1、Birds of a feather flock together.   物以类聚,人以群分   

2、Don't press your luck.   不用得寸进尺   

3、It's sink or swim.

4、Love is blind.   爱情是盲目的   

5、That's all, folks.   就这样了,各位   

6、That's fair enough.   这样很公平   

7、bark up the wrong tree   精力用在不该用的地方;错怪人;目标错误   

8、by the book   按照规定   

9、feel sth. in one's bones   直觉地觉得   

10、finders keepers   谁捡到就是谁的   

11、from the bottom of one's heart   由衷地   

12、give sb. an inch and he'll take a mile   得寸进尺   

13、keep one's head above water   使……免于负债   

14、raise one's eyebrows   吃惊   

15、saved by the bell   (在紧要的关头)得救   

