1、一个人可以没有爱情,可以没有情人,但不能没有对爱情的癖好。 A man can not love, may not have a lover, but not without a nut to the love.

2、一个心中充满爱情的人总是抱着朦胧的,捉摸不定的希望的。 A heart full of love people always holding the hazy, elusive hope.

3、一段风景,两个人,算不算爱情? A scenery, two people, calculate do not calculate love?

4、两个毫无共同之处的人之间发生爱情是不可能的。 Between two people who have nothing in common love is impossible.

5、为什么拯救地球是那么容易,为什么束手无策啊,我和你的爱情。 Why to save the planet is so easy, why do ah, I and your love.

6、为你我能做的,竟还没让你相信是爱情,左右你我。 What can I do for you, but haven't let you believe in love, I am around you.

7、人类和植物一样幸福,爱情和雨水一样幸福。 Humans and plants as happiness, love and rainwater as happiness.

8、人鱼公主终于找到了真心的眼泪,破碎的心再也不惧怕爱情了! Mermaid princess finally found the true tears, broken heart no longer afraid of love!

9、你不是爱上了我,你只是爱上了爱情。 Didn't you fall in love with me, you just fall in love with love.

10、使一个美好的灵魂流血的爱情的痛苦,永远是一场动人的戏。 Make a beautiful soul to bleed the pain of love, is alwaysa touching scene.

11、像流水一样。金钱,地位,美丽,还有爱情,最后都会像流水一样。 Like flowing water. Money, status, beauty, and love, finally will be like water.

12、关于爱情,人们有许多定义:爱情是生活中的诗歌和太阳。 About love, there are many definitions: love is life in poetry and the sun.

13、其实,爱情不是配不配的问题,而是愿不愿意的问题。 In fact, the problem of love is not a match not worthy, but like it or not.

14、原来爱情需要两个人互相给予对方走下去的信心,才能真正走下去。 The love needs two people give each other go on confidence, can really go on.

15、友情进一步可以成为爱情,爱情退一步却不再是朋友。 Friendship can further be love, love is a step back but are no longer friends.

16、只有见识过烟火和爱情的人,才知道人世间的美好与凄凉。 Only seen fireworks and love the people, just know that in the world of beautiful and desolate.

17、只要够喜欢,就没有办不到的等待。就可以一直靠信仰爱情,坚持下去。 As long as enough like, there is no can't wait. You can always love by faith, stick to it.

18、因为你是我爱的人,所以我希望你跟我一样,对于爱情忠贞不二。 Because you are the person I love, so I hope you like me, for true love.

19、在爱情里面,你竭尽所能地付出,有时只会换来竭尽所能的嫌弃。 In love, you are doing everything we can to pay, sometimes only for doing everything they can to abandon.

20、失恋不是最痛苦,最痛苦的是甜美的爱情过后,伤心的忘却才是最折磨的。 Love is not the most painful, after the sweet love is the most painful, forget the sad is the torture.

21、女人晚熟的爱情,象道旁迷人的野花。 Mature love woman, like aroadside charming flowers.

22、如果爱情不能把一个人拉扯到走形变样,那么它的魔力也未免太小了。 If love can't take a man pulling to contorts the change, the magic of it would be too small.

23、如此诡异的爱情,歌中没有唱过,书中没有写过,而你我却携手经历过! So strange love, in the song did not sing, not written in the book, but you and I have experienced hand in hand!

24、婚姻从来不能用来挽救一段破碎的爱情,破碎的爱情只能得到破碎的婚姻。 Marriage is never used to save a broken love, broken love only get broken marriage.

25、完美的爱情犹如一个神秘的童话故事,没有人能猜到故事的结局。 Perfect love is like a mysterious fairy tale, no one can guess the end of the story.

26、对付爱情,好像打仗一样,铠甲是没有用的。 To deal with the love, like war, it is no use armor.

27、年龄在这,再怎么对爱情期冀, In this age, how to love hope again, and never returned again.

28、幸福的爱情各有各样,而不幸的爱情不是来得太早就是来的太迟。 Love with all kinds of happiness, and unfortunately not come too early is to love too late.

29、当爱情与世俗在现实生活中狭路相逢时,落荒而逃的一定是爱情。 When love against secular in real life, must be defeated and flee love.

30、忘记时光,记住爱,迈步向前,前方如聂鲁达的爱情诗一般美好! Forget the time, remember that love, moving forward, love poems such as pablo neruda in front of the general good!

31、忠于爱情并不等于迷于爱情,更不是说活着就是为了爱情。 Loyal to love is not equal to lost in love, not to say that to live is to love more.

32、感情中最容易受到伤害的人,就是相信爱情的人。 Feelings of the most vulnerable people, is the man who believe in love.

33、感谢那个爱你又伤害你的人吧,至少,他给了你爱情的全部! Thank you for the love you and always be people who'll hurt you, at least, he gives you all the love!

34、我们的爱情走在火花上,既危险又浪漫。 Our love go on the spark, is both dangerous and romantic.

35、我又不脆弱,何况那算什么伤,反正爱情不就都这样。 I'm not fragile, and that's nothing injury, anyway, love is not so.

36、我在演一部爱情戏,而主角却是抓不到的你。 I was playing a love scene, but character is can't catch you.

37、我要努力使自己变得强大,随时迎接从天而降的爱情。 I try to make myself become strong, at any time to meet the sky of love.

38、所谓爱情,就是一个人相信了另一个人的所有谎言。 The so-called love, is a person believe in another person's all lies.

39、所谓爱情,就是一种没有会伤心,有了也伤心的东西。 The so-called love, is a kind of no would be sad, had also sad thing.

40、无幻想的爱情太平庸,基于幻想的爱情太脆弱。 No fantasy love too mediocre, based on the fantasy of love is so fragile.

41、无论你受过多少伤,总有一个人会让你再次相信爱情,哪怕是最后一次。 No matter how much you had hurt, there is always a person will make you believe in love again, even if it is the last time.

42、时间,可以了解爱情,可以证明爱情,也可以**爱情。 Time, can understand love, can prove love, also can overturn love.

43、是谁将流年错落成诗,又是谁将爱情剥落成往事。 Who will have strewn at random into poetry, and who will love peeling off into the past.

44、是谁说,没有眼泪的爱情不是真正的爱情?我曾经嗤之以鼻,如今终于深信不疑。 Who said, no tears of love is not a real love? Now, I was finally convinced.


46、有时候爱情容易令人陶醉。但有时候它也容易令人心碎。 Sometimes love easy intoxicating. But sometimes it is also easy to heartbreak.

47、有没有爱情的婚姻,就会有没有婚姻的爱情。 Where there is marriage without love, there will be love without marriage.

48、有爱情的生活是幸福的,为爱情而生活是愚蠢的。 Have a love of life is happy, life for love is foolish.

49、本以为那是不可一世的爱情,结果冒个了泡,一碰就破了。 Thought that love is mighty, results take a bubble, a touch is broken.

50、正真爱情的娇艳是更加微妙的,打扮的方法是完全的不同。 Is the true love is delicate and charming is more subtle, dressing method is completely different.

51、水会流失,火会熄灭,而爱情却能和命运抗衡。 Water will drain, fire will be extinguished, but love and fate.

52、没有永恒的爱情,只有不变的亲情,所有爱情终归升华为亲情。 There is no eternal love, only the same love, all love sublimation for the family after all.

53、没有爱情的婚姻是不幸福的,而没有房子的婚姻则更不幸福。 A marriage without love is not happy, but a marriage without house is more unhappy.

54、没有爱情的婚姻是不道德的婚姻,仅有爱情的婚姻是不现实的婚姻。 A marriage without love is immoral marriage, only love marriage is not realistic.

55、没有经济基础的爱情纯属扯淡!再深的感情也抵不过一个馒头! No economic foundation of love is bullshit! Again deep feelings also offset a steamed bread!

56、爱情不仅丰富多彩,而且还赏心悦目。 Love is not only rich and colorful, but also feast for the eyes.

57、爱情乃时间唯一变幻不定本质永远空洞的事物,所以它怎么可能有真名任人捕捉呢? Love is the only time shifting empty the essence of things, so how could it have a name be capture?

58、爱情会让你冲昏了头;面包则让你向现实低头;距离,让理智抬头。 Carried away by love will make you; Bread makes you bow to reality; Distance, let the reason.

59、爱情像一指流沙,握不住的沙,不如扬了它。 Love is like a refers to thequicksand, hold a sand, as Yang it.

60、爱情到底给了你多少时间,去相遇和分离,去选择和后悔? Love really give you much time, to meet and separation, to choose and regret?

61、爱情可以很简单,就是我很想和你在一起,你想的也跟我一样。 Love can be simple, that is, I would like to with you, you want to also like me.

62、爱情就是一场**,是一场我甘心死在你怀里的**。 Love is a war, a war I would die in your arms.

63、爱情并不卑微,但双方始终无法势均立敌,先喜欢的那个注定处于劣势。 Love is not humble, but both sides still cannot potentials are made, and like the first at a disadvantage.

64、爱情我不赌,我输不起,更何况是你做赌注。 I don't bet on love, I can't afford to lose, let alone a bet you do.

65、爱情是一种个人体验,每个人只能通过自己并为自己得到这种体验。 Love is a kind of personal experience, each person can only by myself and get the experience of myself.

66、爱情是两个人的事,婚姻是两个家庭的事。 Love is two people thing, marriage is two family things.

67、爱情是在两个人的生活之外再建一种生活。 Love is life in the two people to build a life.

68、爱情是*自在的,而*自在的爱情是最真切的。 Love is free, but free love is the most real.

69、爱情是让人沉溺的海洋,孤单的时候想要去逃亡。 Love is to let people addicted to the ocean, want to go to escape alone.

70、爱情有时候不比谁爱得更深,谁爱得更久,比的是谁爱得更贱。 Love sometimes is not who love deeper, who love longer, than who is the one who loves more base.

71、爱情来得快去得也快,只有猪肉卷才是永恒的。 Love comes to go, only pork is eternal.

72、爱情的美好阶段,是初始双方互相了解的过程。 Good stages of love, is the initial process of thetwo sides know each other.

73、爱情的诡异在于正正可能得负,你是对的,我也是对的,我们在一起却是错的! Love is strange is that is may have negative, you're right, I was right, we are together is wrong!

74、爱情美得毫无道理,但是也美在毫无道理。 The love have no reason, but also in no sense.

75、爱情这种东西,有时候只是一种习惯,戒了就好。 Love this stuff, sometimes is a kind of habit, it is good to give up.

76、爱情里太多转折,我自己找平衡。 Too many twists in love, I find balance.

77、爱情里没有独角戏,只有心与心的经营。 Love there are no monologue, only the heart and heart operation.

78、爱情,不仅讲究门当户对,也讲究棋逢对手。 Love, not only pay attention to suitable, also exquisite diamond cut diamond.

79、爱情,原来是这样无可奈何的一件事,明知道不可为,却偏偏要为。 Love, is so helpless thing, know not to, they just want to.

80、爱情,让时间匆匆而过,时间,让爱情消逝于无形。 Love, let time in a hurry, time, let the love died in invisible.

81、现世,还有这么般深刻人心的爱情么?超越世俗,只为两人相处的岁月。 Life, there are so deeply the hearts of love? Beyond the secular, only two people get along with time.

82、痴情者,醉于心,执着于情,爱情都睡醒了,却梦着醒不来的梦。 Spooney, drunk in the heart, cling to affection, love is waking up, the dream is not wake up from dream.上一页12下一页

83、真正的爱情不是知道我爱你,而是相信你爱我。 True love is not know I love you, but believe that you love me.

84、真正的爱情始终和童年的情形相仿:轻率,冒失,放荡,逞着性子哭哭笑笑。 True love always and childhood l930s: rash, bold, dissolute, over his cry cry smile.

85、真正的爱情能够鼓舞人,唤醒他内心沉睡着的力量和潜藏着的才能。 True love can inspire people, wake up his inner strength andsleeps hidden talent.

86、突然我会怀疑,太执着的爱你,是出自爱情还是不甘心。 Suddenly I wonder, too persistent love you, is love or unwilling.

87、而在现在的观念中,我的爱情既然已经落空了,再残酷一点也没有关系。 And in the minds of now, my love has since fallen through, again a little bit cruel.

88、*之于人类,就像亮光之于眼睛空气之于肺腑爱情之于心灵。 Freedom in human beings, like the light to the eyes of the air in the heart of love is to the mind.

89、说白了,世间事如同游戏,爱情如果玩的好,便是双赢,可惜世间多败者和懦夫。 To put it bluntly, things like games, if play of good, love is a win-win situation, it's a pity that there is more than a loser and a coward.

90、逻辑的尽头,不是理性与秩序的理想国,而是我用生命奉献的爱情。 The end of the logical, not rational and order of utopia, but I use the love of life.

91、那些天我知道了真正的爱情,也开始喜欢上了白开水。 Those days I know true love, also began to like the plain boiled water.
