1、一个人,一座城市,一生心痛。 One people, one city, a lifetime heartache.
2、一段爱,一段情,延续到何时。 A period of love, a love, until when.
3、不敢说永远,害怕上帝不成全。 Dare not say forever, fear of god is not perfect.
4、与其伤心回忆,不如微笑遗忘。 Rather than sad memories, smile to forget.
5、为了等你,我错过了等我的人。 In order to wait for you, I missed my people.
6、人心无底洞,填不满,掏不空。 The heart sink, fill, tao is not empty.
7、人生没有如果,只有后果和结果。 A life without if, and only the consequences and results.
8、人生若只如初见,何须感伤离别。 If life only such as first, why sad parting.
9、他们俩在一起的和谐,我比不上。 Both of them together in harmony, I can't compare with.
10、你不珍惜,我给的再多有如何。 You don't cherish, I how to have more.
11、你喜欢什么样的我,我装给你看。 What do you like me, and I put it to you.
12、你始终能让我为你,喜喜怒哀乐。 You have always been able to let me for you, like the joys and sorrows.
13、你忘了?我是该庆幸还是该难过? Do you forget? I am glad or sad?
14、你抱着别人笑,我抱着自己哭。 You hold people laugh, I hold their cry.
15、你没什么大不了,我根本不在意。 You are not a big deal, I don't care.
16、你的出现,是在我的伤口上撒盐。 The emergence of you, is in my wound top sa salt.
17、只要一路有你,再傻逼也愿意。 As long as there is you, all the way again silly force also willing to.
18、回忆中,抹不去,你给我的承诺。 Memories, wipe don't go, you give my promise.
19、因为喜欢,所以什么事都没关系。 Because like, so everything is ok.
20、因为我们太年轻,分手太匆匆。 Break up because we are too young, too in a hurry.
21、在我的世界,你比金钱还耀眼。 In my world, you still dazzling than money.
22、在我眼里,你永远是最好最好的。 In my eyes, you forever is the best of the best.
23、天使的爱恋童话,永恒的记忆。 Angel love fairy tales, eternal memory.
24、天气下起大雨,淋湿了我的思绪。 The weather with rain, wet my thoughts.
25、如果不是你,一切还有什么意义。 If not you, what is the point of everything.
26、如果失去是苦,你还会不会付出。 If lose is bitter, you will pay.
27、如果我不知道,它就不会那么痛。 If I don't know, it would not be so painful.
28、如果我突然消失了,你会想我吗。 If I suddenly disappear, you will want to me?
29、姑娘眼睛那么美,为何要哭泣。 The girl eyes so beautiful, why want to cry.
30、姑娘,把蓝牙开了,传点爱给我。 Girl, put bluetooth opened and spread some love for me.
31、宽阔的海边,有一幅深邃的画面。 The wide sea, there was a deep picture.
32、寂静的夜,谁来划破心底的思念。 The silent night, who will cut the heart missing.
33、对于我,你是不可言说的疼痛。 For me, you are unspeakable pain.
34、年龄还太小,别总把永远挂嘴角。 Age is too small, don't always hang forever corners of the mouth.
35、幸福是什么?我说有你便是幸福。 What is happiness? I say with you is happiness.
36、待我长发及腰,少年你还在不在。 My long hair and waist, and young, are you still not here.
37、忘记你,从忘记你的喜好开始。 Forget you, forget your preferences from the beginning.
38、思念全靠时间,慢慢慢慢调养。 Thoughts on time, all aftercare slowly slowly.
39、想象着爱你却不能跟你在一起。 Imagine the love you but can't together with you.
40、我一直都在,或上线,或隐身。 I have been, or online, or stealth.
41、我不孤单,孤单只是情绪泛滥。 I am not lonely, lonely just emotions flooded.
42、我从没怪过你,只是偶尔失望。 I never blame you, I just disappointed occasionally.
43、我只是想在你身边,即使不说话。 I just want to be by your side, even if not to talk.
44、我对你,只有相信,没有怀疑。 I to you, only believe, no doubt.
45、我愿意放手,给你你爱的*。 I am willing to let go, give you the freedom you love.
46、我爱你不是任何人可以代替的。 I love you not anyone can substitute.
47、我的肩膀不宽,足以让你依靠。 My shoulder is not wide enough to let you rely on.
48、我试着恨你,却想起你的笑容。 I try to hate you, but I think of your smile.
49、我走得很慢,但是我从不倒退。 I walked slowly, but I never backwards.
50、我还能做什么,你已经不爱我。 What else can I do, you already did not love me.
51、时间不能忘了,痛只能习惯了痛。 Time can't forget, pain can only be used to the pain.
52、时间会咬人,你不走会满身伤痕。 Time will bite, you don't walk will be covered in bruises.
53、时间带走了你,却忘记带走了我。 Time went away with you, but forget to take me.
54、曾经以为拥有你,就拥有全世界。 Used to think with you, with the world.
55、曾经相爱,现在你是否还喜欢我。 Once love each other, do you still like me now.
56、最后一页,画上我们曾经的美。 On the last page, we used to beauty.
57、最好的幸福,就是你给的在乎。 The best happiness, is the care you give.
58、最彻底的报复,是原谅和遗忘。 The thorough revenge is forgive and forget.
59、有时候,选择快乐,更需要勇气。 Sometimes, choose happiness, need more courage.
60、每一次晚安,感受着彼此的情感。 Every time a good night, feeling each other's feelings.
61、每一段故事、都会随时间褪色。 Every story, will fade over time.
62、用沉默,掩饰心里还爱玫氖率怠 In silence, hide in the mind still love you.
63、看见了,至少我看得见你在哪里。 See, at least I can see where you are.
64、眼泪坚持了太久,没人会理解。 Tears for too long, no one will understand.
65、自己喜欢的人,怎么看都顺眼。 Oneself of the person you like, what is pleasing to the eye.
66、*是独立,不依附,不恐惧。 Freedom is independent, no attachment, no fear.
67、若不身在其中,何来感同身受。 If is not in, no empathy.
68、要你明白、付出是两个人的事。 Want you to understand, pay is two people.
69、让着绚丽的烟花,把我的心结了。 Let the fireworks, took my heart.上一页12下一页
70、记住一句话:想得太多会毁了你。 Remember a word: think too much, will ruin you.
71、试着洒脱, Try to free and easy, go to the in the mind of the gloom.
72、该来的我不推,走远的我不追。 I don't push the, go far I don't chase.
73、请高傲的活着,没有卑微的等待。 Please proud alive, not humble waiting.
74、谁将烟焚散,散了纵横的牵绊。 Who will smoke burn, dispersed and stumbles.
75、谢谢你,从头到脚的完美成全。 Thank you, perfect perfect from head to foot.
76、走过、路过、错过,就是一辈子。 Through, pass by, miss, is a lifetime.
77、距离产生A不是美,而是第三者。 Distance is not beautiful, but a third party.
78、距离产生的不是美。而是**。 Distance is not beautiful. But small three.
79、身后空无一人,嚣张是我本性。 Empty, behind arrogance is my nature.
80、透过门缝,听见爱光临的声音。 Through thecrack of the door, hear the voice of love to visit.
81、除了死亡,所有的离开都是背叛。 In addition to death, all leave is betrayal.