1、一场阴差阳错,半生苍海浮沉。 It's a blunder, a half life sea.

2、不要着急,最好的终会出现。 Don't worry, the best will come.

3、不要试图去拥有我,这样就很好。 Don't try to have me, it's good.

4、世间孝子易求,家中慈孙难得。 The filial son in the world is easy to seek, and the kind grandchildren in the family are rare.

5、人生感意气,功名谁复论! The sense of life, the sense of spirit, the reputation of who to discuss!

6、人间不值得,但你值得。 The world is not worth it, but you are.

7、什么都可以错,别再错过我。 Anything can be wrong. Don't miss me again.

8、今夜独自流泪的我,谁来陪。 Tonight alone tears of me, who will accompany.

9、佛渡不了的天下,由我来渡。 I will cross the world where the Buddha cannot cross.

10、你哪里都好,只是无缘到老。 You are good everywhere, but you are not destined to grow old.

11、做一个让男人,不放心的女人。 Be a woman who makes men uneasy.

12、入我相思病门,知我相思苦。 Enter my lovesickness door, know my lovesickness bitterness.

13、再见,我生命中致命的过客。 Goodbye, a deadly passer-by in my life.

14、别人的爱情,总是比自己的美好。 The love of others is always better than their own.

15、别跟我开玩笑,我不擅长。 Don't make fun of me. I'm not good at it.

16、千学不如一看,千看不如一练。 It's better to look at a thousand studies than to practice.

17、只是沉迷,曾经的,甜言蜜语。 Just addicted, once, sweet talk.

18、只有你。心里装的满满是你。 only you. My heart is full of you.

19、回忆不动,我却泪流不止。 Memories do not move, but I have tears.

20、回忆太痛,只因相遇太美。 Memories are too painful, only because of meeting too beautiful.

21、在你眼光,我看不到一丝在乎。 In your eyes, I can't see a trace of care.

22、在同一座城市,为何好久不见。 Why haven't you seen each other for a long time in the same city.

23、天作孽犹可恕,自作孽不可活。 God can forgive evil, but he can't live.

24、如果爱了,那就大胆的爱。 If you love, love boldly.

25、宁可悔了改,不可做了悔。 I would rather regret the change than regret.

26、已习惯这样,又何必计较。 I'm used to it. Why bother.

27、幼年有泪无忧,晚年有忧无泪。 When you are young, you have tears. When you are old, you have tears.

28、开学愿左学霸右班草。 At the beginning of the school, I would like to learn from left to right.

29、忘了全世界,唯独记得你旳微笑。 Forget the world, only remember your smile.

30、怪就怪我去人一颗太狠的心脏。 It's my fault to have a cruel heart.

31、悬崖旳边缘,崩溃旳极点。 The edge of the cliff, the end of the collapse.

32、想太多,会导致更多问题。 Thinking too much will lead to more problems.

33、愿岁月可回首,且以深情共白头。 May the years be looked back, and with deep feelings, all the white heads.

34、我们爱的,只不过是过往曾经。 We love only the past.

35、我冷血无情,你功不可没。 I'm cold-blooded and heartless. You've done a lot.

36、我可以陪你去看星星。 I can accompany you to see the stars.

37、我给你指条明路,来我心里! I'll show you a clear way, come to my heart!

38、我要睡觉了!因为梦里全是你! I'm going to bed! Because it's all about you!

39、我这么爱他,他却这样对我。 I love him so much, but he treats me like this.

40、挥挥手,两个人就这么再见了。 Wave your hand. We'll see each other again.

41、时过境迁,什么都回不到从前。 Time goes by, nothing goes back.

42、曾经拥有的,不要忘记。 Once owned, do not forget.

43、最美的时光,是有你的陪伴。 The most beautiful time is to have your company.

44、最近总是失眠,16小时就醒一次。 I've been insomnia recently. I wake up in 16 hours.

45、没你,我的世界依然精彩! Without you, my world is still wonderful!

46、烟霞闲骨格,泉石野生涯。 The haze is free and the stone is wild.

47、爱人在身旁,处处是天堂。 Love is by your side, heaven is everywhere.

48、爱就疯狂,不爱就坚强。 Love is crazy, love is strong.

49、爱情就像演戏,从来都需要演技。 Love is like acting. It always needs acting.

50、真正的爱情足以够打败时间。 True love is enough to beat time.

51、眼中的酸痛继续我的洒脱。 The pain in my eyes continued to be free and easy.

52、短的是生命,长的是磨难。 The short is life, the long is suffering.

53、笑口常开,好彩自然来! Smile often, good color comes naturally!

54、等我鼓足勇气再与你相爱。 I will love you when I have courage.

55、花为何到死,才可以飞翔。 Why can flowers fly until they die.

56、读十年语文,不如聊半年微信! Reading Chinese for ten years is better than chatting with wechat for half a year!

57、路可以回头看,却不可以回头走。 The road can look back, but not go back.

58、青春正年少,应该大声笑。 Youth is young, we should laugh loudly.

59、静静的沉默,融化了以往的执着。 Silent silence, melting the past persistent.

60、黯然销魂者,唯别而已矣。 Those who are gloomy and enchanted are only others.