1、不生气,少计较,祝您没烦恼。 Don't be angry. Don't worry. I wish you no trouble.

2、今天老爸生日,祝福老人家健康长寿! Today's dad's birthday, wish the elderly a long and healthy life!

3、你是绵延的长城,守护起家的幸福。 You are the continuous great wall, guarding the happiness of starting a family.

4、千万个感恩的心,表不完父亲的两手老茧。 Tens of millions of grateful heart, watch father's calluses.

5、发问候,祝爸爸,平安伴,如意随。 Send greetings, wish Dad, safe company, with the best wishes.

6、吾谓父之德,无以言表,谨谢君,父! I call my father's virtue. I have no words to express. Thank you, father!

7、希望你一生幸福快乐,祝父亲生日开心! I hope you have a happy life. Happy father's birthday!

8、希望爸爸少皱眉,笑口常开精神好。 I hope dad will frown less and smile more often.

9、您的眼,望着我走向挺拔,爱的气息里有关怀备至。 Your eyes, watching me go straight, the breath of love about Huaibei to.

10、愿把平安送,健康为伴,身体健康;祝父亲每天快乐。 I wish you peace, health and good health. I wish you a happy day.

11、是您,给我一份力,让我勇往直前不萎靡。 It's you, give me a hand, let me keep going forward.

12、有一份情不声不响,却不移不变,那是亲情永远。 There is a love that is silent but unchangeable, that is family love forever.

13、父亲是一座灯塔,时刻照亮孩子的心田。 The father is a lighthouse, which always lights up the child's heart.

14、父亲是一泓美丽的清泉,让生活洒满恬静。 Father is a beautiful spring, making life full and peaceful.

15、父亲是一片大海,心胸宽广容忍着孩子的任性和叛逆。 Father is a sea, broad-minded tolerance of children's willfulness and treason.

16、父亲是大海,我是海中船,在父亲的胸膛里乘风破浪。 Father is the sea, I am the ship in the sea, in my father's chest to ride the wind and waves.

17、父亲是条河,流转着岁月,诉说人世的沧桑。 Father is a river, flowing years, telling the vicissitudes of the world.

18、父亲生日到了,愿你健康快乐每一天。 Father's birthday is coming, wish you health and happiness every day.

19、父亲的怀抱,是曾经流连的小天地。 Father's embrace is the little world that once lingered.

20、父亲的笑容,是我最大的心愿。 My father's smile is my greatest wish.

21、父亲的背影,是藏在心底的小甜蜜。 Father's back, is hidden in the heart of the little sweet.

22、父亲的身板,是支撑前行的小宇宙。 Father's body is the small universe that supports his progress.

23、父亲给予我们勇气,让我们战胜困难没压力。 My father gave us courage to overcome difficulties without pressure.

24、父爱堪比山高,愿父亲一切安好。 Father's love is as high as mountain. I wish my father all the best.

25、父爱有痕,岁月无迹,感恩父爱,铭记于心。 Father's love has traces, years have no traces, thank father's love, remember.

26、爸爸您辛苦啦!祝您健康长寿! Dad, you are working hard! Wish you a long and healthy life!

27、爸爸,父亲生日给您洗洗脚,洗去忧愁和烦恼。 Dad, father's birthday to wash your feet, wash away worry and trouble.

28、爸爸,谢谢您的爱!我会用我的一生去报答! Dad, thank you for your love! I will use my life to repay!

29、祝愿爸爸和妈妈长生不老,永远爱我。 I wish my father and mother eternal love.

30、祝爸爸生日快乐,永远健康,全家人好开心。 Happy birthday to Dad, always healthy and happy family.

31、祝爸爸生日快乐,福如东海,寿比南山! Happy birthday to Dad, happy as the East China Sea, longevity than Nanshan!

32、祝老父亲八十大寿快乐,寿比南山,福如东海。 I wish my father a happy 80th birthday and a happy life.

33、老爸,生日快乐!女儿祝您永远身体健康,笑口常开! Happy birthday, Dad! My daughter wishes you always good health and a smile!

34、老爸,除了十月怀胎,你做的并不少!生日快乐! Dad, apart from having a baby in October, you've done a lot! Happy birthday!

35、耄耋经霜雨,儿孙满堂中,福添一百载,寿比南山松。 After a long history of frost and rain, he has had a lot of children and grandchildren. He has been blessed for more than a hundred years and lives longer than Nanshan pine.