
2、一眼钟情,二眼沦陷。 Fall in love with one eye, fall in love with two eyes.

3、与你相伴,死亦无憾。 I will die with you.

4、世无可喜,幸好有你。 There's nothing to be happy about. Thank you.

5、以你之姓,冠我之名。 put your name under my family name.

6、众生皆苦,唯你带甜。 All living beings are bitter, but you are sweet.

7、你与太阳,皆可发光。 You and the sun can shine.

8、你与星河,皆可收藏。 Both you and Xinghe can collect.

9、你与月亮,皆是浪漫。 You and the moon are both romantic.

10、你是我手心里的,宝。 You're in my hand, Po.

11、你是首选,也是唯一。 You are the first choice and the only one.

12、你的半步,我得天涯。 Your half step, I have to go to the end of the world.

13、厮守海角,非你不娶。 It's not you who don't marry to stay at the Cape.

14、同心永结,相守相携。 Together, we will keep and carry each other.

15、同眠同坐,相亲相爱。 Sleep together, sit together, love each other.

16、喜你成疾,药石无医。 I'm glad you've become ill. There's no cure for the stone.

17、在劫难逃,非你不可。 You're doomed. You have to.

18、外面风大,跟我回家。 It's windy outside. Come home with me.

19、天上一双,地造一对。 Heaven makes a pair, earth makes a pair.

20、始于初见,止于终老。 It begins at first sight and ends in old age.

21、容我爱你,深不见底。 Let me love you, not to the bottom.

22、山盟永在,海誓长存。 The mountain alliance will last forever, and the sea oath will last forever.

23、山盟永在,海誓长存。 The mountain alliance will last forever, and the sea oath will last forever.

24、情深似海,情比金坚。 Love is as deep as sea, love is stronger than gold.

25、我中有你,你中有我。 I have you, you have me.

26、我中有你,你中有我。 I have you, you have me.

27、我决定,爱你一万年。 I decided to love you for ten thousand years.

28、我在远方,惜君如常。 I am far away, cherish you as usual.

29、我想关心,又怕多余。 I want to care, but I'm afraid of redundancy.

30、我爱你,到天荒地老。 I love you forever.

31、我这一生,只为吻你。 All my life, just to kiss you.

32、手放开,让彼此*。 Let go, let each other be free.

33、持子之手,与子偕老。 Hold your son's hand and grow old with him.

34、既然相伴,便是永远。 Since accompanied, is forever.

35、时光不老,我们不散。 Time is not old, we are not apart.

36、有你相伴,平凡浪漫。 With you, ordinary and romantic.

37、有你相伴,遗世无憾。 With you, there is no regret.

38、有幸遇见,恰好合拍。 I'm lucky to meet you.

39、爱上你,我输得彻底。 Falling in love with you, I lost completely.

40、爱人是你,未来是你。 Love is you, the future is you.

41、爱人是你,未来是你。 Love is you, the future is you.

42、爱情,没有天长地久。 Love doesn't last forever.

43、爱有多久,天长地久。 How long does love last.

44、百年好合,白头偕老。 A hundred years together, a long life together.

45、真心相爱,相约永久。 We love each other forever.

46、芸芸众生,我只甜你。 All living beings, I only love you.

47、误入眉眼,喜欢多時。 I like it for a long time.

48、遇一佳人,足慰平生。 Meet a beautiful woman, enough comfort life.

49、鸳鸯交颈,凤凰于飞。 Mandarin ducks cross their necks, while Phoenix flies.

50、鸳鸯成双,爱情甜蜜。 Love is sweet when mandarin ducks are in pairs.

51、鸳鸯比翼,缘定三生。 There are three generations of mandarin ducks.