1、一个人一朝瞧不起自己了,被人瞧不起了,现实生活和他的希望抵触了,他就**,表示他重视社会,不愿丧尽了人格或者失去了荣华再活下去。 A man once upon himself, is despised, real life and his hope of conflict, he Dutch act, said he attaches great importance to society, not his personality or lost glory to live.

2、一个人倒霉至少有这么一点好处,可以认清谁是真正的朋友。 There are at least one good thing about a man who knows who is a true friend.

3、一个吹嘘自己从不改变观点的人,其实是规定自己永远走直线,相信自己永远正确的傻瓜。世上没有原则,只有事件;没有法律,只有时势;高明的人迎合事件顺应时势,以便因势利导,为自己所用。 A man who boasts that he has never changed his mind is a fool who sets himself in a straight line and believes he is always right. No principle, the only event; there is no law, only the clever man; to conform to the trend of events, so that in the light of its general trend, for their own use.

4、一个大艺术家等于一个国王,比国王还强;先是他更快乐,无拘无束,可以随心所欲的过活;其次他能支配一个世界。 A great artist is equal to a king, stronger than a king; first, he is more happy, free and able to live at his own will; secondly, he can dominate a world.

5、一个自诩从不改变观点的人,是一个永远走直线的人,一个自以为永远正确的大傻瓜。世上没有原则,只有事故;没有法律,只有机遇;有本事的人把时间和机遇结合起来并驾驭他们。 A claim will never change opinions, is always a straight line, a thought is always right fool. There are no rules in the world, there are accidents, there are no laws, only opportunities.

6、一个预感到有美好前途的人,当他在艰苦的人生大道上前进时 A feeling to have a promising future, as he progresses in the hard road of life, like an innocent *er to death, it wouldn't be ashamed.

7、一有人反对,情人当然象禁果一般变得更有价值了。 An objection, of course, like Valentine's forbidden fruit become more valuable.

8、一清如水的生活,诚实不欺的性格,在无论哪个阶层里,即使心术最坏的人也会对之肃然起敬。 Disinterested life, honest in character, regardless of class, even if not the worst people will respect.

9、一贯正确者就是什么都不相信的人,他们不相信感情,也不相信人,就连事实也不相信。 The man who has always been right is the one who doesn't believe everything. He doesn't believe in feelings. He doesn't believe in people.

10、世界上颇有些人,象他一样和善,耐性,一辈子心头藏着隐痛,嘴角上挂着温柔而又苦闷的笑容;为了心高气傲,为了瞧不起世欲,或许也为了报复,至死不让人家猜到谜底,只把上帝当作心腹,向上帝求安慰。 Some people in the world, like him kindness, patience, a lifetime heart hidden pain, mouth hanging on the gentle smile and boredom; in order to look down to the world of desire, proud and arrogant, perhaps in retaliation, death is not to let people guess the answer, only to think of God as a confidant, ask God for comfort.

11、人生并非充满了玫瑰花,倒是有时路上的荆棘刺痛了你。 Life is not full of roses, but sometimes it hurts you.

12、人生有些行为,虽然千真万确,但从事情本身看,往往象是不可能的。 Some of life behavior, although from the thing itself but as sure as a gun, look like, often is not possible.

13、人类所有的力量,只是耐心加上时间的混合。所谓强者既有意义,又有等待时机。 All human power is just a mixture of patience and time. The so-called strong both meaning, but also wait for the opportunity.

14、人类的灵魂真是个精灵,它能把一根稻草变成金钢钻;在它的魔杖指挥下,迷人的宫殿出现在眼前,就像田野里的花儿,一朵朵在太阳热力的烘暖下绽开那样。 The human soul is really a wizard, it can put astraw into a diamond; in its wand under the command of enchanted palace in the eyes, like the fields of flowers, flowers in the heat of the sun to warm the blooming under way.

15、从某种意义上说,利益是固定不变的,是真正的自尊。它就是优势的证明。 In a sense, the interest is fixed, is the true self-esteem. It is the proof of superiority.

16、他作为银钱老虎,每天可以用投机这门大炮瞄准一笔财产,他作为男人,却要听从幸福的摆布。 He can use the money as a tiger, every speculation a cannon aimed at a fortune, he as a man, but to listen to the mercy of happiness.

17、他恭维人的方式,肤浅的人看来似乎很迷人;精细的人却觉得是一种冒犯,因为这种俗不可耐的、过火的阿谀奉承,一听就能猜出他肚里的盘算。 He compliments the way, superficial people seem very charming; fine people think it is an offense, because this too vulgar to be endured and aggressive to curry favour will be able to guess, he goes out.

18、但你一定要和妒忌,诽谤,平庸作斗争,要和大家作斗争。 But you must fight against envy, slander and mediocrity, and fight with you.

19、你要不真诚严肃,全神贯注,休想用声音来表达诗,也休想领会诗。朗育的人和听众必须密切结合,否则感情不可能象电流一般沟通。双方的心灵不打成一片,诗人就等于一个天使在地狱的诟淬声中唱天国的颂歌。 You have sincere and serious, be absorbed in, you can't use voice to express the poem, can understand the poem. A person who has a close relationship with an audience must not be able to communicate like electricity. The soul is not mingle, poet is a heaven in the Black Angels sing carols in hell sound quenching.

20、你要长寿么?那么你就该清心寡欲,这就就能免去一切痛苦,忧愁,避开一切呕心沥血的搏斗和失败的苦恼,然而你的生活也就无所谓欢乐,无所谓幸福,你想快乐吗?你有欲望吗?那么就以你的生命为代价去争取吧! Do you want to live longer? You should desire, this can save all the pain, sorrow, struggle and make painstaking efforts to avoid all misery of failure, but your life there is no joy, no happiness, you want to be happy? Do you have desire? Then fight at the cost of your life!上一页12下一页

21、偶然是世界上最伟大的小说家:若想文思不竭,只要研究偶然就行。 Chance is the world's greatest novelist: to Vince inexhaustible, as long as the research on the line by chance.

22、傲慢是一种得不到支持的尊严。 Pride is a dignity that cannot be supported.

23、取笑会使一个人的心干枯,伤害所有的情感。 It can make a person's heart dry and hurt all emotions.

24、可叹的是,常常需要两个人才能构成一个完美的情人,就象在文学上只有借助于几个住格相似的人的特点,才能构成一个典型一样。 Sadly, often need two people to form a perfect lover, like in the literature only with characteristics similar to the one in several live lattice, can constitute a typical.

25、善于等待的人,一切都会及时来到。 Good at waiting for the people, everything will come in time.

26、在世界上横行不法而始终得意的人才万劫不复;他们要等到进天国的关头方始为了一些轻微的错误受到严厉的惩罚,给大众做警戒。 In the world and always proud of the talent act illegally doomed eternally they wait to enter the kingdom of heaven; but the moment for some minor errors severely punished, to make public alert.

27、在无数据的经验下面埋藏着的也许是一种曾被人欺骗过的最初的爱情。 Buried in the absence of experience of the data may be a once deceived by the original love.

28、天才与美女,都注定要放出灿烂的光芒引人注目,惹人妒羡,招人毁谤的。 Genius and beauty, are doomed to emit bright eye-catching, arouses envy, slander people.

29、女子人前端庄,丈夫面前妖冶,是夫妻关系长期恩爱的秘诀。 Before the dignified woman who, before her husband coquettish, long-term marital relationship is the secret of love.

30、女子就像一把竖琴,它仅仅向懂得如何弹拨它的艺术师吐露美妙曲调中的奥秘。 The woman is like a harp, it only knows how to play it to reveal the artist wonderful mystery in tune.

31、她首先感受过脚下十分娇嫩的花草的滋味,因而无法在现实布满玻璃片的道路上行走。 She first felt the taste of the foot of the very delicateflowers, and therefore can not walk on the road covered with glass.

32、守财奴只知道把这头羔羊养得肥肥的,把它关起来,宰它,烤它,吃掉它,蔑视它。金钱与鄙薄,才是守财奴的养料。 Miser only know the lamb raise fertilizer, close it, kill it, bake it, eat it, despise it. Money and attention, is the nourishment of the miser.

33、实笃一清如水的生活,诚实不欺的性格,不论身处哪个阶级,就算心术最坏的人,也会对之肃然起敬。 Saneatsu disinterested life, honest character, no matter which class, even if not the worst person, will also respect.

34、富人总是少于穷人;所以,斗争一旦变成了人力物力的较量,胜利总是属于穷人的。 The rich are always less than the poor; therefore, once the struggle becomes a contest of human and material resources, the victory always belongs to the poor.

35、小人的许多可鄙的习惯之一,就是认为别人也跟他们一样小气。 One of the many villains despicable habits, is that others like them.

36、小说是一个民族的秘史。 The novel is a national secret history.

37、幸福这个字眼根本不能表达我的幸福。我拥有一切女人所应有的一切!对自己所爱的男人感到眷恋和忠诚,在他的心里接触到无穷无尽的感情,甚至永远可以使一个女人的灵魂迷失在里面。 The word happiness doesn't express my happinessat all. I have everything that a woman should have! To love and be loyal to the man she loves, and to touch the infinite feelings in his heart, and even to make a woman's soul lost.

38、当一个男人开始欺骗时,必然会编出一个又一个的谎言。 When a man begins to cheat, he will make up a lie.

39、当你看到不可理解的现象,感到迷惑时,真理可能已经披着面纱悄悄地站在你的面前。 When you see something that cannot be understood and confused, the truth may be veiled in your presence.

40、您首先既是诗人又是一首诗,其次才是一位女子。是的,在您身上,有一种经美貌更宝贵的东西,您是艺术的理想美,您是神奇的美。 You are both a poet and a poem, followed by a woman. Yes, there is a more precious thing in your body, which is more beautiful than beauty. You are the ideal beauty of art.

41、想升高,有两样东西,那就是必须作鹰,或者作爬行动物。 To rise, there are twothings, that is, to be an eagle, or to be a reptile.

42、我们破灭的希望,流产的才能,失败的事业,受了挫折的雄心,往往积聚起来变为忌妒。 We dashed hopes, abortion can cause failure, frustration of ambition, often accumulated into envy.

43、我对于别人对我的崇拜早已麻木,那种徒然疲倦,却无快乐的生活,那种外表上象有感受、却没有透过内心的感动,使我生厌。 I for others for my worship is numb, unproductive tired, but no happy life, that looks like a feeling, but not through touch, make me cringe.

44、我希望促使你来找我的,不是热情,也不是失望,而是理智。 I want you to come to me, not passion, not despair, but reason.

45、我惟一能信赖的,是我的狮子般的勇气和不可战胜的从事劳动的精力。 The only thing I can trust, I like the lion of courage and invincibility in labor effort.

46、我跟人生,还像一个青年和他的未婚妻一样新鲜,伏脱冷却教我看到婚后十年的情景。 I like life, like a young man and his fiancee as fresh, cool off to teach me to see ten years after marriage scene.

47、所谓强者是既有意志,又能等待时机。 The so-called strong is both the will, but also wait for the opportunity.

48、拐弯抹角的路成不了大事。 Equivocate road not big.

49、无所需求的人民总是贫穷的。 The people who do not need are always poor.

50、既然他有勇气去死,他应该有力量去干斗争。拒不接受苦难不是力量的表现,而是懦弱的表现。 Since he has the courage to die, he should have the strength to fight. Refusing to accept suffering is not a sign of strength, it is a sign of weakness.

51、权力要证实自己的力量,就只有滥加使用,在蔑视天才的同时,给荒谬绝伦的人戴上成功的桂冠,这就是极权能拥有的唯一力量。 The power to prove their strength, only the indiscriminate use, in defiance of the talent at the same time, give the people utterly ridiculous crowned with success, the only force that is totalitarian can have.

52、母亲的心是一个深渊,在它的最深处,你总会得到宽恕。 The mother's heart is an abyss, in its deepest, you will always be forgiven.

53、每个人都无法等待一个未知的灾难。因为不知道灾难到底是什么,痛苦的范围似乎更大了;凡是不可知的事,我们的心中都觉得那无穷无极。 No one can wait for an unknown disaster. For there is no knowing what the disaster is, and the extent of the pain seems to be greater; and all that is unknown, in our hearts, is infinite.

54、没有绝对的平等,也没有绝对的权力。人在天性上类同,就法律而言不平等,在**上不平等,又不同类。 There is no absolute equality, there is no absolute power. Who is similar in nature, law and inequality, inequality in politics, and not the same.

55、爱情是一种美丽的瓷器,一旦打碎,无论多么高明的修补,也总会留下印痕。因此,更重要的是我们一开始就小心呵护。 Love is a beautiful China, once broken, no matter how clever repair, will leave. Therefore, it is more important that we care from the very beginning.

56、生活中遇到大忧大患,友谊应该是有效的安慰。 The life meets the big worry, the friendship should be the effective comfort.

57、真正有才能的人总是善良的,坦白的,爽直的,绝不矜持。 Truly talented person is always good, honest, forthright, not reserved.

58、真正的朋友在精神方面的感应,和狗的嗅觉一样灵敏;他们能体会到朋友的悲伤,猜到悲伤的原因,老在心里牵挂着。 Real friends in the spirit of induction, as well as the dog's sense of smell; they can feel the grief of friends, guess the reason for the sad, always worried about the heart.

59、真正的爱情像美丽的花朵,它开放的地面越是贫瘠,看来越格外的悦眼。 True love is like a beautiful flower, and the more open it is, the more pleasant it seems to be.

60、真正的考验是在痛苦和幸福上。当两个人通过了这两种人生的考验,在这过程中每人的优缺点都暴露无遗,也观察了彼此的性格时,他们就可以手携手一直走到坟墓了。 The real test is in pain and happiness. When two people passed the two tests of life, the advantages and disadvantages of each in this process are completely unmasked, also observed each other's character, they can always go hand in hand to the grave.

61、真的,钱向人一样有生命,会活动,会来来去去,会出汗,会生儿育女。 Really, when money is like life, activities, going back and forth, will be sweating, babies.

62、社会要看到辉煌的成绩,才能承认你的天才。 To see the brilliant achievements of society, in order to recognize your genius.

63、离开了人才荟萃的中心,呼吸不到思想活跃的空气,不接触日新月异的潮流,我们的知识会陈腐,趣味会像死水一般变质。 Leave the talent center, breathe active air does not contact the change rapidly trend, our knowledge will taste like stale, stagnant metamorphism.

64、童年原是一生中最美妙的阶段,那时的孩子是一朵花,也是一颗果子,是一片朦朦胧胧的聪明,一种永远不息的活动,一股强烈的欲望。 Childhood is the most wonderful stage of life, then the child is a flower, is also a fruit, is a hazy smart, a never income activities, a strong desire.

65、第一个形容女人象花的是聪明人,第二个再这样形容的是*。 The first to describe a woman is like a wise man, and the second one is a fool.

66、管理是不能一刀切的,它没有一般的原则。法律是不变的,但是风尚、土地、智力却并不如此;管理既然是一种实施法律但不伤害利益的艺术,做什么事都要因地制宜。 Management is not one size fits all, it has no general principles. The law is unchanged, but the fashion, land, intelligence is not the case, since the management is a law enforcement but does not harm the interests of the arts, do everything to local conditions.

67、经观察表明,吝啬鬼、野心家,所有将自己的一生都倾注于某种占主导地位的观念的个人,其情感总是寄托在自己爱好的某种象征物上。 The observation shows that the miser, the ambitious, all his life devoted to a dominant concept of theindividual, the emotion is always pinned on a symbol of their love.

68、腐化成了无所不在的平庸之辈的武器,而你到处都可以感到刀光剑影。 Corruption has become omnipresent mediocre weapons, and you can feel the glint and flash of cold steel.

69、评判得越多,爱得越少。 The more you judge, the less you love.

70、诗人就等于一个天使在地狱的诟淬声中唱天国的颂歌。 The poet is a heaven in the Black Angels sing carols in hell sound quenching.

71、说不定你们用计谋得不到的东西,我用温情还能得到一些。 Maybe you can't get something with the trick, I can get some warmth.

72、过放荡不羁的生活,容易得像顺水推舟,但是要结识良朋益友,却难如登天。 A lead a fast life, was as easy as it, but to meet friends, but impossible.

73、这个可怜的青年在那里经受贫困的煎熬,仿佛落在一个炽热的熔炉里;而许多伟大的天才人物都从这类熔炉里毫无损伤和纯洁无瑕地走出来,好像金刚钻不论怎样磕碰也不致碎裂一样。 The poor boy is suffering poverty there, as if to fall in a fiery furnace; and many great men of genius are from this kind of furnace without damage and immaculate walked out, as if no matter how diamond will not bump like fragmentation.

74、这时,人们自己创作出的神秘诗篇,与女性的诗篇可以相提并论。待到彼此都把这些看透了的那一天,这一切也就烟消云散了! At this time, people create their own mysterious poetry, and women's poetry can be mentioned in the same breath. Until each other all these see through that day, all this will disappear!

75、道德家所谓的灵魂的堕落仅仅指人的消沉低落的想法,为一己自私的不自觉的行为。思想的波折,对社会的一再索取,或是思想上突然的反复,都是满足我们快乐的需要。 The so-called moral depravity of human soul only refers to the depressed state of mind, for their own selfish involuntary behavior. The twists and turns of thought, the repeated requests to the society, or the sudden repetition on the mind, are the needs to satisfy our happiness.

76、遵循道德规范,多么崇高的殉道哪! Follow the code of ethics, noble martyr which!

77、问号是开启任何一门科学的钥匙。 Question mark is the key to any science.

78、阿谀奉承,其言外之意就是要从中捞取好处。 The implication is to curry favour, benefits from fish.

79、除了聪明没有别的财产的人,时间是唯一的资本。 Time is the only capital, except for those who have no other property.

80、青年人陷入不义时,不敢拿良心的镜子照一照,只会逃避;而成年人侧敢于直视,人生的两个阶段的不同完全在于这一点。 When young men fall into sin, they do not dare to take the mirror of their conscience, they will only escape, but the adult side dares to look directly at the difference between the two stages of life.
