1、和和美美,红红火火! And beauty, red fire!

2、您用您毕生的力量,灌溉着我生存的土壤。 You irrigate the soil that I live with your life.

3、感谢您的付出,愿您健康幸福! Thank you for your dedication, may you be healthy and happy!

4、愿您事事顺心,大吉大利。 May everything be easy for you, and be very lucky.

5、愿您勇往直前,快乐连连! May you go forward and be happy!

6、愿您吉星高照,好运常伴。 May you be lucky and lucky.

7、愿您幸福,开心,顺顺利利。 May you be happy, happy and smooth and profitable.

8、愿您开心幸福,平安围绕。 May you be happy and happy and surrounded by peace.

9、愿您拥抱快乐心情,幸福不断。 May you embrace the happy mood and keep happy.

10、愿您父亲节快乐,幸福连绵。 May your father's day be happy and happy.

11、愿您:生活美好,父亲节快乐! May you: a good life, happy father's Day!

12、我是航船,你便是帆,送我远航到天边。 I am a boat, you are a sail, and I will be sent to the sky.

13、我是风筝,你便是线,时时刻刻把我牵。 I am a kite, you are the line, always lead me.

14、我最亲爱的爸爸,我爱你,父亲节快乐! My dearest dad, I love you, happy father's Day!

15、父亲我爱你!祝父亲节快乐! Father, I love you! Happy father's Day!

16、父亲是一座山,让你攀升领略山顶的风光。 Father is a mountain, let you climb to appreciate the scenery of the mountain top.

17、父亲是一首温馨的歌谣,让生活总是快乐。 Father is a warm ballad, making life always happy.

18、父亲节了,幸福快乐莫错过! Father's day, happiness and happiness do not miss!

19、父亲节了,说声爱您,像您爱着我! Father's day, said love you, like you love me!

20、父亲节到了,愿您好运气,快乐永相聚。 Father's Day is here. I wish you luck and have a happy reunion.

21、父亲节到了,愿您轻松快乐! Father's Day is here. May you be happy and relaxed!

22、父亲节到了,祝您幸福快乐! Father's Day is here. I wish you happiness and happiness!

23、父亲节心情好,天天没烦恼。 Father's Day is in a good mood, and there is no trouble every day.

24、父亲节快乐,好运连连! Happy father's day, good luck!

25、父亲节放松一下,祝您一切顺利! Relax father's day. I wish you all the best!

26、父亲节至,祝爸爸平安、健康。 Father's day, wish Dad peace and health.

27、父亲节要来到,开心快乐离不了! Father's Day is coming, happy and happy can not leave!

28、父亲节,愿父亲多点快乐,少点鸭梨! Father's day, I wish my father more happy, less pear!

29、父亲节,祝你的父亲和你健康长寿、快乐幸福! Father's day, wish your father and you a long, healthy, happy life!

30、父亲节,祝您工作愉快。 Father's day, have a good job.

31、父亲节,祝您幸福无边! Father's day, I wish you happiness!

32、父亲节,让幸福洗净父亲的惆怅,神采奕奕。 Father's day, let happiness clean father's melancholy, bright.

33、父爱像冬日暖阳,温馨散发光芒。 Father love is like warm sun in winter, warm and radiant.

34、父爱像夏日小雨,丝丝给予你我凉爽。 Father love like summer rain, silk gives you I cool.

35、父爱如同天广,愿父亲幸福安享。 Father love is like the sky wide, wish father happiness and peace.

36、父爱宛若地阔,愿父亲健康快乐。 Father love is like a vast land, may father be healthy and happy.

37、父爱是一句祝福的话,镌刻岁月的始终。 Father love is a blessing words, engraved years of the always.

38、父爱是壮行酒,懦弱时给予无穷胆量。 Father love is a wine of great deeds, and gives infinite courage when cowardly.

39、父爱,如青松样苍翠而挺拔。祝您节日快乐! Father love, like pine like green and upright. I wish you a happy holiday!

40、爸爸、妈妈,祝你们身体永远健康,天天快乐。 Father and mother, I wish you health forever and have a happy day.

41、爸爸的关怀像一把伞,为我遮蔽风雨。 My father's care is like an umbrella, covering the rain and rain for me.

42、爸爸的教诲像一盏灯,为我照亮前程。 My father's instruction is like a lamp, which lights up my future.

43、爸爸,你在我心中永远是最好的。 Dad, you are always the best in my heart.

44、爸爸,你在我心中永远是最好的。节日快乐! Dad, you are always the best in my heart. Happy holidays!

45、爸爸,您是我的榜样,我要像您一样勇敢刚强。 Dad, you are my example. I want to be brave and strong as you.

46、爸,您辛苦了,请保重身体! Dad, you are hard. Please take care of your health!

47、祝您父亲节开心,惬意逍遥! I wish you a happy father's day and a happy time!

48、祝您父亲节快乐!一帆风顺。 Happy father's Day! everything is going smoothly.

49、祝您父亲节快乐,事事如愿。 I wish you a happy father's day and wish everything.

50、祝您父亲节快乐,幸福围绕! Wish you a happy father's day and a happy circle!

51、祝您父亲节快乐,生活幸福! Wish you a happy father's day and a happy life!

52、祝您父亲节愉快,一帆风顺! I wish you a happy father's day and a smooth journey!

53、祝您父亲节愉快,一生幸福! I wish you a happy father's day and a happy life!

54、祝您父亲节愉快,年年好运! Good father's day and good luck every year!

55、祝您父亲节愉快,幸福百倍! I wish you a happy father's day and a hundred times happiness!

56、祝您父亲节愉快,快乐相伴! I wish you a happy father's day and a happy company!

57、祝您父亲节愉快,步步高升! I wish you a happy father's day and step by step!

58、祝您身体健康,父亲节快乐! Wish you good health and happy father's Day!

59、祝您身体好,耳清目明身康健。 I wish you good health and a clear ear.

60、祝父亲节好心情,开开心心! Wish father's day a good mood, happy heart!

61、祝父亲节开心快乐,无烦恼。 Wish father's day a happy and happy day without trouble.

62、祝父亲节愉快,事业顺利! Wish father's day a happy and successful career!

63、祝福父亲节快乐,幸福健康。 Wish father's day a happy, happy and healthy.

64、祝老公父亲节快乐!愿你平安健康顺利。 Happy father's Day! May you be safe and healthy.

65、老爸!父亲节到啦!祝您身体健康,天天快乐! daddy! Father's Day is here! Wish you good health and happy every day!

66、老爸,辛苦了!祝您节日快乐! Dad, it's hard! I wish you a happy holiday!

67、谢谢你父亲,祝你健康平安,鸿运当头! Thank you father. I wish you health and safety. Good luck!

68、赏赏最美的霞光,愿父亲健健康康。 Enjoy the most beautiful sunshine, wish father healthy and healthy.

69、迎来快乐的今天,祝父亲节开心! Welcome to a happy day, wish father's day a happy day!

70、送上一个祝福,愿您身体健康,一切顺心。 Send a blessing, may you be healthy and happy.