1、一个微笑可以融化沉重的脸,一句安慰能鼓舞丧气的心田,一点帮助可以减轻人生重担,一次分享可以激励奋发向前,我的信息可以温暖你的疲劳! A smile can melt heavy face, a word of comfort can encourage frustrated heart, a little help can lighten the burden of life, a share can inspire go ahead, my message can warm your tired!

2、一句话也说不出来,因为你空间的美丽,还有对我的关怀,让我感动,让我思念,只有一句祝福,朋友幸福永远。 Couldn't say a word, the space is beautiful because of you, and to my care, let I touched, let me miss, only a wish friends happiness forever。

3、一觉醒来好想你,随手发去短信息,几天没见可好吗,祝你天天好心情。 Wake up missing you, with hair to short message, a few days no see, how, I wish you good mood every day。

4、上帝是公平的,在关闭一扇门的同时,为你开启一扇窗。上帝占有了你五个忙碌的工作日,还你一个轻松愉快的周末,祝你周末开心! God is fair, in the closing of a door at the same time, open a window for you。 God has five busy working days, you still you a relaxed and happy weekend, I wish you a happy weekend!

5、不是每朵浪花都为沙滩而而涌,不是每颗星星都为谧夜而明,不是每次细雨都为麦苗而落,但我的信息只为你的快乐而来。 Not every waves for beach and chung, not every star Ming for mi night, not every rain fall for wheat seeding, but my message for you when you're happy。

6、云淡风轻,雪落悄然无声。水过无痕,细雨敲打心扉。思念深深,穿越千山万水。电波连线,心桥沟通南北。笑声阵阵,友情正在升温。周末快乐! And light snow fell silent。 Water non-trace, rain beating heart。 So deeply, through the mountains。 Waves of attachment, the heart bridge communication between the north and the south。 The laughs, friendship is heating up。 Happy weekend!

7、人在江湖走,该出手时要出手;不向过去回首,不向苦难低头;面对林立的高楼,勇敢的大声吼:我就是我的对手!朋友,我们一起加油。 The people in jianghu, moves when to sell; Not to look back the past, do not bow to the suffering; In the face of a forest of tall buildings, brave loudly shout: I am my opponent! Friends, together we come on。

8、人生是船,生活是水,由生活载起我们的人生,人生是船,梦想是岸,由梦想做为我们人生的目标,请好好生活,早日达到梦想彼岸。 Life is a boat, the life is water, the live load on our life, life is a boat, the dream is to shore, the dream as the goal of our life, please have a good life, achieve the dream other shore at an early date。

9、以前我不知道这世界上还有你;后来我知道了,我就一直在人群中不停地找寻你;现在,我找到你了,所以我决定我将一辈子爱着你! I don't know this world have you before; Later I know, I have been kept looking for you in the crowd; Now, I find you, so I decided I will forever love you!

10、你歪才高八斗,浅见盖九州,好闲又游手,事业却上游,包里无钱币,支票成捆搂,身体不锻炼,一脚踢死牛,幸福不太长,只是到永久。祝你周末快乐! You cant production, shallow cover kyushu, good idle, swam hand, career is the upstream, bag without money, t他检查捆绑包,进行体育锻炼,不要踢死牛,幸福不是太久,只是永远。祝你周末快乐!上一页​​ 1 2下一页

11、你笑,全世界都跟着你笑;你哭,全世界只有你一人哭。不是环境决定心情,而是心情决定着环境,学会乐观,愿你笑容永远灿烂!早安。 You laugh, the world follow you smile; You cry, the world only you a person cry。 Rather than environment decided to the mood, the mood depends on the environment, learn to optimism, bright smile to you forever! Good morning。

12、候渐渐包含暖意,既然夏季就要远去,为何不把疲惫转移,转作快乐动力,转作幸福话语,转作周末放松身心的惬意,朋友,周末愉快。 Syndrome include warmth, gradually since the summer must be far away, why don't you transfer tired, turn for happiness, be happy words, turn over the weekend to relax, friends, have a nice weekend。

13、冬日一抹艳阳,铺满生活喜气洋洋,冬日一把烟火,燃烧生活色彩斑斓,冬日一条短信,祝福生活如意甜蜜。周末快乐。 On the winter sun, spread full life cheery, winter a fireworks, burning life colorful, wintry day a text message, bless the best sweet life。 Happy weekend。

14、别因忙碌冷淡了快乐,别因工作压缩了生活,花点心思捕捉快乐,寻点方法派遣寂寞,抽个时间和我联络,祝你快乐在每个周末! Don't happy for busy cold, don't work for compressing the life, spend a few idea to capture happiness, find some method to send lonely, smoke a time and I contact, wish you happy in every weekend!

15、启禀陛下,臣有事要“周”:昔千里送鹅毛,犹情深意重深似海;今短信送祝福,非知心朋友不为。发者欣欣,收者陶陶。 Report to my majesty, I have something to "week" : once upon thousands of miles to send goose feather, connection of deep as the sea; This message to send blessings, a bosom friend。 Hair is yan yan, lower-income some ceramic。

16、周一,平路走,周二,在爬坡,周三,正登山。无限风光在险峰。愿你越过所有的沟坎、曲折、河流、险滩,赏到人生最美的风景。 On Monday, ping road, on Tuesday, in climbing, on Wednesday, are climbing。 Infinite scene in the perilous peak。 Wishing you all trench, twists and turns, over rivers, rapids, enjoy the life the most beautiful scenery。

17、周末心情,多云间晴。微风拂过,心胸开阔。约几好友,旅旅游游,看山看水,赏川赏月,开心一切。祝你周末好心情。 Sunny mood over the weekend, it's cloudy。 A breeze through, open-minded。 About a few friends, brigade tourism to swim, see mountain see water, enjoy sichuan and enjoy the happy things。 I wish you good mood this weekend。

18、唐僧祝你一生幸福,悟空祝你身体健康,沙僧祝你好运连连,八戒,我们大家都这么关心你,开心吗? Tang's monk wish your whole life happiness, the wu is empty I wish you a healthy body, the sand monk wish you good luck, eight quit, we all care about you, so happy?

19、在男人的世界里,只有更稳定,才出众。只有不走寻常路,张开理想的翅膀飞越无限,才是我们我们正在努力的方向。 In the world of men, only more stable, is outstanding。 Only don't walk unusual road, open the ideal wings fly over infinite, is our direction we're working on。

20、嫁人要嫁灰太狼,做人要做懒羊羊,处事要学喜羊羊,长相貌若美羊羊, Marry marry Wolffy, be an upright person should do a lazy sheep sheep, play to learn pleasant goat, if long looks beautiful sheep sheep, happy happy life and happiness。 Weekend, is please。 I wish a happy weekend!

21、孤单的夜不做孤单的人,有晚风和你嬉闹,有小虫陪你做伴,还有我的祝福短信,让你一夜美梦到天亮! Lonely night do not lonely, have night breeze frolicking with you, have a bug with you company, and my blessing SMS, let your dreams to the night!

22、快乐像浪花,退去了还留下笑语声声;幸福像阳光,洒身上更觉得倍加温暖;祝福像轻风,追寻你送一份美丽心情!祝你周末愉快! Happiness like waves, recede the leaves laughter sound; Happiness is like the sun, sprinkled with more think more warmth; Greeting like a breeze, after you send a beautiful mood! I wish you a happy weekend!

23、愿朋友们在你悲痛的时刻给你力量,愿信念给你的每一个明天带来希望。 May friends in your time of sorrow give you strength, may faith give you hope for every tomorrow。

24、我不是将军,但我是一个想当将军的士兵。我有志气,有毅力,有干劲,有胆魄,早晚有一天,我会一览众山小! I'm not the general, but I am a want to be a general soldiers。 I have a strong willpower, perseverance, drive, have boldness, sooner or later one day, I can see the mountains small!

25、我不知如何用期待的心为你祝福,在繁忙的工作中请接受我真挚的诚意和问候! I don't know how to use forward heart bless for you, in the busy work please accept my sincere sincerity and greetings!

26、打开手机,收获我的祝福;电话响起,品味想你的心;看看短信,接收我的问候;周末来临,短信发发,只为送上祝福,愿你开心快乐。 Open the phone, my blessing; Phone rings, want to taste your heart; Look at SMS, receive my greetings; Weekend comes, SMS send, just to send blessings, I wish you a happy happy。

27、新的一年,大家又拥有一个新的跑道,新的起跑线。愿你跑得最快,最成功! The New Year, everybody has a new runway, a new starting line。 The fastest to you, the most successful!

28、早上醒来笑一笑,心情快乐精神好;活络胫骨扭扭腰,生活健康每一秒;事业芝麻节节高,好运连连天天妙!愿清晨好心情,早安! Wake up in the morning smile, the mood happy spirit is good; Adjustable twisting, tibia waist, healthy life every second; Cause sesame successively high, good luck every day wonderful! Wish a good mood in the morning, good morning!

29、星期天的阳光非常的sunny,女朋友约你去shopping,兄弟约你去party,一天的生活真的很happy,祝你年年有今日,岁岁有今朝。 Sunshine very sunny on Sunday, about your girlfriend to go shopping, brother, you go to the party, a day of life is really very happy, wish you have today year after year, year has today。

30、春困秋乏真是累,上班光想打瞌睡,泡上一杯茉莉花,去去心火解解乏,遇事不要结疙瘩,四处转转说说话,祝你万事如意! Autumn chunkun spent is really tired, work light want to nap, a cup of jasmine, go to heart on the fatigue, he don't knot knot, the talk around, wish you all the best!

31、晴天气温攀升快,高温时刻少出外,注意要防晒;今天骤雨急又快,出门记得把伞带,千万别淋坏。祝你清凉一夏,新的一周,工作愉快! Sunny the temperature rising fast, high temperature point out less, attention to prevent bask in; Today, showers and fast, go out remember to bring an umbrella, don't bad。 I wish you a cool summer, a new week, a happy work!

32、最大的敌人莫过于自己,最大的缺点莫过于知错未改,谁都不是生下来就是天才,成功就要战胜自己,跨过坎坷。 The biggest enemy is yourself, the biggest drawback is mistakes and did not change, who are not born to be a genius, success is to conquer yourself, across the obstacles。

33、有三个字藏在心中很久,哽住了喉咙总是说不出口,求上天能给我多些勇气,想要捧一颗真心给你,然后大声说:起床啦! Have three words hidden in the heart for a long time, the throat choking always said do not export, pray god can give me more courage, want to hold a sincerely to you, and then said with a loud voice, get up!

34、没有不劳而获,没有坐享其成,若比别人贪心,请比别人用心,一分耕耘一分收获,在这里祝你一路发发发发发。 If no something for nothing, no sense of greedy than others, please than others by heart, no pain, no gain。 No pains, no gains, here I wish you a have a have a hair。

35、没有约定,相识在茫茫人海;没有许诺,相互能彼此关爱;没有伪装,把真诚写在心间;没有誓言,让友情延续永远! There is no agreement, get to know each other in the boundless and indistinct; There is no promise, to love each other each other; No disguise, write sincere in heart; No oath, let friendship last forever!

36、爱神丘比特偏偏看上了你,犒劳忙碌一周的你,准备赐你一个艳遇。命令你必须愉快的度过周末,等待下周的“奇遇”! Cupid must have a crush on you, treat you busy week, ready to give you an affair。 Command must be happy you spend the weekend, waiting for next week's "adventure"!

37、生活忙碌才精彩,人生挑战才完美,爱情顺利才如意,事业进取才成功,有得有失才是生活,祝福你周末万事如意! Busy life was wonderful, the challenge only then to be perfect in life, love the smooth, business enterprise to succeed, the trade-off is the life, wish you all the best weekend!

38、生活有苦有甜,才叫完整;爱情有闹有和,才叫情趣;心情有悲有喜,才叫体会;日子有阴有晴,才叫自然。愿每天有笑有乐!早安! Life is bitter is sweet, is complete; Love it and, just call interest; Now have a tragic mood,'s experience; The day is cloudy and sunny, is natural。 Would like to have a laugh with joy every day! Good morning!

39、祝你生日健康愉快,祝你天天健康愉快,愿你一切愿望都能实现。 I wish you a happy birthday healthy, wish you health happy every day, may all your wishes come true。

40、美丽的心情在每分每秒放晴,思念的味道在每时每刻加深;天气虽然是寒冷的,但是每个人的心里却是温暖的,愿天天好心情快乐每一天! Beautiful mood in the every minutefine, missing the taste in every moment; Although the weather is cold, but in every man's heart is warm, let a good mood every day happy every day!

41、花瓣雨飘过,把花心留给你,四季风吹过,把枫叶留给你,当月潮涌过把欢乐留给你,夜深人静时刻,把深深的祝福留给你,天气多变,注意身体! Petals drifts, leave the flower heart to you, four monsoon blow, leave you maple leaf, the snow-covered leave the joy with you during the month, night time, leave the deeply wishes to you, the weather is changeable, pay attention to the body!

42、虽然言语不能表达内心欲诉的哀愁,仍愿你知道朋友们今天都为你分忧。 Though words cannot express the thoughts the heart would like to say, still may you know what friends are for your sorrows today。

43、走不完的路程停一停,忙不完的工作放一放,接不完的应酬丢一丢,干不尽的事情留一留。周末又来到,轻松跟着走,愿你心情美丽无忧愁! Go not over of pauses, busy not over of work put a put, pick up dinner party lost a lost, do not keep。 Weekend came again, easy to follow, I wish you a beautiful mood, no sorrow!

44、轮船需要靠岸,渔夫需要收网,大海偶尔落潮。朋友凡事别过度了,对身体不好,周末了放纵一下自己,可以潇洒潇洒! Need to draw the ship need to dock, fishermen, the sea ebb occasionally。 Friends don't overdo it, everything is bad to the body, the weekend to pamper yourself, can be natural and unrestrained handsome!

45、送你一缕清风,带去凉爽;送你一丝细雨,带去清醒;送你一份问候,带去温暖。周末啦,祝开开心心、快快乐乐! Send you a wisp of breeze, bring cool; Send you a drizzle, to awake; Send you a greeting, with warmth。 Weekend, I wish a happy, happy!
