1、不管如何,这个问题很容易解决。   Anyway, it’s easy to solve this problem.   

2、为了保持双方良好的商业关系,我们选择与你们洽谈。   In order to keep up our good business relationship, we choose to negotiate business with you.   

3、为什么不先试购一笔看看,探测一下市场的潜力呢?   Why not place a trial order to sound out the market potential?   第二章 询盘及答复   

4、事实上,目前在国外很畅销,不少客户的订货我们还无法满足呢。   In fact, it is so popular that we cannot meet the demands from our customers.

5、他们将会在月底派两名代表到我们的工厂参观。   They will send two representatives to visit our factory at the end of this month.   

6、价格要经过我们公司确认后才有效。   The prices are subject to our final confirmation.   

7、但这是我们所能做出的最底报价。   But this is the best quotation we can make.   

8、你们能再次考虑考虑吗?   Would you please reconsider it?   

9、你们通常要求什么付款条件?   For the payment terms, what do you usually require?   

10、你会发现我们的价格非常优惠。   You’ll surely find our prices very favorable.   

11、你对哪种商品感兴趣?   Which item are you interested in?   

12、你想要多少数量?   What’s the quantity you’re likely to take?   

13、你真厉害,把我说服了。   You certainly have a way of talking me into it.   

14、假如你们公司订购数量比较大的话,我们可以考虑给你们折扣。   If your order is large enough, we’ll consider giving you some discount.   

15、听起来不错。   Sounds fine.   

16、和以前的商品相比,它有什么优点?   What are its advantages over our previous products?   Compared with our previous products, what are its advantages?   

17、品质不同,价格当然也不同。   The prices are different according to the quelities.   

18、外贸常用英语句子   熟记一些常用句子对提高口语有很大好处,下面就是小编为您收集整理的外贸常用英语句子的相关文章,希望可以帮到您,如果你觉得不错的话可以分享给更多小伙伴哦!   外贸常用英语句子   第一章 建立贸易关系   

19、好吧,为了成交,我愿意作出些让步。   Well, in order to get the business, I’m willing to make some concessions.   

20、如果一切顺利,今年5月就能上市了。   If everything goes smoothly, it will be on the market this May.   

21、如果你们多订一点,我们可以给你报低一点的价格。   We can offer you lower price if you could order a bit more.   

22、如果你们的订货数量在5000件以上,我将把价格降到3%   If you order more than 5000 pieces, I will reduce my price by 3 percent.   

23、如果再降价,这笔交易我们会赔钱的。   If I go any lower, we’d make a loss on the deal.   

24、很高兴我们最终达成了协议。   I’m very glad that we have finally come to an agreement.   I’m glad that we’ve come to an agreement at last.   

25、恐怕我们不能接受你们的还盘。   It’s impossible for us to entertain your counter-offer, I’m afraid.   第四章 接盘和订货   

26、恐怕我们无法再降价了。   I’m afraid we can’t reduce(decrease) our prices any more   

27、我不能接受你们的报价。   I cannot accept your offer.   

28、我从来没听说过。   I’ve never heard of that.   

29、我们不会等的太久。   We cannot afford to wait for you for a long time.   

30、我们也希望能成交。   We ‘ll hope to close the deal.   

31、我们也接受订制特殊规格厨具的订单。   We also take orders for kitchenware made according to specifications.   

32、我们从阿里巴巴网站上了解到你们是中国主要的进出口公司之一。   We’ve learned from that you’re one of the leading import and export companies in China.   

33、我们会尽最大的努力满足你们的要求。   We’ll try our best to satisfy your demand.   

34、我们保证能做到(以上所说的)。   We can ensure that.   

35、我们打算如何推出这种新产品?   How are will going to launch this new product?   

36、我们无法再做出让步。   We can’t make any concession.   

37、我们有很多不同品牌和款色的产品,质量优良,价格合理。   We offer many different bands and models, good quality and reasonable prices.   

38、我们的产品在东南亚市场上享有很高的声誉,同时,他们在美国和欧洲市场上也销售得很好。   Our products enjoy a high reputation in the south-east Asian market. They also sell very well in the USA and Europe.   

39、我们的价格与其他制造商相比是十分优惠的。   Our prices compare most favorable with quotations you can get from other manufacturers.   

40、我们的报价比别处的要便宜。   The price we offer compares favorably with quotations you can get elsewhere.   

41、我们认为这是我们的底盘价。   We consider it a rock-bottom price indeed.   

42、我们进出口很多商品。我们从事这一行业已经有20年了。   We are importing and exporting a wide range of goods. And we have been in this line for more than 20 years.   I want to know more about your company and your products.   

43、我们通常要求用不可撤销信用证付款。   We usually require an irrevocable letter of credit.   

44、我先研究一下询价单,明天给你报实盘价。   I’ll look into your requirements first and let you know our firm offers tomorrow.   

45、我对你刚刚所说的感到失望。   I’m disappointed at what you have just said.   

46、我已经看了你们的商品目录,我觉得你们的公共汽车不错。   I’ve gone through your catalogue and find your buses appeal to me.   

47、我已经看过一些样品,愿意订货。   I have already seen some samples and we’d like to order.   

48、我想你找对公司了。   I think you’ve found a right company.   

49、我想多了解一些你们公司和产品的信息。   Three months at most after receipt of the covering L/C. It would take longer to deliver the special orders, though never longer than six months.   

50、我想我们不如取消这笔生意。   I’m thinking that we might call the whole deal off.   

51、我想我们的产品能满足你们的需求。   I think our products can satisfy your requirements.’   

52、我觉得我们各自坚持自己的价格是不明智的。如果我们各让一步如何?   I think it’s unwise for us to insist on his own price, How about meeting each other halfway?   第五章 数量与质量   

53、我非常同意你的观点。   I can’t agree with you more.   

54、我马上发一份我们最新产品目录的电子版给你。   I will send you an electronic version of our latest catalogue immediately.   

55、报价的有效期多长?   How long will you leave your offer open?   

56、据说这种产品很受欧洲人欢迎,为什么你不多订一些呢?   It is said that this product is very popular with European people. Why don’t you order more?   


58、有效期为3天。   It’s valid for three days.   

59、目的港在哪里?   Where’s the port of destination?   

60、结合质量考虑,我认为这个价格是合理的。   Taking the quality into consideration, I think the price is reasonable.   

61、能不能给我一张报价单?   Can I have your price sheet?   

62、订货要多久交货呢?   How long would it take you to deliver the orders?   

63、让我们相互作一些让步吧。   Let’s compromise.   

64、请你报包括5%佣金在内的到岸价行吗?   Would you please make your prices CIF includingfive percent commission?   第三章 报盘和还盘   

65、请给我们报旧金山到岸最低价。   Please quote us your lowest price, CIF San Francisco.   

66、这是我们的最低价格,在价格方面,我不能再让步了。   This is our rock bottom price. No further concession I can make in this respect.   

67、这是我们的询价单。   Here’s our inquiry list   

68、这正是我们所需要的。   That’s what we need.   

69、那正正就是我所表达的意思。   That’s precisely what I mean.   
