1、一人出车全家念,一人平安全家福。 One person goes out to read the whole family, and one person is safe and happy.

2、一生无事故,合家都幸福。 No accident in one's life, the whole family is happy.

3、三思而后行,思命思家思社会。 Think twice before you act. Think twice about your family and society.

4、交通法规人人遵守,文明社区家家幸福。 Traffic laws and regulations are obeyed by everyone, and families in civilized communities are happy.

5、交通法规记心中,人身安全在手中。 Traffic laws and regulations in mind, personal safety in hand.

6、人人安全,家家放心。 Everyone is safe, home is at ease.

7、人病不上车,车病不上路。 People can't get on the bus when they are sick, and cars can't get on the road when they are sick.上一页12下一页

8、人行道莫侵占,车行道人莫闯。 No embezzlement on the sidewalk, no intrusion on the pedestrian.

9、你让我让,路路通畅。 You let me make the road clear.

10、出了车祸速报警,救死扶伤见真情。 Accident speed alarm, save lives and help the injured see the truth.

11、刮风下雨路滑,不要抢道回家。 It's windy and rainy. Don't rush home.

12、司机同志,你我后半生握在你手中警示式。 Driver comrade, you and I hold the warning in your hands for the rest of our lives.

13、司机同志:你我后半生,握在你手中。 Driver: Hold it in your hand for the rest of my life.

14、各行其道,安全畅通。 All walks of life are safe and unobstructed.

15、国法如山,逃逸必捉。 National law is like a mountain, if you run away, you will catch it.

16、大家小家是一家,交通安全靠大家。 Everybody's family is one. Traffic safety depends on everybody.

17、宁绕百步远,不抢一步险。 Better go a hundred steps than take one step.


19、安全最佳效应,平安共同心声。 Safety is the best effect, peace and common aspiration.

20、安安安全出车去,平平安安回家来。 Ann got out safely and came home safely.

21、开车一心一意,做人仁心仁意。 Driving with all one's heart and being humane.

22、开车多留意,路边不儿戏。 Driving carefully, the roadside is not trivial. Seatbelt is always the lifeline, traffic lights are always the rule-abiding people.

23、彼此让一让,安全有保障。 Make concessions to each other to ensure safety.

24、心存侥幸,必遭不幸。 If you are lucky, you will suffer misfortune.

25、文明行路路畅通,平安回家家温馨。 Civilized roads open, safe home warmth.

26、替交通道德树楷模,为交通安全做榜样。 Set an example for traffic ethics and traffic safety.


28、欲速不达,适得其反。 Not expediting is counterproductive.

29、珍惜生命,拒绝违章。 Cherish life and refuse to break the rules.

30、生命就像一只蜡烛,你不珍惜它,它就会消灭。 Life is like a candle. If you don't cherish it, it will be destroyed.

31、生活中最珍贵的是什么,是平安。 What is the most precious thing in life is peace.

32、相会有缘,相让有礼。 Meeting is fate, meeting is courteous.

33、祸之源,始於足下,逞快一时,悔当初。 The source of disaster begins with a step. If you succeed quickly, you will regret the beginning.

34、若要亲人勿牵挂,酒后不要把车驾。 If you want your loved ones not to worry about, don't drive after drinking.

35、要想车祸不上身,交通法规牢记深。 If you want to avoid a car accident, traffic regulations should be kept in mind.

36、讲交通公德,守交通法规。 Speak of public morality in traffic and abide by traffic laws and regulations.

37、谨慎驾驶一帆风顺,遵纪守法十分安全。 Driving with caution is smooth sailing and it's very safe to follow the rules and regulations.

38、谨慎驾驶千趟少,大意行车一回多。 Drive cautiously for less than a thousand trips and carelessly for more than one trip.

39、走过春夏秋冬,安全永驻心中。 Through spring, summer, autumn and winter, security will always be in mind.

40、走遍东西南北中,安全二字记心中。 Travel all over the east, west, north and south, and remember the word "safety".

41、车行万里路,走好第一步。 Driving thousands of miles, take the first step.

42、违章与事故同在,守纪与安全永存。 Violations and accidents coexist, discipline and safety are forever.

43、违章是安全的大敌,车祸的朋友。 Violation is the enemy of safety, friend of car accident.

44、违章横穿高速路,难免踏上黄泉路。 Violation of regulations crosses the expressway, which inevitably leads to Huangquan Road.

45、道路交通安全法,伴您平安万里行。 Road Traffic Safety Law, accompany you safe and traveling thousands of miles.

46、道路千万条,安全第一条。 There are thousands of roads and safety is the first.

47、道路连者你和他,安全系着千万家。 The road links you and him, and safety ties tens of millions of homes.

48、遵守交规,善待生命。 Obey the rules and treat life kindly.

49、遵守交通法规,上路绝不吃亏。 Obey traffic regulations and never lose money on the road.

50、遵守交通法规,安全伴你永远。 Comply with traffic regulations, safety will always be with you.

51、遵守交通规则,安全伴你到永远。 Obey the traffic rules and keep you safe forever.

52、酒后驾车,生命打折。 Drinking, driving, life discount.

53、酒喝过似泥泞,车开上道如赌命。 Drinking like mud, driving like a gamble.

54、酒性发作不由人,醉酒开车*深。 Alcoholic seizures are beyond human control, and drunken driving is a serious hazard.

55、醉人驾车,易成罪人。 Driving drunkenly is easy to convict.

56、铁路道口险情多,停车了望再通过! Railway crossings are dangerous. Stop andpass!

57、防灾求得平安在,遵章换得平安来。 Disaster prevention is for peace, and compliance is for peace.

58、马路就像老虎口,不留神就没活口。 The road is like a tiger's mouth. If you don't pay attention, you can't live.

59、骑摩托走天下,戴上头盔最潇洒。 Riding a motorcycle, wearing a helmet is the smartest.

60、高兴兴上班来,平平安安回家去。 Come to work happily and go home safely.

61、高速公路,行驶适速。 Highway, driving at moderate speed.
