1、一件事的价值大小,应看它能带来多少幸福。 A thing of value, should look at how much it can bring happiness.

2、一切为了*的这种人是最幸福的人。 All the kind of person to socialism is the most happy people.

3、丧失未来的幸福,比丧失已有的幸福更痛苦。 Loss of future happiness, more pain than loss for happiness.

4、为了要活得幸福,我们应当相信幸福的可能。 In order to live happy, we should believe in the possibility of happiness.

5、人心忧惧则前途之光明,幸福顷刻间为黑幕所遮。 Apprehension is future of light, happiness immediately covered by darkness.

6、人生,幸福不是目的,品德才是准绳。 Life, happiness is not the goal, character is the criterion.

7、人类的一切努力的目的在于获得幸福。 All human efforts to achieve happiness.

8、他们说,遥望着摩天轮的人,其实都是在遥望幸福。 Overlooking the people of the ferris wheel, they say, are looking at in happiness.

9、你想成为幸福的人吗?但愿你首先学会吃得起苦。 Who do you want to be happy? I hope you learn first to eat up bitter.

10、只有*才把他们的幸福放在他们的权力之外。 Only a fool put their happiness beyond their power.

11、向往虚构的利益,往往是丧存的幸福。 Yearn for the benefit of the fiction, is often lost happiness.

12、在家中享受幸福,是一切抱负的最终目的。 Enjoying happiness at home, is the ultimate aim of all ambitions.

13、在每个国家,知识都是公共幸福的最可靠的基础。 In every country, knowledge is the surest basis of public happiness.

14、已经得到爱的人,也总希望别人也得到幸福。 Have a loving person, also always want others to also get happiness.

15、希望呀,你是业已许诺的幸福的开端。 Hope ah, you are already promised to the beginning of happiness.

16、年轻时享受青年的幸福,年老时享受老年的幸福。 When young, enjoy the happiness of youth, old age to enjoy the happiness of the elderly.

17、幸福存在于生活之中,而生活存在于劳动之中。 Happiness exists in life, but life exists in labor.

18、幸福并不在于多友,而在于慎择友人及其价值。 Happiness lies not in the more than friends, but in the cautious friends of people and their value.

19、幸福时代的到来,不会象睡了一宵就是明天那样。 The advent of the era of happiness, don't like sleep a night is tomorrow.

20、幸福是什么?她带些许挑弄的延伸看着我。 What is happiness? With some fondle extension, she looked at me.

21、幸福是照射在脸上的温暖阳光,瞬间就成了阴影。 Happiness is light in the face of the warm sunshine, instantly became a shadow.

22、幸福的生活是一种由爱鼓舞,由知识指导的生活。 Happy life is one inspired by love and guided by knowledge.

23、应该多行善事,为了做一个幸福的人。 Should have more good works, in order to do a happy person.

24、建筑在别人痛苦上的幸福不是真正的幸福。 Building on others pain of happiness is not real happiness.

25、必须忍得暂时的痛苦,才会得到永久的幸福。 Have to endure the pain of temporarily, will get a permanent happiness.上一页12下一页

26、惟独**家,无论他生或死, But a revolutionist, no matter his life or death, can give you happiness.

27、想不付出任何代价而得到幸福,那是神话。 Can't think of any cost and get happiness, that is a myth.

28、我在想,飞蛾扑火时,一定是极幸福快乐的。 I'm thinking, a moth, must be very happy.

29、我是幸福的,因为我爱,因为我有爱。 I am happy, because I love, because I have love.

30、承担不幸是困难的,但要负担幸福更是难上难。 It is difficult to bear the misfortune, but to burden happiness is sitting.

31、承担义务是幸福而长久的婚姻关系的基础。 Commitment is the basis of the happy and long marriage.

32、无论是国王还是农夫,家庭和睦是最幸福的。 Is the happiest be he king or peasant, who finds peace in his home.

33、无论身份高低,只要会消遣就是幸福。 Regardless of identity, as long as the pastime is happiness.

34、有取有舍的人多么幸福,寡情的守财奴才是不幸。 Have take of people, how happy meaner miser is unfortunate.

35、有许多人是用青春的幸福作为成功的代价的。 There are many people who are in youth happiness as the price of success.

36、生活是一张网,打捞起来的有幸福,也有痛苦。 Life is a net, fishing together have happiness, also have pain.

37、生活的目标是人类美德和人类幸福的心脏。 The purpose of life is the heart of human virtue and happiness.

38、痛苦的时候装出幸福相,这不是那么难做到的事。 Pretend happy phase pain, it's not that hard to do.

39、真正的爱,在放弃个人的幸福之后才能产生。 The real love, after giving up his personal happiness.

40、确定个人志向,选好专业,这是幸福的源泉。 Determine the personal aspirations, choose good major, this is the source of happiness.

41、科学与艺术是人民的光荣,并给人民增添幸福。 Science and art is an honor to the people, and add happiness to the people.

42、美的东西总是与人生的幸福和欢乐相连的。 Beauty is always connected with happiness and joy in life.

43、老是认为自己是不幸福的人,永远不会幸福。 Always think that they are not happy, never be happy.

44、能使你所爱的人快乐,是世界上最大的幸福。 Can make people happy, you love is the greatest happiness in the world.

45、要*,才能的幸福;要勇敢,才能有*。 To free to happiness; Be brave, to have freedom.

46、踮起脚尖,我们就能离幸福更近一点吗? Stood on tiptoe, we can a bit closer to happiness?
