1、一草一木皆生命,一枝一叶总关情。 Every tree and bush are the lives of a leaf of love.
2、不要旁观,请加入行动者的行列。 Don't look on the sidelines. Please join the ranks of actors.
3、为了地球的生命,拯救我们的环境。 For the life of the earth, save our environment.
4、为了子孙后代,请留下一片净土。 For future generations,please leave a pure land.
5、为了校园一片绿,珍惜脚下每颗草。 In order to campus a green, cherish every grass at the foot.
6、为了校园更美,请勿摘花。 In order to campus more beautiful, do not pick flowers.
7、为了美丽家园,请从小事做起。 For the beautiful homeland, please start with minor matters.
8、举手之劳,美化校园。 No, to beautify the campus.
9、什么时候垃圾筒也会下岗。 When will the garbage cans be laid off?.
10、但存方寸地,留与子孙耕。 But keep fangcunde and stay with the child sungeng.
11、你来绕一绕,我来笑一笑。 You go around and I'll smile.
12、你珍惜我的生命,我还你一片绿荫。 You treasure my life, I give you a shade.
13、使用绿色产品,节约地球资源。 Use green products to save the earth's resources.
14、依靠科技进步,促进环境保护。 Relying on scientific and technological progress to promote environmental protection.
15、促绿色消费,做绿色选民。 Green consumption, green voters.
16、保护树木,就是保护我们人类。 To protect trees is to protect us.
17、保护水环境,节约水资源。 Protect the water environment and save water resources.
18、保护环境光荣污染环境可耻。 It is shameful to protect the environment and pollute the environment.
19、保护环境光荣,污染环境可耻。 To protect the environment is glorious and pollute the environment.
20、保护环境就是保护我们自己。 Protecting the environment is protecting ourselves.
21、保护环境,就是爱惜生命。 To protect the environment is to cherish life.
22、保护生态环境,就是爱护自已。 To protect the ecological environment is to take care of ourselves.
23、做地球妈妈的好孩子,保护她! Be a good mother earth mother, protect her!
24、劝君多走几步路,莫把草坪当马路。 I walk a few steps, not when the lawn.
25、参与绿色行动,保护美丽家园。 Take part in green action to protect beautiful home.
26、发展经济不能以牺牲环境为代价。 Developing the economy can not be done at the expense of the environment.
27、只有一个地球、人类应该同舟共济。 Only one earth, human beings should be in the same boat.
28、只有一个地球人类应该同舟共济。 Only one earth, human beings should help each other.
29、同建绿色校园,共享鸟语花香。 With the construction of a green campus, sharing birds'twitter and fragrance of flowers.
30、同花儿一起开放,和小树一起成长。 Bloom with the flowers and grow with the trees.
31、哭泣的草原地球在哭泣。 Crying prairie, earth crying.
32、地球妈妈需要你我的细心呵护。 Mother earth needs you, my care.
33、坚持人水和谐,建设生态文明。 Adhere to harmony between man and water, and build ecological civilization.
34、坚持团结治水,构建和谐流域。 Uphold unity and water control and build a harmonious watershed.
35、大路随你走,别踩在我头。 The road is with you, don't step on my head.
36、学会做人,学会学习,保护自然。 Learn to be human, learn to learn, and protect nature.
37、学校是我家,人人都爱它。 The school is my home and everybody loves it.
38、学校是我家,环保靠大家。 School is my home, environmental protection depends on everyone.
39、学校是我家,美化靠大家。 School is my home, landscaping depends on everyone.
40、家园由我来保护。 My home is protected by me.
41、尊天重地、敬天爱人。 Respect the sky, the earth, and the sky.
42、小草给我一片绿,我给小草一份爱。 The grass gives me a piece of green, I give the grass a love.
43、小草青青,脚步轻轻。 The grass is green and the steps are light.上一页12下一页
44、少抽一支烟,多栽一棵树。Cut down a cigarette and plant a tree.
45、当你昂首阔步时,我在你脚下**。 When you walk, I moaned at your feet.
46、我们的地球需要每个人的保护。 Our planet needs everyone's protection.
47、我是环保一员。 I am an environmental protection member.
48、我爱花,我爱草,我爱青青小树苗。 I love flowers. I love grass. I love green saplings.
49、手上留情花自香,脚下留意草如茵。 Flowers from the hands of the benefit of incense, green grass at the foot of attention.
50、手下留情花更艳,脚下留情草更翠。 Yan flower more lenient, at the foot of the benefit of the grass is green.
51、拒绝白色污染,对一次性筷子说不! Refuse white pollution, say "no" to disposable chopsticks!
52、拒绝白色污染,对白色饭盒说不! Refuse white pollution, say "no" to white lunch box!
53、捡起片片纸,传递深深情。 Pick up every piece of paper, transfer love deeply.
54、提高环境意识保护美好家园。 Raise environmental awareness and protect a better home.
55、植树造林,功在千秋。 Afforestation, work in the future generations.
56、欣赏荒野、回归自然。 Enjoy the wilderness and return to nature.
57、爱护小草吧,它是春天的信使! Take care of the grass, it is the messenger of spring!
58、环保不分民族,生态没有国界。 Environmental protection, regardless of nationality, ecology without borders.
59、环保从点滴做起! Environmental protection starts from a little bit!
60、环境你不爱,美景不常在。 Environment, you do not love, beautiful scenery is not often.
61、环境保护,人人有责。 Environmental protection is everyone's responsibility.
62、环境好,生活就好。 A good environment makes a good life.
63、珍惜今天能源,拥有灿烂明天。 Cherish today's energy and have brilliant tomorrow.
64、珍惜水,保护水,让水造福人类。 Cherish the water, protect the water, and let the water benefit thehuman race.
65、用好你的手,垃圾无处溜。 Use your hands, garbage everywhere.
66、给我一份爱,送你一片绿。 Give me a love, send you a piece of green.
67、给我一片绿,还你一片荫。 Give me a piece of green, and give you a shade.
68、绿色奥运应从绿色校园开始! Green Olympics should start from green campus!
69、美我校园重在每一举动。 My campus focuses on every move.
70、花草是我的朋友,请多一份爱护! Flowers and plants are my friends, please take care of them!
71、茵茵绿草地 Lush green grass, please watch your step.
72、草儿绿、花儿香,环境优美人健康! The grass is green, fragrant flowers, beautiful environment and human health!
73、草木无情皆愿翠行人有情多爱惜。 Plants are merciless, willing to pedestrians, love, cherish.
74、让优雅的环境与美好的心灵同在。 Let elegant environment and beautiful heart together.
75、让地球妈妈永远年轻美丽。 Let mother earth forever young and beautiful.
76、让经济发展的浪潮进入绿色的河道。 Let the wave of economic development into the green river.
77、让绿色的希望从校园萌芽! Let the green hope sprout from the campus!
78、轻轻地我走了,正如我轻轻地来。 Lightly I walked, as I gently came.
79、那里有绿色,哪里就有生命。 Where there is green, there is life.
80、青草绿树你我他咱们同住一家。 Grass, trees, you, I, he, we share a family.