1、一眼天注定,再看生死缘。 One look at the fate of heaven, and then look at the fate of life and death.

2、一路上,想念你。 I miss you all the way.

3、不忘初心,陪你今生。 Do not forget the original heart, accompany you this life.

4、不离不弃,生死相依。 Never give up, life and death depend on each other.

5、为你,奋斗一生。 For you, fight for life.

6、久伴不离,此生不弃。 Long company, never give up in this life.

7、人海万里,我只要你。 I only want you.

8、今夕何夕,见此良人。 I'll see him this evening.

9、今生,只能爱你。 This life, can only love you.

10、余生贫瘠,但是有你。 The rest of my life is poor, but I have you.

11、你困住我,年深月久。 You've trapped me for years.

12、你如星我如月。 You are the star and I am the moon.

13、你是我手心里的优乐美。 You are the beauty in my hand.

14、你是首选,也是唯一。 You are the first choice and the only one.

15、你比想象中美。 You are more than imagining China and the United States.

16、你,是我今生的新娘。 You are the bride of my life.

17、十八遇你,八十与你。 Eighteen meet you, eighty with you.

18、厮守海角,非你不娶。 Stay at the Cape, you must marry.

19、厮守终生,不离不弃。 Stay together for life, never give up.

20、同甘共苦,厮守终生。 Share weal and woe, stay together for life.

21、因为我爱你,所以我爱你。 Because I love you, so I love you.

22、在劫难逃,非你不可。 It's up to you.


24、天生一对,地造一双。 Heaven makes a pair, earth makes a pair.

25、容我爱你,深不见底。 If I love you, I don't know the bottom.

26、心有灵犀,一点就通。 The heart has a good understanding.

27、心跳多久,爱你多久。 How long my heart beats, how long I love you.

28、情非所起,一往情深。 Love is not the place to start, love deeply.

29、想你难以入眠。 I miss you hard to sleep.

30、愿得一人心,白首不相离。 Catch one's heart, never be apart.

31、我在等你,慢慢相遇。 I'm waiting for you, meet slowly.

32、我想关心,又怕多余。 I want to care, but I'm afraid of redundancy.

33、我是有多爱你。 How much I love you.

34、晚风捎信,说我想你。 The evening wind sent a message saying I miss you.

35、有了你,黑暗不再是黑暗。 With you, darkness is no longer darkness.

36、爱上你,我输得彻底。 Fall in love with you, I lose completely.

37、爱你一生不变。 Love you forever.

38、爱你我并没有怕。 I'm not afraid to love you.

39、爱你生生世世。 Love you forever.

40、爱你,一生不变。 Love you, life will not change.A pair in the sky and a pair in the earth.

41、牵着你的手,一生一起走。 Hold your hand and walk together for life.

42、牵着手愿永久。 Holding hands, wish forever.

43、珍惜我们的缘分。 Cherish our fate.

44、相识相知相恋。 Know each other, know each other, love each other.

45、缔结良缘,缘订三生。 To make a good relationship is to set up three lives.

46、花开并蒂,花好月圆。 Flowers bloom and pedicel, flowers and full moon.

47、要的不多,是你就好。 Not much, just you.

48、许你,倾尽天下。 Xu you, pour out the world.

49、路很难别畏险。 The road is hard. Don't be afraid of danger.

50、陪伴,直到永恒。 Company, until eternity.