1、一个受过伤的女生,唯一学会的就是坚强。 An injured girl, only learn is strong.

2、一个是华丽短暂的梦,一个是残酷漫长的现实。 One is a gorgeous short dream, a cruel long reality.

3、一个简单的旋律,总是勾起一段不简单的回忆。 A simple melody, always evoke a simple memories.

4、不是因为寂寞才想你,而是因为想你才寂寞。 I miss you not because of my loneliness but I do feel lonely when I miss you.

5、不要轻易说爱,许下的承诺就是欠下的债! Don't say love easily, promise is debt!

6、不论我在哪里,都只离你一个转身的距离。 No matter where I am, I'm only a distanceaway from you.

7、与其到处找借口,不如直接说一句我不爱了。 Instead of looking for excuses, it's better to say I don't love you.上一页12下一页 Some people can be easily erased by time. Like dust.

8、世上的感情分为三种:无情、多情、自作多情。 The feelings of the world are divided into three types: ruthless, passionate, romantic.

9、什么叫快乐?就是掩饰自己的悲伤对每个人微笑。 What is happiness? Is to cover up their grief to everyone smile.

10、从前的我没学会哭泣,现在的我时常泪流满面。 I did not learn to cry, now I often burst into tears.

11、仿佛赤道里遇见北极,爱情绝望的令人颤抖。 As if the equator met the Arctic, the despair of love is shaking.

12、你不仅毁了我的人,我的心,还有那份忠贞的情。 You ruined my people, my heart, and the faithful.

13、你不曾给我一次回眸,我却始终在对你微笑。 You did not give me a review, but I always smile on you.

14、你只有爱上一个女人的时候,她才会伤害你。 When you fall in love with a woman, she will hurt you.

15、你曾经说要和我到永远,可是现在却是我一个人。 You said you wanted to be with me forever, but now I'm alone.

16、你用谎言去验证谎言,得到的一定是谎言。 You use lies to verify lies, must be lies.

17、你的笑容,是我今生无法忘记的眷念。 Your smile is my life can not forget her.

18、俗话说天妒英才,所以人还是蠢点好。 As the saying goes, genius, so people still silly good.

19、其实,成长就是逼着你一个人去坚强。 In fact, growth is forcing you to be strong.

20、凡事皆有代价,快乐的代价便是痛苦。 Everything has its price, and the price of happiness is pain.

21、别问我是否爱过你,因为我的爱早已与你无关。 Don't ask me if I love you, because my love has nothing to do with you.

22、可是你不懂,躯壳也会痛,要我怎么舍得。 But you don't understand, also to body pain, I how willing.

23、叶子的离开不是风的召唤,而是树的舍弃。 Leaves leave is not the call of the wind, but the tree to give up.

24、因为陌生,所以勇敢,因为距离,所以美丽。 Because strange, so brave, because of distance, so beautiful.

25、在你转身之后,我的心就已经碎成了两半。 When you turn around, my heart is broken into two.

26、失去一切并不可怕,怕只怕我们抵抗不过回忆。 Everything is not terrible, afraid that we resist recall.friendship.

27、女人伪装幸福 The woman disguised happiness, just afraid of being a man found her sad.

28、如果有天我走了,你就不留余地的把我忘掉。 If one day I go, you forgot me leave no room.

29、如果有那么一天,我会陪你到世界终结。 If one day, I will accompany you to the end of the world.

30、如果梦想能够成真,愿我能代替你承受全都悲伤。 If dreams come true, I wish I could take your place.

31、如果没有你,明天不值得期待,昨天不值得回忆。 Without you, tomorrow is not worth looking forward to.

32、孤单,是一个人的狂欢。狂欢,是一群人的孤单。 Loneliness is a carnival. Carnival is a group of lonely people.

33、幸福没有那么容易,才会如此让人着迷。 Happiness is not so easy, so fascinating.

34、当。我泪流满面的时候。何曾有人安慰过我。 When. When I burst into tears. Have someone to comfort me.

35、当眼泪流下来,才知道,分开也是另一种明白。 When the tears flow down, just know, separate is another kind of understand.

36、心若没有栖息的地方,到哪里都是在流浪! If the heart has no place to perch on, you will always be wandering wherever you go!

37、想一个人,一种声音。只待来生寄情相思。 Think of a person, a voice. For the next place of acacia.

38、想你的时候有些幸福,幸福得有些难过。 Think of you some happiness, happiness some sad.

39、我为你掏心掏肺,你只会看我撕心裂肺! My lungs out for you heart, you will only see my heart!

40、我们始终都在练习微笑,终于变成不敢哭的人。 We have been practicing smiling, and finally become a person who can not cry.

41、我倔强的不愿屈服,换来的却也只是伤痕累累。 I do not want to give up stubborn, but it is only scarred.

42、我再也不会奋不顾身的去爱一个人了,哪怕是你。 I never regardless of personal danger to love a person, even if it is you.

43、我心里一直有你,只是比例变了而已。 I always have you in my heart, but the proportion has changed.

44、我怀念的不是你,而是你给的致命曾经。 What I miss is not you, but you gave the fatal once.

45、我想我没那么坚强,不过是一而再的逞强。 I think I'm not so strong, but time and again.

46、我愿做你的嫁妆,请把我带在你身旁。 I would like to be your dowry, please take me by your side.

47、我是你的风筝,线在你手上,可陪伴我的只有风。 I am your kite, the line in your hand, can accompany me only the wind.

48、我能为你做的不多,但你需要的时候,我一直在。 There's not much I can do for you, but when you need me.

49、所以,我们亦只能看见眼前,然后简单的生活。 Therefore, we can only see the eyes, and then simple life.

50、时间冲淡破碎感情,距离拉开完美A爱情。 Time dilute broken feelings, pull away from a perfect love.

51、明知道爱情是个坑,却还傻傻的往里跳。 Know love is a pit, but also silly to jump.

52、是你苍白了我的等待,讽刺了我的执着。 Is your pale I wait, ironic mypersistence.

53、最凄美的爱,不必呼天抢地,只是相顾无言。 The most beautiful love, hutianqiangde not only care.

54、最大的痛苦,是遇见了你,却又错过了你。 The greatest pain, is to meet you, but miss you.

55、最深最重的爱,必须和时日一起成长。 The deepest and heaviest love must grow up with the time.

56、有些事情本身我们无法控制,只好控制自己。 There are things we can't control, we have to control ourselves.

57、有些事情,你不说我不做,也就这么一辈子。 Some things, you do not say I do not, it will be a lifetime.

58、有些人是可以被时间轻易抹去的。犹如尘土。With a tearful love lake, with love a happy circle.

59、有些人要进来,就有一些人不得不离开。 Some people want to come in, some people have to leave.

60、有些悄悄话要大声说。比如。我爱你。 Some whisper to say. For example. I love you!

61、残缺的完美,永远消失在那个被遗忘的尽头。 Incomplete perfect, always disappear at the end of the forgotten.

62、沉默像首悲伤的歌,捂上视线却模糊了。 Silence like a sad song, cover your eyes blurred.

63、泪水模糊了我的世界,连你离去的身影都看不见。 Tears blurred my world, you can not even see the shadow.

64、爱一个人很难,放弃自己心爱的人更难。 Love a person is difficult, give up their loved ones more difficult.

65、爱已欠费,情已停机,恋爱不再服务区。 Love is overdue, the situation has been shut down, no longer love service area.

66、爱情不是寻找共同点,而是学会尊重不同点。 Love isn't about finding the common ground, it's about learning to respect the differences.

67、爱情不是轰轰烈烈的誓言,而是平平淡淡的陪伴。 Love is not a vigorous oath, but flatly light company.

68、爱情从来只有两种结局,不是殊途,便是同归。 Love is never only two outcomes, not the way, is the same.

69、爱情,要么让人成熟,要么让人堕落。 Love makes man grow up or sink down.

70、用微笑装作不在意你的嘲笑,不关心你的离去。 Use a smile to pretend you don't care, you don't care.

71、用手使劲敲打胸口,这样心就不会那么痛了。 Beat your chest with your hands so that it won't hurt.


73、痴情的一方注定伤的最深,自古痴情终成空。 My side is the most deeply hurt, who eventually became empty since ancient times.

74、祈求天地放过一双恋人,怕发生的永远别发生。 Pray for heaven and earth to let a pair of lovers, afraid of never happen.

75、自尊丢到墙角,掏出所有的好,你还是沉默。 Pride into the corner, take out all the good, you still silent.

76、落下了第一滴泪,而永远不能返回天堂。 The first drop of tears, and never return to heaven.

77、街头那一对和我们好像,松开拥抱,就各奔一方。 The couple on the street, and we seem to loosen the embrace, on each side.

78、越是绚丽的东西,总是越容易被毁灭,被消逝。 The more beautiful things, the more easily destroyed, is gone.

79、转弯只为遇见你,却忘记了,你也会转弯。 Turn to meet you, but forget, you will turn.

80、那些曾经快乐的时光,如今已不再属于帷 Those who have happy time, now no longer belongs to me.
