1、60 words of the 4th birthday of the 4th blessing 1, 萱花挺秀 璇阁长春 Changchun longevity 2, 九如之颂 Body and mind Kangtai Fu Luzeng Shou 3, Longma spirit rich and healthy Kang Jianrufei 4, Cizhu Feng and Fushou without borders Shenglong live tiger 5, anti-aging children Turtle Crane Yushou Tianlun music 6, Songhe Changchun, the life of the longevity, longevity, centenary 7, Wang Muchangsheng, Fushou Qitian, Meishou Yantang 8, after the blessing of the future, happy birthday Songbai 9, Nanshan Xianyu Heshan Changshou Tianci age 10, Xinghui Gengning Pengdao Spring Breeze Everything 11, Bailing Meishou Changchun is not old Fushou Shuangquan 12, Beitang Yumao Shoufu Gengning Youth resident 13, Fushou Niangao Fulu Shuangquan Fushou Mian Mian 3, if at home, remember to say a happy birthday to Dad, thank him for his contribution; if not at home, remember to make a phone call, the radio wave can convey the greetings. Happy birthday every year, I wish the family happiness and joy. 4, I like to climb the mountains, because it can make the eyes wide, I like to watch the sea, because you can visit the world, Dad, you are my mountain, you are my sea, thank you for teaching me Grow up, thank you for your small willfulness, today is your birthday, I wish you a happy birthday. 5, Spring and Autumn, easy, reincarnation, I wish my mother a happy birthday on the 80th birthday, Furu Donghai, Shoubi Nanshan, the tree of life is evergreen, the water of life is long, happy birthday!

2、In the days without you, there is no sun in the daytime, and the heart is lost in the warmth; in the days without you, there is no moonlight in the night, and life loses romance. It’s great to have you, happy mother’s birthday! happy always! 7, I will transfer your mother's birthday greetings to you, I hope that after you receive it, I will forward it a lot, so that this sincere wish will never stop, and will spread the mother's love in the world, and wish our mother forever. Health and longevity. 8, pick a few clouds, cut a few clouds, use the line of thought to make a line, weave a dazzling array of colorful clothes, dress up the world of you - the most beautiful mother in my heart: I wish you a birthday happy! 9, he raised me with both hands, he taught me with silence, he has no tears, he is not tired. He is the greatest person in the world, our father, wish all the fathers of the world a happy birthday.!

3、We are here to send our mothers the most sincere and warmest wishes: I wish my mother a blessing like the East China Sea, and I am better than Nanshan. I am healthy and happy, happy and happy, and my smile is always open.







10、妈妈,虽然我并不经常对您表示感谢,但实际上,我总是对我的心,母亲的生日表示感谢,短信提醒:祝您身体健康,幸福快乐,永远快乐,我的心,你最大的生日快乐! 14有些人说世界上没有永恒的爱。我说不!母亲热爱永恒,她是一颗不朽的星星。在你的身体里,我了解生命的意义,看到生命的真光,妈妈,在你生日那天,孩子们祝你:身体健康,万事如意。永远年轻美丽!


12、岁月的痕迹出现在垂直和水平沟渠的皱纹中,粗略的双手指示着时间的洗礼,祝你生日那天健康长寿!永远幸福! 14, Haiwu Tianshou Qing Yanyu Nanshan's life 60th birthday blessings 1, I wish my grandmother is healthy and long-lived; all the best, happy in my later years; happy birthday, after the blessing.










