1、一手遮挡岁月的坷绊,染白了青丝,沧桑了流年。 One hand covers the bumpy trip of the years, dyed white green silk, vicissitudes of life.

2、不抽烟,少喝酒,祝您人长寿。 Don't smoke and drink less. I wish you a long life.

3、不生病,少操劳,祝您身体好。 Don't get sick, don't work hard. I wish you good health.

4、南山烈烈,飘风发发。民莫不谷,我独何害。 The south mountain is strong and the wind blows. The valley of the people, what harm do I do.

5、子啼父心软,子强父心健,子绵父心放,子难父心忐。 Son cry father soft heart, son strong father heart, son soft father heart, son difficult father heart.

6、希望爸爸别担心,儿孙自有儿孙福,健康快乐最珍贵! I hope my father doesn't worry. My children and grandchildren have their own blessings. Health and happiness are the most precious!

7、愿把幸福送,快乐一生,幸幸福福;祝父亲每天快乐。 I wish you a happy life. I wish you happiness every day.

8、我爱您,父亲生日,愿爸爸健康平安,快乐永伴! I love you, father's birthday, wish Dad health and safety, happy forever!

9、有一种爱不言不语,却不离不散,那是父爱无边。 There is a kind of love that is unspoken, but inseparable, that is the boundless love of the father.

10、满面红光千岁媪,松鹤之年,福寿全家宝。 A thousand years old lady, the year of pine and crane, is a treasure of longevity.

11、父亲教会我们坚强,让我们面对挫折不畏惧。 Father taught us to be strong, let us face setbacks without fear.

12、父亲是一个擎天的巨人,为我撑起一片生活的空间。 My father is a giant of the sky, supporting a living space for me.

13、父亲是一把梯,助你勇攀巅峰。 Father is a ladder to help you climb to the top.

14、父亲是一首温馨的歌谣,让生活总是快乐。 Father is a warm ballad, making life always happy.

15、父亲生日到了,爸爸,您辛苦了,愿您永远健康平安! Father's birthday is coming, Dad, you have worked hard, wish you health and safety forever!

16、父亲生日到,叫你一声老爸,你辛苦啦! Father's birthday, call you father, you are hard!

17、父亲生日,只能给你祝福,原谅我,爸爸。 Father birthday, can only give you blessing, forgive me, Dad.

18、爸爸,今天是你的生日,只想对你说,你辛苦了。 Dad, today is your birthday, just want to say to you, you are hard.

19、爸爸,父亲生日给您端杯茶,消暑解渴笑哈哈。 Dad, my father brought you a cup of tea for your birthday.

20、爸爸,谢谢你,辛苦地将我培育。 Dad, thank you for cultivating me.

21、生日到了,愿爸爸万事顺心,天天快乐,我永远爱您! My birthday is coming. I wish Dad all the best and happy every day. I love you forever!

22、祈望您心灵深处芳草永绿,青春常驻,笑口常开。 I hope that the grass in your heart will be green forever, your youth will last forever, and your smile will always open.

23、祝父亲永远年轻、安康快乐! I wish my father always young, healthy and happy!

24、祝爸爸生日快乐健康长寿,同祝天下父母健康长寿。 I wish my father a happy birthday, a long and healthy life, and I wish my parents a long and healthy life.

25、福如东海长流水,寿比南山不老松。 Like the long flowing water in the East China Sea, longevity is not old pine.

26、老爸今天是你的生日,祝你生日快乐,孩子们想你了。 Dad is your birthday today. Happy birthday to you. The children miss you.

27、老爸,谢谢你陪我一路的成长,生日快乐。 Dad, thank you for growing up with me. Happy birthday.

28、谢谢爸爸,我爱你,生日快乐。 Thank you, Dad. I love you. Happy birthday.

29、送你一杯长寿酒,健康快乐长长久。 Send you a long life wine, healthy, happy and long.

30、默默期盼,相伴一生;感动天地,伟大父爱。 Silently looking forward to life, touching the world, great father love.