Valentine's Day!

6、从此二人,相守相随! From then on, they are together!

7、你我情比磐石坚,坎坷虽有难断绝。 You and I are stronger than the rock, though there are difficulties to break.

8、你真情传递,脉脉不语,胜过万语千言。 Your true feelings are transmitted, your pulse is silent, more than thousands of words.

9、和你在一起,你是一切! With you, you are everything!

10、因为有你,日子有了规律。 Because of you, the days have a rule.

11、好想做你的情人,记在你的心里。情人节快乐! I really want to be your lover and keep it in your heart. Happy Valentine's Day!

12、对你思念倍胜前,爱你疼你直到老。 Before I miss you, I love you till I'm old.

13、思绪万千忆往常,啜泣无声泪已淌。自古多情空遗恨,爱到深处惟断肠。 Thoughts of the past, sobs silent tears have flowed. Since ancient times, love has always been empty, but heartbroken.

14、情不在长,一生足矣。 Love is not long, life is enough.

15、情人节到了,只愿我们的爱绵绵无尽期。 Valentine's Day is coming, just hope our love lasts forever.

16、情人节,我愿做一条鱼,任你红烧、白煮、清蒸,然后躺在你温柔的胃里。 On Valentine's day, I would like to be a fish. You can stew it in brown, boil it in white, steam it, and lie in your gentle stomach.

17、愿你开开心心每一分,幸幸福福每一秒。祝:情人节快乐! Wish you happy every minute, happy every second. Happy Valentine's Day!

18、愿你早日情人找,快快乐乐笑声高。祝情人节快乐欢笑! I hope you can find your lover as soon as possible. Happy Valentine's Day!

19、愿你梦中有我,我会将爱情的丝线缠绵你的梦境! May you have me in your dream, and I will touch your dream with the thread of love!

20、愿你爱情甜蜜,幸福永远! May your love be sweet and happiness forever!

21、愿你相爱一生,相守一世。 May you love each other all your life.

22、我们之间没有惊天动地的虐恋情深,但我有一颗真心,满满的全是你。 There is no earthshaking love between us, but I have a heart full of you.

23、我很理智,我需要你,我深爱着你,一生。 I am very rational, I need you, I love you, life.

24、我的眼中只有你,你是我生命中的奇迹。 You are the only one in my eyes. You are a miracle in my life.

25、收藏甜蜜,把握幸福,真爱永远不改变。 Collect sweetness, grasp happiness, true love will never change.

26、有你陪伴的日子才温馨,有你牵手的生活才幸福。 The days with your company are warm, and the life with you hand in hand is happy.

27、漫漫人生,携你的名字同游。 Long life, travel with your name.

28、爱你,目光愿意跟随你,你的身影是我的目的地。 Love you, eyes willing to follow you, your figure is my destination.

29、爱就是你,让我难以割舍。 Love is you. It's hard for me to give up.

30、牵手真情,珍惜已经拥有的缘分。 Hand in hand, cherish the fate you have.

31、真情,是我为你写的诗,字字赤诚。 The true love is the poem I wrote for you.

32、给你一个拥抱,愿你幸福快乐! Give you a hug, wish you happiness!

33、给你一句承诺,将牵手到白头,情人节到,愿你情人节快乐,我爱你! Give you a promise, hand in hand to the white head, Valentine's day to, wish you a happy Valentine's day, I love you!

34、送你一个小太阳,愿你的世界永远是晴天。 Send you a little sun, wish your world is always sunny.

35、送你一个音乐盒,愿你爱情百年合。 Send you a music box, wish you love for a hundred years.

36、陪你走过春夏秋冬,一直到白首。 Accompany you through spring, summer, autumn and winter till Baishou.

37、默默心许祝福你,幸福快乐存心底。 I wish you happiness in my heart.