1、不想吃智力上的苦,就要吃体力上的苦,这两种你肯定要选一种。 If you don't want to suffer intellectually, you have to suffer physically. You must choose one of the two.


3、人生并不是什么都准备好了才去做?而是一边做一边准备着。 Life is not everything ready to do? It's about preparing as you do it.

4、你不会自然而然的变好,你会变好是因为你愿意努力。 You don't get better automatically, you get better because you are willing to work hard.

5、你要强大到让自己羡慕自己,让自己佩服自己。 You should be strong enough to make yourself admire and admire yourself. Don't choose to escape, it will only make you in a more difficult situation.

6、如果你自己都没有尽全力,那你有什么资格抱怨生活不公平呢? If you don't do your best, what right do you have to complain about the unfairness of life?

7、希望你可以珍惜每一分每一秒,因为时间就是你反败为胜的资本。 I hope you can cherish every minute, because time is your capital.

8、希望你拥有不到黄河心不死的毅力,而不是间接性的三天打鱼两天晒网。 I hope you have the perseverance of the Yellow River, not the indirect three-day fishing and two-day net drying.

9、成功不是突然间就会有的,而是你从做的那一刻慢慢累积的。 It's not a sudden accumulation of success, but a sudden accumulation of success.

10、有付出不一定会有回报,但没付出一定没有回报。 There will be no return if you pay, but there will be no return if you don't pay.

11、永远不要给自己的懒惰找借口,不然你会养成习惯的。 Never make excuses for your laziness, or you will get into the habit.

12、注意你的思想,因为它能影响你的行为,注意你的行为,因为它能影响你的习惯,注意你的习惯,因为它能影响你的一生。 Pay attention to your mind, because it can affect your behavior, pay attention to your behavior, because it can affect your habits, pay attention to your habits, because it can affect your life.

13、苦难总会过去的,剩下来的就是美好。 Suffering will always pass, the rest is good.

14、面对困难,要么迎难而上,要么想个办法绕过去,总之就是不能放弃。 In the face of difficulties, we should either face them or find a way to get around them. In a word, we can't give up.
